LWW Healthcare Textbook 2024
Healthcare Textbook 2024
Catalogue 2024 Healthcare Textbook
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Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Rehabilitation Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology
Immunology & Microbiology
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
Occupational Therapy
Psychiatry & Behavioural Science
Radiology & Radiography
Speech, Language & Hearing
Sports & Exercise Science
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition 16th Edition by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley ISBN: 978-1-9751-9344-7 / 896pp / February 2024
For more than 75 years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated 16th edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly. Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set this book-only version of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representations bring structures to life and provide students with the ultimate lab resource.
*Also available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1544-6
BRS Gross Anatomy 10th Edition by Nancy L. Halliday & Harold M. Chung ISBN: 978-1-9751-8148-2 / 544pp / January 2023
BRS Gross Anatomy, 10th Edition , presents the essentials of human anatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline format to help students master key information and confidently prepare for basic sciences level anatomy exams and the USMLE Step 1 board exam. Praised by students as the best review book for gross anatomy, this powerful, easy-to-use resource combines clear, concise writing, a clinically relevant approach, engaging radiographs and full-color illustrations, and more than 550 board-style review questions to ensure unparalleled exam preparation and position users for a successful transition to clinical practice.
Grant’s Dissector, International Edition 18th Edition by Alan J. Detton ISBN: 978-1-9751-9367-6 / 352pp / February 2024 A go-to dissection resource for generations, Grant’s Dissector, 18th Edition , provides comprehensive, step-by-step guidance for the dissection of the human cadaver, empowering users to recognize important anatomic relationships and ensure successful outcomes in the anatomy lab. This updated 18th Edition is easy to use and exhaustive in scope, offering the perfect balance of foundational coverage and the latest approaches to broaden your understanding of key dissection procedures and ready you for success in healthcare practice.
*Also available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1543-9
Grant’s Dissection Videos 1st Edition by Alan J. Detton ISBN: 978-1-49631-918-0 / August 2017
This collection of approximately 80 high-resolution videos, totalling more than 13 hours, demonstrate the Grant’s method of cadaver dissection sequences, as described in Grant’s Dissector. Organized by body region, each video includes narration by Dr. Alan Detton and on-screen labelling and text. The videos show students what they are expected to achieve in lab, the steps required for each dissection, and the information they need to learn for practical exams.
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book 1st Edition by Nicole R. Herring ISBN: 978-1-4963-5125-8 / 384pp / April 2018
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book uses an interactive approach to help students deepen and reinforce their anatomical knowledge. Integrating visual and kinesthetic learning activities with an efficient, high-yield review of essential information, it’s the perfect way for students to deepen their grasp of the anatomy they need to know for their courses, labs, and exams!
Lippincott Atlas of Anatomy 2nd Edition by Thomas R. Gest ISBN: 978-1-9751-4099-1 / 496pp / August 2019
Featuring more than 800 high-quality, modern images, Lippincott® Atlas of Anatomy is a vibrantly colored regional atlas of human anatomy offering an unprecedented combination of visual aesthetic appeal and anatomical accuracy. A unique art style featuring bright colors, color coding of anatomical elements, judicious use of labeling, and no extraneous text make this book an ideal tool for students. This updated new edition enhances students’ understanding of anatomical structures and relationships with many new and modified illustrations, new muscle tables, and convenient online access to tables summarizing key information for multiple anatomical structures. Packaged with the atlas is an interactive eBook version with all of the images, including fully searchable legends and labels and ‘zoom and compare’ features, as well as online labeling exercises that reinforce students’ understanding of newly learned concepts and structures.
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy, International Edition 1st Edition by Kelly M. Harrell & Ronald W. Dudek ISBN: 978-1-4963-8842-1 / 512pp / November 2018 New to the series, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy equips students with a clear, cohesive understanding of clinical anatomy, accentuated with embryology and histology content to ensure their readiness for clinical challenges. The popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series format integrates approachable, lecture-style outlines with detailed full-colour illustrations and photographs to clarify complex information and help students visualize key anatomic structures. Accompanying clinical examples make content even more accessible, and board-style review questions build test-taking confidence to help students excel on their exams.
Essential Ultrasound Anatomy 1st Edition by Marios Loukas & Danny Burns ISBN: 978-1-4963-8353-2 / 320pp / April 2019
Presenting sonography in the context of anatomy and clinical practice, Essential Ultrasound Anatomy offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the ultrasound images and important structures that are most frequently encountered in daily practice. Using concise text, ultrasound images with corresponding cadaver photographs, full-colour anatomical and technique illustrations, and videos, it provides today’s students with a solid foundation in regional ultrasound anatomy.
Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, International Edition* 7th Edition by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley ISBN: 978-1-9751-7430-9 / 736pp / February 2023 Known for its hallmark Clinical Blue Boxes, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition , combines an easy-to-read approach, dynamic surface anatomy and medical imaging features, and engaging digital resources to build clinical confidence and equip users for success from foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. The concise, user-friendly format emphasizes structures and functions critical to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. Photographic Atlas of Anatomy* 9th Edition by Johannes W. Rohen, Chichiro Yokochi & Elke Lütjen-Drecol ISBN: 978-1-9751-5156-0 / 752pp / April 2021 Photographic Atlas of Anatomy features outstanding full-colour photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images, to help students develop an unparalleled mastery of human anatomy with ease. Depicting anatomic structures more realistically than illustrations in traditional atlases, this proven resource shows students exactly what they will see in the dissection lab. Chapters are organized by region in the order of a typical dissection, with each chapter presenting regional anatomical structures in a systematic manner. This updated Ninth Edition includes revised content throughout and features additional cadaver dissection photos, medical imaging, and clinical illustrations, as well as a new appendix with learning resources that strengthen students’ understanding of the vascular, lymphatic, muscular, and nervous systems. *Also available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1512-5
*Also available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-2993-1
Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 11th Edition by Lawrence E. Wineski ISBN: 978-1-9751-9409-3 / 816pp / March 2024 Praised for its clear and consistent organization, approachable illustrations, and emphasis on clinical applications, Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions, 11th Edition , pairs expert perspectives with engaging features for a proven learning and teaching resource on the practical application of anatomy. The ideal resource for medical and related health professions programs, this trusted text guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, details the how and why behind each structure, and delivers the hands-on support essential to sound clinical choices. This 11th Edition is rich with new and updated illustrations and reflects an enhanced organization to help students confidently navigate body regions from surface to deep structures, integrating basic anatomy, clinical information, surface and radiographic anatomy, and developmental anatomy (embryology) to provide a complete introduction to essential concepts and equip students for clinical success.
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 8th Edition by Emine E. Abali, Susan D. Cline, David S. Franklin & Susan M. Viselli ISBN: 978-1-9751-5511-7 / 649pp / March 2021 Praised by faculty and students for more than two decades, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry is the long-established go-to resource for mastering the essentials of biochemistry. This best-selling text helps students quickly review, assimilate, and integrate large amounts of critical and complex information, with unparalleled illustrations that bring concepts to life. BRS Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics 7th Edition by Michael A Lieberman & Rick Ricer ISBN: 978-1-4963-9923-6 / 448pp / March 2019 Practical, approachable, and perfect for today’s busy medical students and practitioners, BRS Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics, Seventh Edition helps ensure excellence in class exams and on the USMLE Step 1. The popular Board Review Series outline format keeps content succinct and accessible for the most efficient review, accompanied by bolded key terms, detailed figures, quick-reference tables, and other aids that highlight important concepts and reinforce understanding. This revised edition is updated to reflect the latest perspectives in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics, with a clinical emphasis essential to success in practice. New Clinical Correlation boxes detail the real-world application of chapter concepts, and updated USMLE style questions with answers test retention and enhance preparation for board exams and beyond.
Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, International Edition 6th Edition by Michael A. Lieberman & Alisa Peet ISBN: 978-1-9751-7471-2 / 1100pp / April 2022 Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach, Sixth Edition links biochemistry to physiology and pathophysiology, empowering students to confidently apply fundamental concepts to the practice of medicine — from diagnosing patients to recommending effective treatments. This proven, application-centered approach builds biochemical coverage around related clinical concepts to anchor students’ understanding to a clinical context from day one. Intuitively organized chapters center on hypothetical patient vignettes to emphasize clinical applications, and helpful icons, images, and review questions make complex concepts easier to grasp.
Marks’ Essentials of Medical Biochemistry: A Clinical Approach 2nd Edition by Michael Lieberman & Alisa Peet ISBN: 978-1-4511-9006-9 / 672pp / December 2014
Marks’ Essentials of Medical Biochemistry takes a patient-oriented approach that links biochemistry to physiology and pathophysiology, allowing students to apply fundamental concepts to the practice of medicine. Based on the established text, Marks’ Basic Medical Biochemistry, Marks’ Essentials is streamlined to focus only on the most essential biochemical concepts, while maintaining intuitively organized chapters centered on hypothetical patient vignettes and helpful icons for smooth navigation.
Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms 1st Edition by Michael A. Lieberman & Alisa Peet ISBN: 978-1-9751-9147-4 / 520pp / April 2023 Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms takes a problem-based approach to understanding and applying biochemistry for superior clinical outcomes. Organized around the common symptoms encountered by clinicians, this engaging text clarifies the connections between foundational science and clinical manifestations to help users form confident diagnoses throughout their clerkship and beyond. Each chapter explores the biochemical concepts behind underlying causes and demonstrates their ties to presenting symptoms through 5 realistic patient cases. Accompanying questions encourage discussion and guide users in building accurate differential diagnoses. Ideal for peer-to-peer learning environments or independent study, this practical approach strengthens users’ application of fundamental knowledge and ensures the long-term retention essential to clinical success.
Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner’s Manual 3rd Edition by Brian Brown & Craig Liebenson ISBN: 978-1-4963-3940-9 / 1288pp / December 2019
The gold standard resource in the field, Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Patient-Centered Approach provides a practical overview of all aspects of spinal rehabilitation. The Third Edition has been completely revised, with new information and new videos to bring you up to date. Comprehensive and easy to read, this reference is invaluable for chiropractors and physical therapists, as well as spine surgeons, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners involved in the care of patients with spine problems. An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment 4th Edition by Eileen DiGiovanna, Christopher Amen & Denise Burns ISBN: 978-1-9751-7157-5 / 648pp / July 2020 The most comprehensive resource available on osteopathic manual medicine models, An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment, Fourth Edition , is both an ideal introduction for students and a valuable reference for practicing physicians. While many texts favor specific OMM models, this practical compendium reflects the most current and clinically relevant approaches across the full spectrum of osteopathic practice, organizing osteopathic concepts and step-by-step techniques into a single volume. The book’s integrated method for diagnosis and treatment embraces basic osteopathic history and philosophy, palpation and manipulation, and specific manipulative treatments and concepts to deliver a robust understanding, with cases and clinical examples that prepare students for the realities of practice. Now in full color, abundant photographs demonstrate step-by-step techniques, and meticulous illustrations clarify underlying anatomy in rich detail.
Chiropractic, Osteopathy & Rehabilitation
Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine 4th Edition by Michael Seffinger ISBN: 978-1-4963-6832-4 / 1024pp / December 2018 The most current, comprehensive osteopathic text available, Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, 4th Edition , defines osteopathic terminology and techniques and instills the confident understanding essential to clinical success. This proven resource is the standard text for teaching the osteopathic profession, providing broad, multidisciplinary coverage of osteopathic considerations in the basic sciences, behavioral sciences, family practice and primary care, and the clinical specialties.
Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques 4th Edition by Alexander S. Nicholas & Evan A. Nicholas ISBN: 978-1-9751-2748-0 / 664pp / December 2021
An essential reference for coursework, exam preparation, clinical rotations, and day-to-day clinical practice, Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques delivers step-by-step, full-color guidance on manipulative methods commonly taught and used in osteopathic medical education and practice. This highly visual one-of-a-kind reference features more than 1,000 vibrant photos and illustrations and 250 accompanying videos depict specific manipulations, examinations, techniques, and anatomical demonstrations. Easy to navigate and rich with engaging learning features, the 4th edition of this bestselling, one-of-a-kind resource reflects the most up-to-date information on basic anatomical concepts and techniques to help users confidently comprehend and apply them.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Step-Up to Medicine, International Edition 6th Edition by Steven Agabegi & Elizabeth D. Agabegi ISBN: 978-1-9751-9273-0 / 656pp / July 2023
Step-Up to Medicine, 6th Edition , makes it easy to find information fast and take a confident next step toward a successful medical career. Ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2, this bestselling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine in a concise, comprehensive approach. This 6th Edition is thoroughly updated and enhanced throughout. Clinical pearls, full-color illustrations, and “Quick Hits” provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner to ensure excellence on exams and confidence in clinical settings, and a 100-question practice exam reinforces exam readiness and boosts test-taking confidence. Surgical Recall, International Edition 9th Edition by Lorne Blackbourne ISBN: 978-1-9751-5297-0 / 704pp / February 2021 Build the Confidence for Success on Your Exams and in the Operating Suite! Written in a rapid-fire question-and-answer format ideal for learning on the go, this best-selling clerkship resource covers both general surgery and surgical subspecialties and provides accurate, on-the-spot answers to the questions most likely encountered during rotations and on the shelf exam. This enhanced Ninth Edition reflects the latest advances in key areas, as well as additional Rapid-Fire Review questions and new Rapid-Fire Vignettes to prepare students for success on exams and beyond.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
