LWW Faculty Catalogue 2023 - Anatomy
2023 Anatomy Catalogue
New Publications
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition, Revised Reprint | 15th Edition
Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley
Grant’s Dissector, International Edition, Revised Reprint | 17th Edition
Alan J. Detton
Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, International Edition, Revised Reprint 9th Edition
Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley
Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy | 7th Edition
Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley
BRS Gross Anatomy | 10th Edition Nancy L. Halliday & Harold M. Chung
Langman’s Medical Embryology, International Edition | 15th Edition
T. W. Sadler
Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, International Edition | 8th Edition
Leslie P. Gartner & Lisa M.J. Lee
Histology From a Clinical Perspective | 2nd Edition
Dongmei Cui
Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology,
International Edition | 9th Edition Pawlina Wojciech
*Lippincott Connect is evolving. Access to the current Lippincott Connect platform will end December 2023. Please contact your LWW representative to find out more.
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition, Revised Reprint* 15th Edition by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley ISBN: 978-1-9752-1033-5 / 896pp / March 2023 £65.00 / €76.00 For more than seventy-five years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatom y has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated Fifteenth Edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly. * Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 15th Edition, International Edition , with Lippincott® Connect provide additional resources and is available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1544-6 Grant’s Dissector, International Edition, Revised Reprint* 17th Edition by Alan J. Detton ISBN: 978-1-9752-1006-9 / 385pp / April 2023 £44.00 / €52.00 Grant’s Dissector provides step-by-step human cadaver dissection procedures for students to perform in the anatomy lab and to recognize important relationships revealed through dissection. More informative and approachable than ever, this updated Seventeenth Edition broadens students’ understanding of key dissection procedures and readies them for success in healthcare practice. *Grant’s Dissector, 17th Edition, International Edition, with Lippincott® Connect provide additional resources and is available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1543-9
Grant’s Dissection Video Collection
Designed to support and enhance anatomy education across healthcare programs
Grant’s Dissection Videos are a collection of 77 high resolution videos, totaling more than 14 hours, that demonstrate the Grant’s method of cadaver dissection sequences, as described in the renowned Grant’s Dissector text. Organized by body region, each video includes narration by Dr. Alan Detton and on-screen labeling showing students: • What they are expected to achieve in lab • The steps required for each dissection • The information they need to learn for practical exam Why Grant’s Dissection Videos? • Ideal for preparation and review in the gross anatomy lab environment • Real cadaver specimens provide the anatomical detail students need to recognize important relationships revealed through dissection • Shows students the proper steps for dissections and the information they need to learn for practical exams • Enables independent learning and frequent viewing by students • Greatly improves student confidence and makes their use of lab time more efficient • Benefits students that do not have access to a dissection lab, or have limited time or access • When combining Grant’s resources – including Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy and Grant’s Dissector – both faculty and students have a consistent presentation and sequence that will allow for a deeper and more meaningful understanding of anatomy
• Searchable by video title and description , making it easy to get to relevant content • Variable video play speeds (.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x) allow users to view or review at a comfortable pace • Video picture-in-picture enables users to view a video while browsing additional content • Related video gallery enables viewers to easily move throughout anatomically related videos • Key video segments are listed and linked so viewers can access content quickly • Durable URLs allow faculty to embed links into syllabi • On-demand usage reporting available through Adobe Analytics • Contains clear narration , on-screen labeling including captions in Spanish
