LWW Faculty Catalogue 2022 - Nursing


Home & Community Care

Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing 8th Edition

Elizabeth T. Anderson & Judith McFarlane 978-1-4963-8713-4 / 408pp / October 2018 £59.00 / €69.00

Community As Partner: Theory andPractice inNursing, Eighth Edition offers a foundational overview of the concepts of epidemiology, environment, culture, ethics, empowerment, health policy, informatics, bioterrorism, and emerging infectious diseases as they relate to community health. Authors and theorists Dr. Anderson and Dr. McFarlane of the Community As Partner Model armstudents with the “how to” knowledge they need to apply the nursing process to an entire community, and take readers through the entire nursing process with a real-life community as an example! Anderson offers a handbook with practical skills that ACHNE has outlined as essential for generalist nurses, including how to do a community assessment, how to analyse data, how to forma community nursing diagnosis, as well as how to plan, implement, and evaluate a community health program. Community As Partner analyses the relationship between globalization and health, and inspires students to contribute to the reduction of global health challenges and promoting health for all, includingmarginalized populations and health promotion in school communities, rural communities, and faith communities.

Critical & Intensive Care

Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach 11th Edition

Patricia G. Morton & Dorrie K. Fontaine 978-1-4963-7516-2 / 1248 / February 2017 £84.00 / €98.00

Prepare your students for successful critical care nursing practice! Focusing on preparing students to provide optimal care for critically ill patients and their families, this updated Eleventh Edition of Morton’s classic text integrates the latest research in health care and nursing education, while providing clear, concise writing; outstanding photographs and illustrations; and a holistic approach to the complexities of critical care nursing. By presenting theory and principles within the context of practical application, the authors promote critical thinking and clinical decision-making in every chapter and emphasize the patient as the center of the health care team’s efforts.


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