BRS Pediatrics, International Edition 2nd Edition by Lloyd J Brown & Lee Todd Miller ISBN: 978-1-9751-0671-3 / 648pp / November 2018 Now featuring more than 400 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, BSR Pediatrics, Second Edition prepares medical students for success in pediatric rotations, shelf exams, and the UMSLE Step 2 with a comprehensive overview of general and sub specialty pediatrics presented in the popular Board Review Series outline format. Concise descriptions, clinical correlations, numerous figures, and nearly 100 tables detail the essentials of pediatrics, accompanied by case-based review questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive end-of-book exam to build test-taking confidence and help your students excel in clerkship. Beckmann and Ling’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, International Edition 9th Edition by Robert Casanova, Alice Goepfert, Nancy A. Hueppchen & Patrice M. Weiss ISBN: 978-1-9751-8064-5 / 576pp / August 2023 Beckmann and Ling’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9th Edition , provides the foundational knowledge medical students need to complete an Ob/ Gyn rotation, pass national standardized exams, and competently care for women in clinical practice. Highly respected for its authoritative expertise and preferred by students for its concise, consistent approach, the text is fully aligned with the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics’ educational objectives, upon which most clerkship evaluations and final exams are based. The 9th Edition is updated throughout and enhanced with engaging new features that encourage reflection, strengthen retention, and deliver critical preparation for exams and clinical practice.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Handbook of Dialysis, International Edition 5th Edition
by John T. Daugirdas, Peter G. Blake & Todd S. Ing ISBN: 978-1-4511-8871-4 / 900pp / November 2014
Handbook of Dialysis is now completely revised in its Fifth Edition. It continues to provide practical, accessible information on all aspects of dialysis with emphasis on day-to-day patient management. Authored by international experts, chapters provide complete coverage of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, special problems in dialysis patients, and problems pertaining to various organ systems. This resource is designed for nephrologists, nephrology/renal nurses, family physicians and dialysis centers. Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine 5th Edition by Brian P. Griffin ISBN: 978-1-4963-1260-0 / 1172pp / October 2018 An ideal reference for residents, fellows, practitioners, and nurse practitioners, Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine, Fifth Edition , is a concise, up-to-date overview of key topics in cardiology. Using a practical, outline format, this best-selling title presents evidence-based approaches to cardiovascular diagnosis, diseases, and treatment – perfect for daily practice or exam preparation.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
NMS Surgery 7th Edition by Bruce Jarrell, David Strauss & Stephen M. Kavic ISBN: 978-1-9751-1288-2 / 640pp / June 2021 Now in a portable pocket-sized format packed with high-yield information, updates, and revisions that reflect the current practice of surgery, NMS Surgery, Seventh Edition, is an ideal guide for effective study and review. The new edition retains the elements that have made it a dependable, go-to resource for a generation of medical students and a quick review resource for practitioners preparing for recertification. Featuring new study aids, full color illustrations, concise, high-yield coverage, and USMLE-format questions, the new edition helps students successfully complete their clerkship and prepare for the shelf/end of-rotation exam. In addition, this valuable resource is packaged with access to the interactive eBook version with an online quiz bank at no additional cost. by Bruce Jarrell, Stephen M. Kavic & Eric D. Strauch ISBN: 978-1-9751-1238-7 / 512pp / October 2021 Ideal as a stand-alone review or as a perfect companion to NMS Surgery, Seventh Edition, this leading casebook for the surgical rotation presents a series of surgical cases that begin with a clinical scenario and progress step by step through the decision-making process of patient management. Concise and portable, NSM Surgery Casebook, Third Edition fits in a lab coat pocket—ideal for review on the wards. Retaining the structured subject review, practice questions for the USMLE Step 2 exam, and focus on helping students work through clinical cases with a unique “what next” approach to decision making, this third edition offers a new full color design, new study aids, and key updates throughout. NMS Surgery Casebook 3rd Edition
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Frameworks for Internal Medicine 2nd Edition by Andre Mansoor ISBN: 978-1-9751-9312-6 / 880pp / April 2024 Introducing an innovative, systematic approach to understanding differential diagnosis, Andre M. Mansoor’s Frameworks for Internal Medicine, 2nd Edition, trains students and other learners to think like clinicians and master the methodology behind diagnosing the most commonly encountered conditions in internal medicine. Significantly updated and enhanced throughout, the 2nd Edition of this highly visual resource uses a case-based, Q&A-style format to build frameworks that guide learners through each step in the differential diagnosis process. These unique frameworks not only equip learners for success during internal medicine clerkships, rotations, and residencies, but also help ensure more confident differential diagnoses in clinical settings.
