LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022



Middle Range Theories, 5th Edition Sandra Peterson & Timothy S Bredow 978-1-9751-5424-0 / 376pp / January 2020


NEW Designing Clinical Research, 5th Edition Warren S Browner, Thomas B Newman, Steven R. Cummings & Deborah G Grady 978-1-9751-7440-8 / 400pp / April 2022

The most complete and detailed book devoted to middle range theories, Middle Range Theories : Application to Nursing Research and Practice delivers expert advice on selecting the appropriate theory for a nursing research project and helps students develop the critical thinking skills needed to effectively critique theories. Each theory chapter details examples of the theory’s use in research and its application to clinical practice, as well as critical thinking exercises and a variety of essential tools for the nurse researcher. This Fifth Edition is updated with valuable project management guidance detailing everything students need to confidently plan, manage and evaluate a project.

For more than 30 years, Designing Clinical Research has set the standard as the most practical, authoritative guide for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other practitioners involved in all forms of clinical and public health research. Using a reader-friendly writing style, Drs. Warren S. Browner, Thomas B. Newman, Steven R. Cummings, Deborah G. Grady, Alison J. Huang, Alka M. Kanaya, and Mark J. Pletcher, all of the University of California, San Francisco, provide up- to-date, commonsense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing a study. This state-of-the-art 5th edition features new figures, tables, and design, as well as new editors, new content, and extensively updated references to keep you current.

NEW Essentials of Nursing Research, 10th Edition Denise Polit & Cheryl Beck 978-1-9751-4188-2 / 448pp / February 2021

Updated to reflect the latest innovations in research methods, this worldwide bestseller helps students learn how to read and critically appraise research reports, speak the language of nursing research, and develop an appreciation of research to enhance nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck clearly and concisely present research essentials, dig into the research steps, and explore quantitative and qualitative research to ignite student curiosity and encourage students to pursue a professional pathway that incorporates thoughtful and effective appraisals of evidence.

Munro’s Statistical Methods for Health Care Research, 6th Edition Stacey Kellar & Elizabeth Kelvin 978-1-4511-8794-6 / 576pp / September 2012

This text provides students with a solid foundation for understanding data analysis and specific statistical techniques. Focusing on the most current and frequently used statistical methods in today’s health care literature, the book covers essential material for a variety of program levels including in-depth courses beyond the basic statistics course. Well-organized, clear text discussions and great learning tools help students overcome the complexities and fully comprehend the concepts of this often intimidating area of study.

Nursing Research, 11th Edition Denise Polit & Cheryl Beck 978-1-9751-5414-1 / 814pp / February 2020

Make nursing research approachable with the authoritative resource for nursing graduate students. This best-selling text features the latest methodologic innovations in nursing, medicine, and the social sciences delivered in a user- friendly writing style to help students master research methods, confidently critique research reports, and apply evidence-based findings in clinical practice. The extensively revised Eleventh Edition retains the helpful features, pedagogy, and clean design that have made the book a classic and introduces two new chapters reflecting the growing importance of applicability, generalizability, relevance, and quality improvement and improvement science.



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