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Grant’s Dissection Video Collection 1. BACK 1.1. Skin and Superficial Fascia of the Back (08:18) 1.2. Superficial Muscles of the Back (09:20) 1.3. Intermediate and Deep Muscles of the Back (09:55) 1.4. Suboccipital Region (03:44) 1.5. Vertebral Canal, Spinal Cord, and Meninges (11:27) 2. UPPER LIMB 2.1. Shoulder Region and Posterior Arm (12:46) 2.2. Pectoral Region and Superficial Fascia of the Upper Limb (13:03) 2.3. Female Pectoral Region and Breast (06:01) 2.4. Muscles of the Pectoral Region (08:20) 2.5. Axilla (16:10) 2.6. Arm (Brachium) and Cubital Fossa (13:35) 2.7. Flexor Region of the Forearm (16:19) 2.8. Palm of the Hand (19:23) 2.9. Extensor Region of the Forearm and Dorsum of the Hand (11:20) 2.10. Joints of the Upper Limb (18:55) 3. THORAX 3.1. Intercostal Space and Intercostal Muscles (06:38) 3.2. Anterior Thoracic Wall and Pleural Cavities (11:15) 3.3. Lungs (11:47) 3.4. Mediastinum (12:32) 3.7. Superior Mediastinum (07:50) 3.8. Posterior Mediastinum (09:39) 4. ABDOMEN 4.1. Superficial Fascia of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall (06:48) 4.2. Muscles of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall (20:15) 3.5. External Features of the Heart (12:21) 3.6. Internal Features of the Heart (13:50) 4.5. Celiac Trunk, Stomach, Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder (19:48) 4.6. Superior Mesenteric Artery and Small Intestine (08:46) 4.7. Inferior Mesenteric Artery and Large Intestine (07:43) 4.8. Duodenum, Pancreas, and Hepatic Portal Vein (08:50) 4.9. Removal of the Gastrointestinal Tract (11:28) 4.3. Reflection of the Abdominal Wall (08:42) 4.4. Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity (13:37)
5.4. Male Pelvic Cavity (12:15) 5.5. Male Urinary Bladder, Rectum, and Anal Canal (07:19) 5.6. Male Internal Iliac Artery and Sacral Plexus (11:13) 5.7. Male Pelvic Diaphragm (05:53) 5.8. Female External Genitalia, Urogenital Triangle, and Perineum (11:16) 5.9. Female Pelvic Cavity (16:19) 5.10. Female Urinary Bladder, Rectum, and Anal Canal (07:31) 5.11. Female Internal Iliac Artery and Sacral Plexus (12:08) 5.12. Female Pelvic Diaphragm (05:34) 6. LOWER LIMB 6.1. Superficial Fascia of the Lower Limb (14:13) 6.2. Anterior Compartment of the Thigh (18:56) 6.3. Medial Compartment of the Thigh (07:10) 6.4. Gluteal Region (10:51) 6.5. Posterior Compartment of the Thigh and Popliteal Fossa (09:58) 6.6. Posterior Compartment of the Leg (08:10) 6.7. Lateral Compartment of the Leg (03:48) 6.8. Anterior Compartment of the Leg and Dorsum of the Foot (10:20) 6.9. Sole of the Foot (14:26) 6.10. Joints of the Lower Limb (21:45) 7. HEAD AND NECK 7.1. Superficial Neck (07:59) 7.2. Anterior Triangle of the Neck (19:53) 7.3. Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands (04:27) 7.4. Root of the Neck (12:18) 7.5. Face (17:10) 7.6. Parotid Region (06:37) 7.7. Scalp (05:07) 7.8. Temporal and Infratemporal Regions (18:39) 7.9. Interior of the Skull (10:40) 7.10. Brain Removal, Dural Infoldings, and Dural Venous Sinuses (08.55) 7.11. Gross Anatomy of the Brain (09:23) 7.12. Cranial Fossae (12:21) 7.13. Orbit (20:10) 7.14. Disarticulation of the Head (07:45) 7.15. Pharynx (14:07) 7.16. Nose and Nasal Cavity (07:42) 7.17. Palate and Pterygopalatine Fossa (12:39) 7.18. Oral Region (10:04) 7.19. Larynx (08:05) 7.20. Ear (05:29)
4.10. Posterior Abdominal Viscera (15:14) 4.11. Posterior Abdominal Wall (09:58) 4.12. Diaphragm (06:47)
5. PELVIS AND PERINEUM 5.1. Anal Triangle (07:49) 5.2. Male External Genitalia and Perineum (07:16) 5.3. Male Urogenital Triangle (14:54)
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Grant’s Dissection Videos 1st Edition by Alan J. Detton ISBN: 978-1-49631-918-0 / August 2017 (Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote)
This collection of approximately 80 high-resolution videos, totalling more than 13 hours, demonstrate the Grant’s method of cadaver dissection sequences, as described in Grant’s Dissector. Organized by body region, each video includes narration by Dr. Alan Detton and on-screen labelling and text. The videos show students what they are expected to achieve in lab, the steps required for each dissection, and the information they need to learn for practical exams.