Marino’s The ICU Book, International Edition 4th Edition by Paul Marino ISBN: 978-1-4511-8869-1 / 1100 pp / October 2013
A fundamental and respected resource book in critical care, The ICU Book, Fourth Edition , continues to provide the current and practical guidance that have made it the best-selling text in critical care. The text addresses both the medical and surgical aspects of critical care, delivering the guidance needed to ensure sound, safe, and effective treatment for patients in intensive care — regardless of the specialty focus of the unit. Traditionally available as a printed textbook, the print version now comes with a completely revamped digital experience, powered by Inkling.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Pocket Medicine, International Edition 8th Edition by Marc Sabatine ISBN: 978-1-9751-9983-8 / 304pp / September 2022 Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition , is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic questions you’ll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state of-the-art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms Pocket Medicine provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love. Kaplan & Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment 8th Edition by Samoon Ahmad ISBN: 978-1-9751-6899-5 / 400pp / May 2024 Now in vibrant full color, Kaplan and Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Treatment, 8th Edition , remains your reference of choice for easy-to-find information on the full spectrum of psychiatric drug therapies. Edited by Dr. Samoon Ahmad, this trusted resource provides a wealth of data for each drug, presenting information in a clear, concise manner for quick, efficient retrieval. This edition brings you fully up to date in the field, with new information on cannabis, psychedelics, psychotropic medicines and medical comorbidities, genetics and pharmacogenomics testing, and more.
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need, International Edition 10th Edition by Malcolm S. Thaler ISBN: 978-1-9751-9605-9 / 436pp / September 2022 For more than 30 years, health care providers have turned to The Only EKG Book You’ll Ever Need for Dr. Malcolm S. Thaler’s clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice. Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, the tenth edition of this straightforward, highly visual resource presents must-know information on using an EKG to diagnose cardiac and non-cardiac conditions, with numerous EKG strips, clear illustrations, clinical examples, and case studies throughout. From cover to cover, Dr. Thaler’s commitment to “keeping simple things simple and making complicated things easy to understand” helps you learn and understand how to best use an EKG in actual clinical settings.
The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics 37th Edition by Siri Ancha, Christine Auberle, Cash Devin & Mohit Harsh ISBN: 978-1-9751-9062-0 / 1144pp / November 2022
The Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, 37th Edition , provides essential information you need for successful patient care, with concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. Written by faculty, residents, and fellows and edited by chief residents of the distinguished Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the Washington Manual presents brief, logical approaches to diagnosis and management of commonly encountered medical conditions, including new therapies that improve patient outcomes. Discover why housestaff and faculty around the world depend on this best-selling resource for day-to-day clinical practice in internal medicine.
Langman’s Medical Embryology, International Edition 15th Edition by T.W. Sadler ISBN: 978-1-9751-8001-0 / 472pp / January 2023
Concise, clearly written, and vibrantly illustrated, Langman’s Medical Embryology, 15th Edition , makes complex embryology concepts approachable to help you build the clinical understanding essential to your success in medical practice, nursing, or other health professions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations clarify the stages of embryonic development with rich detail, and engaging learning features, clinical examples, and online review questions ready you for the challenges ahead on your exams and in clinical practice.
Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, International Edition 6th Edition by Grant S. Fletcher ISBN: 978-1-9751-4098-4 / 288pp / February 2020 Now in its Sixth Edition, Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials is a comprehensive, concise, and clinically oriented introduction to the subject of epidemiology. Written by expert educators, this approachable, informative text introduces students to the principles of evidence-based medicine that will help them develop and apply methods of clinical observation in order to form accurate conclusions. The updated Sixth Edition reflects the most current approaches to clinical epidemiology, including the latest coverage of modelling and expanded insight on applying concepts to clinical practice, with updated, clinical vignette-style end-of-chapter questions to help strengthen students’ understanding and ensure a confident transition to clinical settings. Modern Epidemiology 4th Edition by Timothy Lash, Tyler J. VanderWeele, Sebastien Haneuse & Kenneth Rothman ISBN: 978-1-4511-9328-2 / 1192pp / December 2020 Now in a fully revised Fourth edition, Modern Epidemiology remains the gold standard text in this complex and evolving field, offering unparalleled, comprehensive coverage of the principles and methods of epidemiologic research. Featuring a new, full-color design, updated models, and a new format allowing space for margin notes, this edition continues to provide authoritative information on the methodologic issues crucial to the wide range of epidemiologic applications in public health and medicine.
Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, International Edition 3rd Edition by Nalini Chandar & Susan M. Viselli ISBN: 978-1-9751-8095-9 / 288pp / April 2023 Up to date, easy to use, and rich with vibrant illustrations, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition , provides a highly visual presentation of essential cell and molecular biology with a focus on topics related to human health and disease. This engaging approach incorporates all of the most popular features of the bestselling Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, including abundant full-color illustrations, chapter summaries, and review questions that link basic science to real-life clinical situations. The updated, versatile 3rd Edition can be used for a standalone cell biology course in medical, health professions, or other graduate and upper-level undergraduate programs; as a review for course and board exams; or in conjunction with other Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews for a seamless integrated course.
