LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022
Martin’s Physical Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7th Edition Patrick Sinko 978-1-4963-5344-3 / 672pp / December 2016
Applied Therapeutics, 11th Edition Caroline Zeind 978-1-4963-5379-5 / 2000pp / December 2017
Martin’s Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is considered the most comprehensive text available on the physical, chemical, and biological principles that underlie pharmacology. This Seventh Edition puts a stronger focus on the most essential, practical knowledge, and is updated to reflect the broadening scope and diversity of the pharmaceutical sciences.
Continually revised and updated for over 40 years, Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs is the gold standard for patient-centred drug therapeutics. With its acclaimed case-based approach, the Eleventh Edition promotes mastery and application of the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Featuring contributions from more than 200 experienced clinicians, every chapter has been revised and updated to reflect our ever-changing knowledge of drugs and the application of this knowledge to the individualized therapy of patients. As you progress from the General Principles section to chapters on specific diseases, you will benefit from practical problem-solving techniques that help you devise effective evidence-based drug treatment plans.
Handbook of Applied Therapeutics, 9th Edition Burgunda Sweet, Brian Alldredge, Robin Corelli, Michael Ernst & Joseph Guglielmo 978-1-4511-9345-9 / 800pp / March 2015
This must-have resource for students and practicing clinicians alike, presents drug- related content in a bulleted, tabular, quick-access format to support therapeutic decision-making at the point-of-care. The updated Ninth Edition provides in-depth information on the latest drug treatments for more than 85 diseases and conditions, including heart failure, schizophrenia, viral hepatitis, and diabetes mellitus.
Essentials of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, 2nd Edition Thomas Tozer & Malcolm Rowland 978-1-4511-9442-5 / 408pp / September 2015
This text helps students and healthcare professionals master the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Written by distinguished international experts, it provides readers with an introduction to the basic principles underlying the establishment and individualization of dosage regimens and their optimal use in drug therapy. Examples feature currently prescribed drugs illustrate how pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics relate to contemporary drug therapy. Activities at the end of each chapter help students and professionals gain a firm grasp of the material covered within the text.
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