LWW Healthcare Textbook Catalogue 2022
CLINICAL LABORATORY & CLINICAL MEDICINE Step-Up to Medicine, 5th Edition Steven Agabegi 978-1-9751-3902-5 / 592pp / April 2019
Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 9th Edition Lynn Bickley 978-1-9751-5242-0 / 600pp / November 2020 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title*
Find what you need to know—fast! This bestselling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and “Quick Hits” provide essential information in an efficient, easy- to-remember manner to help you excel on your exams and succeed in the clinical setting. Also includes a 100-question practice exam to support preparation.
This updated Ninth Edition of the leading medical physical examination pocket guide available today provides concise, authoritative guidance on how to perform the patient interview, physical examination, and other core assessments. This trusted pocket-sized reference includes fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques, retaining the easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. Now featuring an enhanced design, new content, and new student-friendly learning aids, Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 9th Edition, is the ideal quick-reference resource for today’s medical, PA, pharmacy, and nursing students.
Medicine Recall, 4th Edition James Bergin 978-1-4511-0535-3 / 848pp / July 2010
Written primarily for third- and fourth-year medical students in clerkships, Medicine Recall, Fourth Edition, covers the core specialty areas within internal medicine: cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology, infectious disease, endocrinology, allergy and immunology, rheumatology, neurology, and dermatology. The book is written in the rapid-fire Recall Series questionand- answer format, with the question on the left side of the page and the answer on the right. Mnemonics are interspersed throughout. Each chapter is written by faculty, students, and fellows and emphasizes diagnosis and treatment.
Surgical Recall, 9th Edition Lorne Blackbourne 978-1-9751-5297-0 / 704pp / February 2021
Lippincott® Connect Featured Title* Build the Confidence for Success on Your Exams and in the Operating Suite! Written in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format ideal for learning on the go, this best-selling clerkship resource covers both general surgery and surgical subspecialties and provides accurate, on-the-spot answers to the questions most likely encountered during rotations and on the shelf exam. This enhanced Ninth Edition reflects the latest advances in key areas, as well as additional Rapid-Fire Review questions and new Rapid-Fire Vignettes to prepare students for success on exams and beyond.
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 13th Edition Lynn Bickley 978-1-9751-0991-2 / 1072pp / August 2020 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title*
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking is the #1 choice for complete, authoritative guidance on mastering every aspect of the all important physical examination. This highly regarded text includes fully illustrated, step-by- step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination and an easy-to-follow two-column format that correlates examination techniques on the left and abnormalities (clearly indicated in red) with differential diagnoses on the right. Extensively updated to reflect the most current clinical practices, this Thirteenth Edition provides authoritative, step-by-step guidance on performing the patient interview and physical examination, applying clinical reasoning, shared decisionmaking, and other core assessment skills—all based on a firm understanding of clinical evidence.
* Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
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