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book 1st Edition by Nicole R. Herring ISBN: 978-1-4963-5125-8 / 384pp / April 2018 £24.50 / €29.00
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book uses an interactive approach to help students deepen and reinforce their anatomical knowledge. Integrating visual and kinesthetic learning activities with an efficient, high-yield review of essential information, it’s the perfect way for students to deepen their grasp of the anatomy they need to know for their courses, labs, and exams!
Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, International Edition, Revised Reprint* 9th Edition by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley ISBN: 978-1-9752-0955-1 / 1200pp / March 2023 £63.00 / €74.00 Renowned for its comprehensive coverage and engaging, storytelling approach, the bestselling Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Ninth Edition guides students from initial anatomy and foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. A popular resource for a variety of programs, this proven text serves as a complete reference, emphasizing anatomy that is important in physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. The Ninth Edition reflects the latest changes in the clinical application of anatomy as well as preparation for the USMLE while maintaining the highest standards for scientific and clinical accuracy. *Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 9th Edition, International Edition, with Lippincott® Connect provides additional resources and is available as a Print and Digital Access Card Package: 978-1-9752-1539-2 Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, International Edition 7th Edition by Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley ISBN: 978-1-9751-7430-9 / 736pp / January 2023 £45.50 / €53.00 Known for its hallmark Clinical Blue Boxes, Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy, 7th Edition , combines an easy-to-read approach, dynamic surface anatomy and medical imaging features, and engaging digital resources to build clinical confidence and equip users for success from foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. The concise, user-friendly format emphasizes structures and functions critical to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery.
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy, International Edition 1st Edition by Kelly M. Harrell & Ronald W. Dudek ISBN: 978-1-4963-8842-1 / 512pp / November 2018 £41.50 / €49.00 New to the series, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy equips students with a clear, cohesive understanding of clinical anatomy, accentuated with embryology and histology content to ensure their readiness for clinical challenges. The popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series format integrates approachable, lecture-style outlines with detailed full-colour illustrations and photographs to clarify complex information and help students visualize key anatomic structures. Accompanying clinical examples make content even more accessible, and board-style review questions build test-taking confidence to help students excel on their exams. Photographic Atlas of Anatomy 9th Edition by Johannes W. Rohen, Chichiro Yokochi & Elke Lütjen-Drecol ISBN: 978-1-9751-5156-0 / 752pp / March 2021 £69.00 / €81.00 Photographic Atlas of Anatomy features outstanding full-colour photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images, to help students develop an unparalleled mastery of human anatomy with ease. Depicting anatomic structures more realistically than illustrations in traditional atlases, this proven resource shows students exactly what they will see in the dissection lab. Chapters are organized by region in the order of a typical dissection, with each chapter presenting regional anatomical structures in a systematic manner. This updated Ninth Edition includes revised content throughout and features additional cadaver dissection photos, medical imaging, and clinical illustrations, as well as a new appendix with learning resources that strengthen students’ understanding of the vascular, lymphatic, muscular, and nervous systems.
Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 10th Edition by Lawrence E. Wineski ISBN: 978-1-4963-4564-6 / 816pp / November 2018 £62.00 / €73.00 Praised for its clear and consistent organization, dynamic illustrations, and emphasis on clinical applications, Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions pairs expert perspectives with a user–friendly approach to deliver a proven learning and teaching resource on the practical application of anatomy. Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and nursing programs, this trusted text guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explaining the how and why behind each structure and offering readers the hands-on guidance they need to make sound clinical choices. This edition has been completely reorganized to help students confidently navigate body regions from surface to deep structures, integrating basic anatomy, clinical information, surface and radiographic anatomy, as well as embryology.
