LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022



Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! 6th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-4963-9824-6 / 616pp / November 2018



Stressed about the ins and outs of pathophysiology? Gain confidence, with the newly updated Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Easy! ®, Sixth Edition. Offering helpful learning aids that boost your understanding and retention, this colorfully illustrated, enjoyable text offers all the vitals: cell development, the infection process, cancer warning signs, abnormal cell growth, and more. Packed with easy-to-remember definitions and plentiful illustrations, this supportive guide is the ideal study partner and on-the-job reference for new nurses, students, and all healthcare practitioners.

Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition Susan Dudek 978-1-9751-7279-4 / 656pp / July 2021

Reflecting the latest evidence-based practice and nutrition recommendations, the Ninth Edition of Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice prepares tomorrow’s nurses to confidently understand and apply nutrition theory for safe, effective client care throughout the nursing scope of practice. Engaging case studies and a concise, student-friendly format help nursing students easily master need-to- know information and facilitate nutrition at every step of the nursing process, from assessment and nursing diagnoses to implementation and evaluation.

Porth’s Essentials of Pathophysiology, 5th Edition Tommie L. Norris 978-1-9751-0723-9 / 1248pp / October 2019

Prepare for your future nursing career with Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States . This clear, readable, and student-friendly text delivers “need to know” disease content along with the essential foundation in science that students need to succeed in their future careers. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works. The Fifth Edition, which is based on the comprehensive Porth’s Pathophysiology, 10th edition, includes a dynamic art program, unit-opening case studies, and lifespan content threaded throughout. 3D animations online and a brilliant art program enhance the learning experience.



Applied Pathophysiology, 4th Edition Judi Nath & Carie Braun 978-1-9751-7928-1 / 600pp / February 2022

Thoroughly updated and informed by the latest research-based evidence, Applied Pathophysiology: A Conceptual Approach, Fourth Edition, employs a unique, body function framework to not only deliver the conceptual knowledge students need but also the critical thinking and clinical confidence to effectively apply their understanding to practice. This novel approach instills a deeper understanding of altered human function than traditional memorization, empowering students to achieve optimal client outcomes in the management of a wide range of diseases.

Porth’s Pathophysiology, Concepts of Altered Health States, 10th Edition Tommie L. Norris & Lalchandani, Rupa 978-1-4963-7759-3 / 1688pp / October 2018

The Tenth edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States continues a legacy of excellence by providing comprehensive, nursing focused coverage designed to help grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. The book’s unique emphasis on “concepts” of altered health states, as opposed to factual descriptions of diseases and disorders, helps students grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health.



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