LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022



The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, 36th Edition Washington University School of Medicine 978-1-9751-1348-3 / 1072pp / May 2019

BRS Embryology, 6th Edition Ronald Dudek 978-1-4511-9038-0 / 336pp / April 2014

Established for more than 75 years, The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, Thirty-Sixth Edition, provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of every area of medicine and the core subspecialties — all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. Discover why housestaff and faculty worldwide depend on this best- selling resource for day-to-day clinical practice in internal medicine.

BRS Embryology is designed to help students succeed on the USMLE and course exams. Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy-to-scan outline format, this best selling book includes over 220 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations, as well as exams at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book. Enhanced by outstanding radiographs, sonograms, computed tomography scans, and clinical photographs of various congenital malformations, this proven book covers the facts and concepts tested on the USMLE within the context of human embryologic development.

Langman’s Medical Embryology, 14th Edition T. W. Sadler 978-1-9751-1484-8 / 456pp / November 2018

Blueprints Medicine, 6th Edition Vincent Young, William Kormos & Davoren Chick 978-1-4698-6415-0 / 416pp / September 2015

Vibrantly illustrated with full-colour diagrams and clinical images, Langman’s Medical Embryology, Fourteenth Edition, helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses.

This best-selling Blueprints title, Blueprints Medicine, is an ideal resource for your internal medicine clerkship, USMLE review, and as a rapid reference in day-to-day patient care. Practical and concise, it includes user-friendly features such as bolded key words, ample tables and figures, and the popular Key Points boxes, with must-know clinical information. The Sixth Edition has been thoroughly updated to include new clinical guidelines and therapeutic recommendations, and includes 100 board-format questions and answers at the end of the book (plus 50 more online) for self-assessment.

Medical Embryology Animations T. W. Sadler 978-1-4963-8736-3 / August 2018 Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote

Step-Up to Surgery, 2nd Edition Stanley Zaslau 978-1-4511-8763-2 / 408pp / April 2014

Visualizing the stages of human development and understanding the corresponding anatomical relationships can be a challenge. Medical Embryology Animations offers you and your students an unsurpassed resource for learning and reviewing this difficult topic. This new essential resource: Includes 9 high-resolution 3D animations, averaging five minutes each, with narration and on-screen labelling Contains complete coverage of key areas of development Can be used standalone or coordinated with Langman’s Medical Embryology License this invaluable teaching and learning resource for use in your lectures and course materials today.

Step-Up to Surgery is an effective high-yield review of general and subspecialty surgery, written specifically for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students in their surgery clerkship/rotation. Step-Up to Surgery packs clinical pearls, illustrations, and “Quick Hits” in a single, ingenious tool, tailoring each element for immediate content absorption and faster, more efficient review. This review book gives you exactly what you need to prepare for the surgery clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2!



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