Essential Ultrasound Anatomy 1st Edition by Marios Loukas & Danny Burns ISBN: 978-1-4963-8353-2 / 320pp / April 2019 £41.50 / €49.00
Presenting sonography in the context of anatomy and clinical practice, Essential Ultrasound Anatomy offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the ultrasound images and important structures that are most frequently encountered in daily practice. Using concise text, ultrasound images with corresponding cadaver photographs, full-colour anatomical and technique illustrations, and videos, it provides today’s students with a solid foundation in regional ultrasound anatomy.
BRS Gross Anatomy 10th Edition by Nancy L. Halliday & Harold M. Chung ISBN: 978-1-9751-8148-2 / 544pp / January 2022 £41.99 / €47.00
BRS Gross Anatomy, 10th Edition , presents the essentials of human anatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline format to help students master key information and confidently prepare for basic sciences level anatomy exams and the USMLE Step 1 board exam. Praised by students as the best review book for gross anatomy, this powerful, easy-to-use resource combines clear, concise writing, a clinically relevant approach, engaging radiographs and full-color illustrations, and more than 550 board-style review questions to ensure unparalleled exam preparation and position users for a successful transition to clinical practice.
Langman’s Medical Embryology, International Edition 15th Edition by T. W. Sadler ISBN: 978-1-9751-8001-0 / 472pp / January 2023 £49.50 / €55.00
Concise, clearly written, and vibrantly illustrated, Langman’s Medical Embryology, 15th Edition, makes complex embryology concepts approachable to help you build the clinical understanding essential to your success in medical practice, nursing, or other health professions. Hundreds of full-color illustrations clarify the stages of embryonic development with rich detail, and engaging learning features, clinical examples, and online review questions ready you for the challenges ahead on your exams and in clinical practice.
Medical Embryology Animations by T. W. Sadler ISBN: 978-1-4963-8736-3 / August 2018
(Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote)
Visualizing the stages of human development and understanding the corresponding anatomical relationships can be a challenge. Medical Embryology Animations offers you and your students an unsurpassed resource for learning and reviewing this difficult topic. This new essential resource: → Includes 9 high-resolution 3D animations, averaging five minutes each, with narration and on-screen labelling → Contains complete coverage of key areas of development → Can be used standalone or coordinated with Langman’s Medical Embryology License this invaluable teaching and learning resource for use in your lectures and course materials today.
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
3D Rotational Gross Anatomy Videos Featuring Real Cadaver Specimens
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy is the optimal anatomical learning solution. Watch and listen to world- renowned anatomist Dr. Robert Acland—Professor Emeritus of Surgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine—as he shows and explains anatomical movement within each region of the body covering bones, muscles, tendons, organs, and more. Available online, this atlas is a perfect resource for any institution’s residents, faculty and students within medical, nursing, physician assistant, physical/occupational therapy, speech/language, and dentistry programs. Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy provides foundational information to supplement the learning and teaching they receive in the classroom and in practice. Why Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy ? • Supports the teaching and learning of anatomy with more than 300 narrated videos • Includes upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk, head & neck, and internal organs; plus, brand new groundbreaking inner ear content • Allows students independent, frequent viewing for review, self assessment, and practical exam preparation—as well as tracking their performance using interactive Q&A and timed or review quizzes • and patients • Ability to browse video clips, share with colleagues, and add to a “favorites” area for quick reference • Enables downloading of PDF transcripts for use in teaching guides and patient handouts
• Comprehensive 3D video atlas of fresh anatomic specimens in their natural color • Ideal for preparation and review in human gross anatomy courses and lab environment • 360 view of specimens • Quick navigation to desired sections by region or via A-Z index • Choose between complete 5-volume collection or specific body region • Available online and optimized for mobile devices accompanied by clear narration and labeled structures
Acland’s Video Atlas of Human Anatomy
5-Volume Gross Anatomy Videos These gross anatomy videos are comprised of 5 volumes, organized
student and faculty learning and teaching structure identification including self-assessment/Q&A, PDF transcripts of the videos used for handouts, and more.
