LWW Healthcare Textbook 2023

Nursing | Community and Public Health

Community & Public Health Nursing 3rd Edition by Rosanna DeMarco & Judith Healey-Walsh 978-1-9751-1881-5 / 608pp / April 2019 Succinct, approachable, and logically organized, Community and Public Health Nursing, Third Edition , helps you develop the critical thinking skills and complex reasoning abilities you need to connect data with effective decisions in community and public health practice. This extensively revised, heavily illustrated edition emphasizes an evidence based perspective and focuses on the individual in the context of the community setting and on the global community to equip you for challenges you’ll encounter throughout your nursing career.

Community & Public Health Nursing 4th Edition


by Rosanna DeMarco & Judith Healey-Walsh ISBN: 978-1-9751-9656-1 / 672pp / October 2023

Community and Public Health Nursing 10th Edition by Cherie Rector & Mary Jo Stanley ISBN: 978-1-9751-6444-7 / 928pp / April 2021 Community and Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Public’s Health, Tenth Edition delivers an engaging introduction to the principles of public health nursing and employs a highly visual, student-friendly approach to guide students in developing the understanding and skills to confidently promote health, foster disease prevention, and protect at-risk populations — including older adults, homeless populations, veterans, refugees, and the LGBTQ community — whether practicing in acute care or community and public health settings. Extensively revised and featuring a wealth of real-world examples, this updated edition reflects today’s most prominent public health issues and empowers students to provide the most effective nursing care wherever they may choose to practice.


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