Look inside the book: Nursing 2025-2026 Drug Handbook



➤ Hypoparathyroidism, pseudohy poparathyroidism

nephrocalcinosis, hypercalciuria, decreased libido, UTI. Hepatic: increased transami nases. Metabolic: weight loss, dehydration, hypercholesterolemia. Musculoskeletal: bone and muscle pain, arrested growth. Skin: pruritus, skin discomfort at application area or injection site. Other: hyperthermia. INTERACTIONS Drug-drug. Aluminum hydroxide: May in crease aluminum level. Don’t use together. Calcium supplements: May increase risk of hypercalcemia. Avoid unmonitored calcium use. Cardiac glycosides: May increase risk of arrhythmias. Monitor therapy. Cholestyramine, colestipol, excessive use of mineral oil: May decrease absorption of oral vitamin D analogues. Avoid use together. Corticosteroids: May diminish vitamin D analogue effects. Monitor therapy. Magnesium-containing antacids: Maycause hypermagnesemia, especially in patients with KF. Avoid use together. Phenobarbital, phenytoin: May accelerate metabolism of calcitriol. Dose may need to be increased. Phosphate binders (lanthanum carbonate, sevelamer): May alter phosphate level. Moni tor phosphate level and adjust binder dosage, asneeded. Sucralfate: May increase serum sucralfate and aluminum levels. Avoid use together. Thiazide, thiazide-like diuretics: Maycause hypercalcemia. Use together cautiously. VitaminD: May cause additive effects and hypercalcemia. Avoid use together. EFFECTS ON LAB TEST RESULTS • May increase AST, ALT, BUN, creatinine, cholesterol, urine albumin, and calcium levels. CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS • Contraindicated in patients with hyper calcemia or vitamin D toxicity. Withhold all preparations containing vitamin D. • Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or its components or to drugs in the same class. • Use cautiously in patients with sarcoidosis or hyperparathyroidism. • Dialyzable drug: Unknown. • H Overdose S&S: Hypercalcemia, hyperphos phatemia, hypercalciuria.

Adults and children ages 6 and older: Ini tially, 0.25 mcg PO daily in the morning. Dosage may be increased at 2- to 4-week in tervals. Maintenance dosage, 0.5 to 2 mcg PO daily. ➤ Hypoparathyroidism Children ages 1 to 5: 0.25 to 0.75 mcg PO daily. ➤ Mild to moderate plaque psoriasis Adults and children ages 7 and older: Ap ply ointment topically to affected area b.i.d., morning and evening. Maximum weekly dose, 200 g. Children ages 2 to 6: Apply ointment top ically to affected area b.i.d., morning and evening. Maximum weekly dose, 100 g. ADMINISTRATION PO • Give drug without regard for food. IV Give by rapid injection through catheter at Incompatibilities: None listed by manu facturer. Consult drug compatibility refer ence for more information. Topical • Topical form isn’t for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Don’t use on facial skin. • Gently rub into skin until no longer visible. • Don’t apply an occlusive dressing. ACTION Stimulates calcium absorption from GI tract and promotes movement of calcium from bone to blood. Route Onset Peak Duration PO 2–6 hr 3–6 hr 3–5 days IV Immediate Unknown 3–5 days Topical Unknown Unknown Unknown Half-life: 5 to 8 hours. ADVERSE REACTIONS CNS: headache, somnolence, weakness, irritability, apathy. CV: HTN, arrhythmias. EENT: conjunctivitis, photophobia, dry mouth, metallic taste, rhinorrhea. GI: nau sea, vomiting, constipation, polydipsia, pancreatitis, anorexia, abdominal pain, epi gastric discomfort. GU: polyuria, nocturia, end of hemodialysis session. Discard unused portion. Store at room temperature.


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Off-label use

Do not crush

*Liquid contains alcohol


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