Volume 1: Upper Extremity • Shoulder • Arm & Forearm • Hand Volume 2: Lower Extremity • Hip • Knee • Leg & Ankle • Foot Volume 3: Trunk • Spine • Musculoskeletal Structures of the Thorax • Musculoskeletal Structures Around the Abdomen • Musculoskeletal Structures of the Pelvis
Volume 4: Head & Neck • Support & Movement of the Head • Facial Skeleton & the Base of Skull • Nasal Cavity & Surroundings • Oral Cavity & Surroundings • Larynx & Surroundings • Facial Muscles & Scalp • Brain & Surroundings • Nerves of the Head & Neck • Blood Vessels of the Head & Neck • Eye & Surroundings • Ear—new Inner Ear content Volume 5: Internal Organs • Thoracic Organs • Abdominal Organs • Reproductive System
Request your free trial today! Contact your LWW Representative to learn more or email hlrp-emea-marketing@wolterskluwer.com
Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations, International Edition 13th Edition by Victor P. Eroschenko ISBN: 978-1-4963-1023-1 / Approx. 617pp / March 2017 £59.00 / €69.00
Master histology with idealized and actual photomicrography! This Thirteenth Edition of Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations (formerly diFiore’s ) provides a rich understanding of the basic histology concepts that medical and allied health students need to know. Realistic, full-color illustrations as well as actual photomicrographs of histologic structures are complemented by concise discussions of their most important functional correlations.
Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, International Edition 8th Edition by Leslie P. Gartner & Lisa M.J. Lee ISBN: 978-1-9751-9203-7 / Approx. 608pp / April 2022 £47.50 / €56.00
The go-to tool for mastering histology, Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, Eighth Edition, equips medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with a concise review of all of the major tissue classes and body systems in an engaging approach optimized for superior classroom and clinical success. A consistent presentation combines relevant text and detailed photomicrographs to facilitate understanding and provide valuable review for in-class and licensing examinations. Helpful explanatory text in each chapter details Histophysiology, Clinical Considerations, Summaries of Histologic Organization, and more, accompanied by more than 700 vivid, full-color, high-quality images.
Histology From a Clinical Perspective 2nd Edition by Dongmei Cui ISBN: 978-1-9751-5244-4 / 464pp / June 2022 £66.00 / €77.00 Combining a complete histology atlas with a concise, clinically oriented text, Histology from a Clinical Perspective, Second Edition, integrates essential basic science information and related pathology to ensure mastery of fundamental histology topics and the confidence to apply concepts effectively in practice. Explanatory text in each chapter is paired with expanded figure legends in an innovative layout that presents light and electron micrographic images of a tissue, a diagrammatic representation of the same tissue, and an example of how the tissue may be modified by a pathologic process in abundant Clinical Correlations. Rich with clinical vignette style review questions and additional self-assessment resources, this student-friendly approach reflects the most up-to-date clinical perspectives and instills the understanding and skills to excel in today’s clinical settings.
Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, International Edition 9th Edition by Pawlina Wojciech ISBN: 978-1-9751-8157-4 / 1104pp / September 2023 £59.00 / €69.00 Combining a reader-friendly textbook and a rich, full-color atlas, this bestselling resource equips medical, dental, health professions, and undergraduate biology and cell biology students with a comprehensive grasp of the clinical and functional correlates of histology and a vivid understanding of the structural and functional details of cells, tissues, and organs. Updated content throughout the text reflects the latest advances in cellular and molecular biology, accompanied by large, high-resolution illustrations and full-color photomicrographs that clarify microanatomy in vibrant detail. Ideal for integrated curriculums as well as standalone histology courses, this proven approach is accompanied by popular pedagogical features that distill complex information and help students save time.
High Yield Neuroanatomy 5th Edition by Douglas J. Gould ISBN: 978-1-4511-9343-5 / 208pp / September 2015 £35.99 / €42.00
Now significantly revised based on student feedback, this best-selling text provides a quick, authoritative review of the most important clinical aspects of neuroanatomy. A new, full-colour design highlights the essential information you need to know to excel on course exams and the USMLE Step 1. New objectives begin every chapter, contents have been reorganized and streamlined, and all information has been completely updated. Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context, Structures, Sections, Systems, and Syndromes, International Edition 10th Edition by Duane E. Haines ISBN: 978-1-9751-0668-3 / 384pp / September 2018 £50.50 / €59.00 Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context is unique in integrating clinical information, correlations, and terminology with neuroanatomical concepts. It provides everything students need to not only master the anatomy of the central nervous system, but also understand its clinical relevance – ensuring preparedness for exams and clinical rotations. This authoritative approach, combined with salutary features such as full colour stained sections, extensive cranial nerve cross-referencing, and systems neurobiology coverage, sustains the legacy of this legendary teaching and learning tool.