BRS Cell Biology and Histology 8th Edition by Leslie P. Gartner ISBN: 978-1-4963-9635-8 / 448pp / November 2018
Be prepared for your courses and board exams with BRS Cell Biology and Histology . Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy-to-scan outline format, this edition saves time and boosts test-taking confidence. This concise volume distills cell biology and histology facts and concepts commonly covered on course and board exams in a portable, quick reference format ideal for in-class learning or on-the-go review. Dynamic micrographs, illustrations, full-colour tables, and more than 320 board-style multiple-choice review questions with answers reinforce understanding and ensure readiness for exams and the challenges of today’s fast-paced clinical practice.
Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology
BRS Cell Biology and Histology 9th Edition by Leslie P. Gartner ISBN: 978-1-9752-1972-7 / 448pp / October 2024
Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations, International Edition 13th Edition by Victor P. Eroschenko ISBN: 978-1-4963-1023-1 / Approx. 617pp / March 2017
Master histology with idealized and actual photomicrography! This Thirteenth Edition of Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations (formerly diFiore’s ) provides a rich understanding of the basic histology concepts that medical and allied health students need to know. Realistic, full-color illustrations as well as actual photomicrographs of histologic structures are complemented by concise discussions of their most important functional correlations. Histology From a Clinical Perspective 2nd Edition by Dongmei Cui ISBN: 978-1-9751-5244-4 / 464pp / June 2022 Combining a complete histology atlas with a concise, clinically oriented text, Histology from a Clinical Perspective, Second Edition , integrates essential basic science information and related pathology to ensure mastery of fundamental histology topics and the confidence to apply concepts effectively in practice. Explanatory text in each chapter is paired with expanded figure legends in an innovative layout that presents light and electron micrographic images of a tissue, a diagrammatic representation of the same tissue, and an example of how the tissue may be modified by a pathologic process in abundant Clinical Correlations. Rich with clinical vignette style review questions and additional self-assessment resources, this student-friendly approach reflects the most up-to-date clinical perspectives and instills the understanding and skills to excel in today’s clinical settings.
Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, International Edition 8th Edition by Leslie P. Gartner & Lisa M.J. Lee ISBN: 978-1-9751-9203-7 / Approx. 608pp / April 2022
The go-to tool for mastering histology, Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, Eighth Edition , equips medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with a concise review of all of the major tissue classes and body systems in an engaging approach optimized for superior classroom and clinical success. A consistent presentation combines relevant text and detailed photomicrographs to facilitate understanding and provide valuable review for in-class and licensing examinations. Helpful explanatory text in each chapter details Histophysiology, Clinical Considerations, Summaries of Histologic Organization, and more, accompanied by more than 700 vivid, full-color, high-quality images. Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, International Edition 9th Edition by Pawlina Wojciech ISBN: 978-1-9751-8157-4 / 1104pp / October 2023 Combining a reader-friendly textbook and a rich, full-color atlas, this bestselling resource equips medical, dental, health professions, and undergraduate biology and cell biology students with a comprehensive grasp of the clinical and functional correlates of histology and a vivid understanding of the structural and functional details of cells, tissues, and organs. Updated content throughout the text reflects the latest advances in cellular and molecular biology, accompanied by large, high-resolution illustrations and full-color photomicrographs that clarify microanatomy in vibrant detail. Ideal for integrated curriculums as well as standalone histology courses, this proven approach is accompanied by popular pedagogical features that distill complex information and help students save time.
Immunology & Microbiology
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, International Edition 3rd Edition by Thao Doan, Susan Viselli, Fabio Lievano & Michelle Swanson-Mungerson ISBN: 978-1-9751-7260-2 / 400pp / March 2021 Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, Third Edition , offers an engaging, vividly illustrated presentation and all of the popular learning features of the Lippincott® Illustrated Review series to reinforce essential immunology concepts and connect basic science to real-life clinical situations. Like other titles in this series, this dynamic resource follows an intuitive outline organization and boasts a wealth of vibrant illustrations and study aids that clarify complex information and ensure retention. Whether used as a review text for a short immunology course or paired with Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology for a combined microbiology/ immunology course, this revised and updated edition familiarizes readers with the latest practices in immunology and emphasizes clinical application to deliver unparalleled preparation for exams and clinical practice.
