LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022




Leadership & Management, Issues & Trends

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, 8th Edition Margaret Andrews , Joyceen Boyle & John Collins 978-1-9751-2543-1 / 476pp / October 2019


Gerontological Nursing, 10th Edition Charlotte Eliopoulos 978-1-9751-6777-6 / 576pp / March 2021

Ensure Culturally Competent, Contextually Meaningful Care for Every Patient. Rooted in cultural assessment and trusted for its proven approach, Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care is your key to ensuring safe, ethical and effective care to diverse cultures and populations. This comprehensive text helps you master transcultural theories, models and research studies while honing the communication and collaboration skills essential to success in today’s changing clinical nursing environment.

Gerontological Nursing, Tenth Edition, focuses on the content that students need to know for effective practice, offering engaging, evidence-based coverage of the aging process, factors contributing to healthy aging, and unique aspects of disease presentation and management in older adults. The Tenth Edition retains the text’s acclaimed holistic approach and logical overview of the aging process, with updated content throughout to help students confidently care for an increasingly diverse population. This edition also includes Next Generation NCLEX®-Style Case Studies and Questions, which help students review important concepts and practice for the next generation NCLEX®, as well as Unfolding Patient Stories that correlate directly to simulated patient scenarios in vSim® for Nursing for enhanced preparation for practice.

NEW Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, 10th Edition Lucy Hood 978-1-9751-7265-7 / 640pp / October 2021


Easy to read, visually engaging, and updated with the latest practices and considerations in clinical nursing practice, Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing, Tenth Edition, provides a practical overview of the contemporary nursing profession and addresses the philosophical, developmental, sociocultural, environmental, political, health care delivery, and leadership issues essential to career enhancement in clinical practice. This enhanced 10th edition is accompanied by a robust package of interactive resources that engage today’s learners and help you instill the understanding and confidence for clinical nursing success.

Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 9th Edition Carol A. Miller 978-1-9751-7916-8 / 656pp / February 2022

Grounded in the author’s Functional Consequences Theory for Promoting Wellness in Older Adults, Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, Ninth Edition, instills a functional understanding of both the physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as common risk factors, to prepare students for effective, wellness- oriented gerontological practice in today’s changing healthcare environment. This extensively updated edition reflects the latest issues in the care of older adults and ensures an actionable understanding of culturally appropriate care, legal matters, ethical concerns, and more.



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