Barr’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint 10th Edition by John Kiernan & Raj Rajakumar ISBN: 978-1-4511-7327-7 / 448pp / May 2013 £68.00 / €80.00 This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author’s succinct writing style.
Essential Neuroscience 4th Edition by Allan Siegel & Hreday N. Sapru ISBN: 978-1-4963-8240-5 / 648pp / September 2018 £66.00 / €77.00
Essential Neuroscience integrates must-have neuroscience information with clinical and physiological considerations to help readers master the fundamentals of neuroscience and prepare for board and course exams. Acclaimed for its concise, clinically relevant coverage, this student-friendly book uses a stepwise approach that starts with the basic building blocks of neural anatomy and expands to cover structures and functions, the interaction of systems, and the science of clinical disorders. A well-balanced mix of anatomy, physiology, biology, and biochemistry helps students increase their conceptual understanding of the subject matter and prepare for practice.
Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy 8th Edition by Ryan Splittgerber ISBN: 978-1-4963-4675-9 / 560pp / November 2018 £53.50 / €63.00
Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy, Eighth Edition , equips medical and health professions students with a complete, clinically oriented understanding of neuroanatomy. Organized classically by system, this revised edition reflects the latest clinical approaches to neuroanatomy structures and reinforces concepts with enhanced, illustrations, diagnostic images, and surface anatomy photographs. Each chapter begins with clear objectives and a clinical case for a practical introduction to key concepts. Throughout the text, Clinical Notes highlight important clinical considerations. Chapters end with bulleted key concepts, along with clinical problem solving cases and review questions that test students’ comprehension and ensure preparation for clinical application.
Basic Clinical Neuroscience 3rd Edition by Paul A. Young, Paul H. Young & Daniel L. Tolbert ISBN: 978-1-4511-7329-1 / 464pp / February 2015 £64.00 / €75.00
Basic Clinical Neuroscience, Third Edition , provides clear, detailed coverage of clinically oriented aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology to help medical and health professions students better understand neurological and neurosurgical disorders and prepare for board exams. Through concise descriptions of functional systems, the book helps students understand the anatomic and pathophysiologic basis for neurologic abnormalities. Students have consistently praised the book for its exceptionally clear explanations of concepts. The Third Edition is enhanced by full colour illustrations, additional case studies, clinical images, review questions, and clinical correlations.
LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection
Textbook/Multimedia Toolbox for Teaching, Learning, and Practice
Why LWW Health Library?
Designed to support foundational learning and clinical practice, LWW Health Libraries deliver trusted health science education and clinical content to residents, fellows, program directors, faculty, and clinicians through a single portal — providing interactive online access to essential textbooks, multimedia & imagery, real-life case studies, and quizzes. LWW Health Library: Anatomical Sciences helps students grasp fundamental concepts in human anatomy to better deliver patient outcomes. They’ll get the guidance and support they’ll need from basic science undergraduate coursework, residency training, and medical and allied health professional practice.
LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection Includes : • 7 core textbooks for the
Key Features of LWW Health Library: A single portal to foundational and basic sciences resources, as well as rich multimedia ancillaries for teaching, learning, and practice. • Highly-rated references: Trusted, core texts from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, making it a one-stop, digital portal for authoritative content paired with industry-leading functionality • Account personalization: Ability to save content to a ‘My Health Library’, access Health Library from any computer, and set up email alerts for when new content is added • Quizzing: Ability to create custom quizzes organized by topic and to keep track of responses and link to relevant content to help with remediation • Advanced semantic search: Results displayed by title, chapter, topic, and/or type of resource • Responsive Design: Ability to browse content on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with ease • Print/save a chapter: Downloadable chapters via PDF, for easy access to content when offline — for note-taking or to print • Multimedia ancillary content: Access to videos, images, Q & A, patient education handouts, and more
Anatomical Sciences student and practitioner (full list on reverse) • Over 100 videos covering anatomy, osteopathy, biochemistry, and more • Over 1,000 self-assessment questions for identifying areas where users need the most support • Dozens of case studies offering real-world clinical scenarios • Content updated regularly! • Key titles: Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Histology; A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, Langman’s Medical Embryology.
LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection
Authoritative content for the LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection includes:
• Agur & Dalley: Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy • Detton: Grant’s Dissector • Gartner: Color Atlas and Text of Histology • Haines: Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context
• Moore, et al: Clinically Oriented Anatomy • Ross & Pawlina: Histology: A Text and Atlas: With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology • Sadler: Langman’s Medical Embryology.
Additional Features:
• Regular content updates that ensure users receive the most up-to-date reference material • Clean, user-friendly display of book pages, including tables, images, and linked references • Multiple chapter views including full chapter, figures only or tables only
• Links to related content i n the collection for quick access, driven by powerful semantic tagging • Subject lists displayed on textbook browse page for easy navigation, allowing users to filter by subject in search results • Images downloadable directly into a PPT template
Who uses the LWW Health Library Anatomical Sciences Collection? • Students can access required readings and digital assets to prepare for class — easily jumping to specific chapters, with the ability to print and/or save that chapter to a PDF to read offline later. • Instructors can use the contents and digital assets to create customized classroom materials and course packs — with the ability to save images, videos, and chapters and to search specific URLs and disseminate to students. • Staff can use assessments and treatment information to plan care for patients.
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BioDigital Human
Understanding anatomy, including disease and treatment, is the foundation of all healthcare education. The BioDigital Human platform is a medically accurate, virtual map of the human body - composed of thousands of individually selectable anatomical structures, hundreds of simulated health conditions, and a powerful toolkit to map, visualize, and share 3D models. This fully embeddable, cloud-based software is available in eight languages, on any phone, tablet, laptop, computer, or in AR/VR for use within any educational or clinical workflow. Developed with the goal of bringing the same interactive visualization used for maps and video games to education, the BioDigital Human platform is an interactive learning solution that includes full male and female anatomy, as well as health conditions and treatments. Each section is fully segmented, labeled, and dissectable for easy configuration to meet a variety of educational needs. An immersive 3D anatomy solution that enriches teaching and learning about the human body Key Features: Medically accurate male and female anatomy models composed of over 8,000 individually selectable objects 600+ disease and treatment 3D models to explore, including procedure animations Both full male and female anatomy included, in professional grade detail Easy LMS integration that supports faculty and course learning objectives across an institution Cloud-based technology that allows quick, easy access from anywhere without having to download plug-ins or extensions 500+ interactive 3D quiz questions that can be used as is or modified by faculty to assess students or by students to create study guides (subscription model only) A powerful authoring tool allows users to adapt or create 3D models and 2D images
Automatic syncing across devices Mobile app available for iPad®, iPhone®, and Android™ devices Enhance teaching materials withcustom, innovative anatomy experiences that are easily added to any course. Create a collaborative team resource across your institution that teaches medical concepts through the power of 3D visualization. Develop virtual labs by recording lectures, prosections, dissections, and more, and combine them with interactive 3D learning activities, allowing students to revisit their lab experience, at any time and at their own pace. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Portuguese.
Tailor 3D anatomy to your curriculum with BioDigital’s Human Studio C reate content aligned with educational objectives using powerful yet intiutive authoring tools. Hide structures to isolate essential anatomy and apply paint and effects to emphasize or de-emphasize structures. S tring together multiple views of the human body into an embeddable, 3D interactive slideshow. Add labels, titles, and descriptions or edit existing ones. Include questions or quizzing around models with multiple choice, anatomy selection, labeling, or instructions all in interactive 3D. Go beyond anatomy with 3D condition and treatment models Hundreds of diseases, conditions, and treatments, including heart disease, breast cancer, and diabetes, are presented in interactive 3D, allowing students to visualize complex science in a more accessible way.
Request your FREE trial today! Contact your LWW representative to learn more or email hlrp-emea-marketing@wolterskluwer.com
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