Immunology & Microbiology
Schaechter’s Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, International Edition 6th Edition by N. Cary Engleberg, Michael Imperiale & Victor DiRita ISBN: 978-1-9751-6576-5 / 880pp / November 2021 Known for generations as the most comprehensive foundational text on medical microbiology, Schaechter’s Mechanisms of Microbial Disease provides students with a thorough understanding of microbial agents and the pathophysiology of microbial diseases. The text is universally praised for “telling the story of a pathogen” in an engaging way, facilitating learning and recall by emphasising unifying principles and paradigms, rather than forcing students to memorise isolated facts by rote. The table of contents is uniquely organised by microbial class and by organ system, making it equally at home in traditional and case-based curricula. This updated Sixth Edition reflects the latest advances in the field, including significant enhancements to the coverage of serious threats to global health (including COVID-19), respiratory and childhood viruses, and sexually transmitted diseases. New illustrations and additional learning features further clarify concepts, reinforce understanding, and help users confidently prepare for board exams and beyond. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology, International Edition 4th Edition by Cynthia N. Cornelissen ISBN: 978-1-9751-1831-0 / 448pp /April 2019 Mastering essential microbiology concepts is easier with this vividly illustrated review resource. Part of the popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series, this proven approach uses clear, concise writing and hundreds of dynamic illustrations to take students inside various micro-organisms and ensure success on board exams. Straightforward lecture-style outlines streamline the review process, accompanied by hundreds of colourful illustrations that make complex concepts more accessible and bring micro-organisms to life in vibrant detail. This edition makes exam preparation more efficient than ever with an emphasis on exam-relevant content, as well as hundreds of board-style review questions that help students confidently prepare for the USMLE.
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
The Only Neurology Book You’ll Ever Need, International Edition 1st Edition by Alison I. Thaler & Malcolm S. Thaler 978-1-9751-9115-3 / 350pp / September 2022 Clear and concise, The Only Neurology Book You’ll Ever Need provides a straightforward and comprehensive overview of neurology. It covers all of the important neurologic diagnosis and management issues, along with clinically relevant anatomy and physiology. Written by Drs. Alison I. Thaler and Malcolm S. Thaler, this new title is packed with full-color illustrations, real-world clinical scenarios, and up-to-date guidelines and recommendations —giving you all the practical advice you need to master the challenging world of neurology.
BRS Neuroanatomy 7th Edition by Douglas J. Gould ISBN: 978-1-9752-1437-1 / 400pp / January 2024
Presenting the essentials of neuroanatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline format, BRS Neuroanatomy, 7th Edition , presents up-to date, high-yield coverage of the most tested topics on the latest USMLE Step 1 exam to help students excel in their courses and make the most of their board exam prep. This powerful, easy-to-use resource is packed with a wide range of conceptual illustrations, medical imaging, color brain photographs, clinical considerations, and more than 600 multiple-choice questions with accompanying answers and detailed explanations, providing everything students need to ensure course success and test-taking confidence.
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context, Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes, International Edition 11th Edition by Duane E. Haines & M. Alissa Willis ISBN: 978-1-9751-9735-3 / 384pp / June 2024
Barr’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint 10th Edition by John Kiernan & Raj Rajakumar ISBN: 978-1-4511-7327-7 / 448pp / May 2013 This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author’s succinct writing style.
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Neuroscience, International Edition 2nd Edition by Claudia Krebs ISBN: 978-1-4963-8837-7 / 480pp / November 2017
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Neuroscience presents essential coverage of this core basic science discipline within an integrated framework, bringing neuroanatomy and neurophysiology together and demonstrating how they are applied in a clinical context. It offers all the most popular features of the best-selling Lippincott Illustrated Reviews series, including abundant full-colour, annotated illustrations, chapter overviews, an expanded outline format, chapter summaries, and review questions that link basic science to real-life clinical situations.
Essential Neuroscience 4th Edition by Allan Siegel & Hreday N. Sapru ISBN: 978-1-4963-8240-5 / 648pp / September 2018
Essential Neuroscience integrates must-have neuroscience information with clinical and physiological considerations to help readers master the fundamentals of neuroscience and prepare for board and course exams. Acclaimed for its concise, clinically relevant coverage, this student-friendly book uses a stepwise approach that starts with the basic building blocks of neural anatomy and expands to cover structures and functions, the interaction of systems, and the science of clinical disorders. A well-balanced mix of anatomy, physiology, biology, and biochemistry helps students increase their conceptual understanding of the subject matter and prepare for practice.
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy 9th Edition by Ryan Splittgerber ISBN: 978-1-9751-9594-6 / 560pp / March 2024
Approachable in detail and rich with dynamic illustrations, Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy, 9th Edition , is your complete, clinically oriented introduction to neuroanatomy. This easy-to-use text is organized classically by body system, introducing basic components of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system before moving on to more complex functions. This revised and enhanced 9th Edition reflects the latest clinical approaches to neuroanatomy structures and reinforces concepts with enhanced illustrations, diagnostic images, and surface anatomy photographs. Each chapter begins with clear objectives and a clinical case for a practical introduction to key concepts. Throughout the text, Clinical Notes highlight important clinical considerations. Chapters end with bulleted key concepts, along with clinical problem solving cases and review questions that test students’ comprehension and ensure preparation for clinical application.
