MEA Catalogue 2018_032018 - online


BRS Embryology, 6th Edition Ronald Dudek

This updated Sixth Edition of BRS Embryology is designed to help students succeed on the USMLE and course exams. Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy- to-scan outline format, this best selling book includes over 220 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations, as well as exams at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book. Enhanced by outstanding radiographs, sonograms, computed tomography scans, and clinical photographs of various congenital malformations, this proven book covers the facts and concepts tested on the USMLE within the context of human embryologic development. 978-1-4511-9038-0 / 336 pp / Apr 2014


Langman’s Medical Embryology, 14th Edition T. W. Sadler

Langman’s Medical Embryology , helps medical, nursing, and health professions students develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. This edition features more than 100 new and updated illustrations, additional clinical images and photos of early embryologic development, an expanded chapter on the cardiovascular system. In addition, online teaching and learning resources include the fully searchable text online, as well as an interactive Quiz Bank for students and also an image bank. 978-1-4963-8390-7 / 432 pp / Dec 2018

Langman’s Medical Embryology, 13th Edition T. W. Sadler

Langman’s Medical Embryology , helps medical, nursing, and health professions students develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. This edition features more than 100 new and updated illustrations, additional clinical images and photos of early embryologic development, an expanded chapter on the cardiovascular system. In addition, online teaching and learning resources include the fully searchable text online, as well as an interactive Quiz Bank for students and also an image bank. 978-1-4698-9780-6 / 400 pp / Dec 2014


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