Neuroanatomy & Neuroscience
Basic Clinical Neuroscience 3rd Edition by Paul A. Young, Paul H. Young & Daniel L. Tolbert ISBN: 978-1-4511-7329-1 / 464pp / February 2015
Basic Clinical Neuroscience, Third Edition , provides clear, detailed coverage of clinically oriented aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology to help medical and health professions students better understand neurological and neurosurgical disorders and prepare for board exams. Through concise descriptions of functional systems, the book helps students understand the anatomic and pathophysiologic basis for neurologic abnormalities. Students have consistently praised the book for its exceptionally clear explanations of concepts. The Third Edition is enhanced by full colour illustrations, additional case studies, clinical images, review questions, and clinical correlations.
Lippincott® Connect, a smarter way to teach
Lippincott® Connect is a personalized and complete medical and healthcare teaching and learning solution that offers faculty assignability, feedback, and insights on their students’ course performance. Introducing a new and more robust interactive and comprehensive course management solution, Lippincott® Connect gives you the tools and valuable feedback you need to understand your students’ performance and pivot your course materials in real time. With easy access and navigation, assignments and quizzes, remediation, and valuable performance data, you’ll cultivate a personalized teaching environment based on engagement, motivation, and better student outcomes. preparing numerous stakeholders throughout your institution to foster health equity and meet resource demand for training materials in this area.
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• Interactive online teaching and learning solution: Find course materials in one place: eBooks, animations, audio files, assignments, quizzes and assessments, and performance data. With easy access to review and assign course materials in just a few steps. • Adaptable to specific student and course needs: Enhance your teaching by being able to create assignments, track progress, and incorporate learning into course materials. Also give feedback and insights with fine-tuned course direction and learning objectives per student performance. • Robust assessment and data analytics: Assess student performance throughout the course and support students struggling with new concepts or learning environment by quickly gathering insights from a user-friendly data dashboard. Be able to identify areas for remediation and quickly pivot lecture materials accordingly.
Time-saving, personalized learning keeps engagement and focus high with management of all course materials in a single online environment with eBook interface that enables highlighting and annotations. Assessment results provide specific and meaningful answer-level feedback that helps decide areas of focus Learn more about Lippincott® Connect: www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/lippincott-medicine/medical-education/lippincott-connect Why is it important for your students to use Lippincott® Connect? Lippincott® Connect featured titles: Why is it important for your students to use Lippincott ® Connect? Time-saving, personalized learning keeps engagement and focus high with management of all course materials in a single online environment with eBook interface that enables highlighting and annotations. Assessment results provide specific and meaningful answer-level feedback that helps decide areas of focus Learn more about Lippincott ® Connect: www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/lippincott-medicine/medical-education/lippincott-connect Lippincott ® Connect featured titles: Spring 2023 Why is it important for your students to use Lippincott ® Connect? Time-saving, personalized learning keeps engagement and focus high with management of all course materials in a single online environment with eBook interface that enables highlighting and annotations. Assessment results provide specific and meaningful answer-level feedback that helps decide areas of focus Learn more about Lippincott ® Connect: www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/lippincott-medicine/medical-education/lippincott-connect Lippincott ® Connect featured titles: Spring 2023
Atchison, Conditions in Occupational Therapy, 6th Edition Atchison, Conditions in Occupational Therapy, 6th Edition
Potteiger, ACSM’s Introduction to Exercise Science, 4th Edition Potteiger, ACSM’s Introduction to Exercise Science, 4th Edition Detton, Grant’s Dissector, 18th Edition Detton, Grant’s Dissector, 18th Edition
Atchison, Conditions in Occupational Therapy, 6th Edition Atchison, Conditions in Occupational Therapy, 6th Edition Plowman, Exercise Physiology for Health Fitness and Performance, 6th Edition Plowman, Exercise Physiology for Health Fitness and Performance, 6th Edition
Bickley, Bates’ Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking, 13th Edition Bickley, Bates’ Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking, 13th Edition
Shumway-Cook, Motor Con trol: Translating Research into Clinical Practice, 6th Edition Shumway-Cook, Motor Con trol: Translating Research into Clinical Practice, 6th Edition
Agur, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition Agur, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition
Autum 2023 Autum 2023
McArdle, Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance, 9th Edition McArdle, Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance, 9th Edition ACSM/Bayles, ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription, 2nd Edition ACSM/Bayles, ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription, 2nd Edition Kawamura, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Abdominal And Superficial Structures , 5th Edition Kawamura, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Abdominal And Superficial Structures , 5th Edition
Conroy, Kendall’s Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain, 6th Edition Conroy, Kendall’s Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain, 6th Edition Kupinski, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular Systems , 3rd Edition Kupinski, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: The Vascular Systems , 3rd Edition Stephenson, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th Edition Stephenson, Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Obstetrics and Gynecology, 5th Edition
Ryan, Torres’ Patient Care in Imaging Technology, 10th Edition Ryan, Torres’ Patient Care in Imaging Technology, 10th Edition Gillen, Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition Gillen, Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy, 14th Edition
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