LWW Faculty Catalogue 2022 - Anatomy
Anatomy Textbook CATALOGUE 2022
New Publications
Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, International Edition
9th Edition Anne M. R. Agur and Arthur F. Dalley Photographic Atlas of Anatomy
9th Edition Johannes W. Rohen, Chichiro Yokochi and Elke Lütjen-Drecoll Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, International Edition
8th Edition Leslie P. Gartner and Lisa M.J. Lee Histology From a Clinical Perspective
2nd Edition Dongmei Cui
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy 15th Edition Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley 978-1-9751-3878-3 / 896pp / March 2020 £62.00 / €72.00 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title*
For more than seventy-five years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has maintained a tradition of excellence while continually adapting to meet the needs of each generation of students. The updated Fifteenth Edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new and enhanced features that make it even more practical and user-friendly.
Grant’s Dissector 17th Edition Alan J. Detton 978-1-9751-3465-5 / 385pp / March 2020 £41.99 / €49.00 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title*
Grant’s Dissector provides step-by-step human cadaver dissection procedures for students to perform in the anatomy lab and to recognize important relationships revealed through dissection. More informative and approachable than ever, this updated Seventeenth Edition broadens students’ understanding of key dissection procedures and readies them for success in healthcare practice.
Grant’s Dissection Videos 1st Edition Alan J. Detton 978-1-49631-918-0 / August 2017
Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote This collection of approximately 80 high-resolution videos, totalling more than 13 hours, demonstrate the Grant’s method of cadaver dissection sequences, as described in Grant’s Dissector. Organized by body region, each video includes narration by Dr. Alan Detton and on-screen labelling and text. The videos show students what they are expected to achieve in lab, the steps required for each dissection, and the information they need to learn for practical exams.
* Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book 1st Edition Nicole R. Herring 978-1-4963-5125-8 / 384pp / April 2018 £22.99 / €27.00
Grant’s Anatomy Coloring Book uses an interactive approach to help students deepen and reinforce their anatomical knowledge. Integrating visual and kinesthetic learning activities with an efficient, high-yield review of essential information, it’s the perfect way for students to deepen their grasp of the anatomy they need to know for their courses, labs, and exams! Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, International Edition 9th Edition Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley 978-1-9751-5412-7 / 1200pp / March 2022 £60.00 / €68.00 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title* Renowned for its comprehensive coverage and engaging, storytelling approach, the bestselling Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy , Ninth Edition guides students from initial anatomy and foundational science courses through clinical training and practice. A popular resource for a variety of programs, this proven text serves as a complete reference, emphasizing anatomy that is important in physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. The Ninth Edition reflects the latest changes in the clinical application of anatomy as well as preparation for the USMLE while maintaining the highest standards for scientific and clinical accuracy. Moore’s Essential Clinical Anatomy 6th Edition Keith L. Moore, Anne M. R. Agur & Arthur F. Dalley 978-1-9751-1443-5 / 720pp / March 2019 £41.50 / €48.00 As with the leading, comprehensive Clinically Oriented Anatomy text, this succinct resource is widely acclaimed for the relevance of its clinical correlations, emphasizing anatomy essential to physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery. The text’s hallmark blue Clinical Boxes highlight the practical value of anatomy, accompanied by extensive surface anatomy and medical imaging features that clarify key concepts and structures to help build clinical confidence and equip students for success in practice. NEW!
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy 1st Edition Kelly M. Harrell & Ronald W. Dudek 978-1-4963-8842-1 / 512pp / November 2018 £39.50 / €46.00 New to the series, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Anatomy equips students with a clear, cohesive understanding of clinical anatomy, accentuated with embryology and histology content to ensure their readiness for clinical challenges. The popular Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews series format integrates approachable, lecture-style outlines with detailed full-colour illustrations and photographs to clarify complex information and help students visualize key anatomic structures. Accompanying clinical examples make content even more accessible, and board-style review questions build test-taking confidence to help students excel on their exams.
Photographic Atlas of Anatomy 9th Edition Johannes W. Rohen, Chichiro Yokochi & Elke Lütjen-Drecoll 978-1-9751-5156-0 / 752pp / April 2021 £66.00 / €77.00 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title*
Photographic Atlas of Anatomy features outstanding full-colour photographs of actual cadaver dissections, with accompanying schematic drawings and diagnostic images, to help students develop an unparalleled mastery of human anatomy with ease. Depicting anatomic structures more realistically than illustrations in traditional atlases, this proven resource shows students exactly what they will see in the dissection lab. Chapters are organized by region in the order of a typical dissection, with each chapter presenting regional anatomical structures in a systematic manner. This updated Ninth Edition includes revised content throughout and features additional cadaver dissection photos, medical imaging, and clinical illustrations, as well as a new appendix with learning resources that strengthen students’ understanding of the vascular, lymphatic, muscular, and nervous systems.
* Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 10th Edition Lawrence E. Wineski 978-1-4963-4564-6 / 816pp / November 2018 £59.00 / €69.00
Praised for its clear and consistent organization, dynamic illustrations, and emphasis on clinical applications, Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions pairs expert perspectives with a user–friendly approach to deliver a proven learning and teaching resource on the practical application of anatomy. Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and nursing programs, this trusted text guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explaining the how and why behind each structure and offering readers the hands-on guidance they need to make sound clinical choices. This edition has been completely reorganized to help students confidently navigate body regions from surface to deep structures, integrating basic anatomy, clinical information, surface and radiographic anatomy, as well as embryology. Essential Ultrasound Anatomy 1st Edition Marios Loukas & Danny Burns 978-1-4963-8353-2 / 320pp / April 2019 £39.50 / €46.00 Presenting sonography in the context of anatomy and clinical practice, Essential Ultrasound Anatomy offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the ultrasound images and important structures that are most frequently encountered in daily practice. Using concise text, ultrasound images with corresponding cadaver photographs, full-colour anatomical and technique illustrations, and videos, it provides today’s students with a solid foundation in regional ultrasound anatomy. BRS Gross Anatomy 9th Edition Nancy L. Halliday & Harold M. Chung 978-1-9751-2014-6 / 544pp / December 2018 £39.99 / €47.00 This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of human anatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline formant and includes concise descriptions, clinical correlations, radiographs, full-colour illustrations, and tables. Considered the best review book for gross anatomy by medical student reviewers, this updated and streamlined Ninth Edition includes more than 550 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, organized into chapter review tests and an end-of-book comprehensive exam, to help students master key information.
Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition T. W. Sadler 978-1-9751-1484-8 / 456pp / November 2018 £44.99 / €52.00
Vibrantly illustrated with full-colour diagrams and clinical images, Langman’s Medical Embryology , Fourteenth Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses. Medical Embryology Animations T. W. Sadler 978-1-4963-8736-3 / August 2018 Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote. Visualizing the stages of human development and understanding the corresponding anatomical relationships can be a challenge. Medical Embryology Animations offers you and your students an unsurpassed resource for learning and reviewing this difficult topic. This new essential resource: I ncludes 9 high-resolution 3D animations, averaging five minutes each, with narration and on-screen labelling C ontains complete coverage of key areas of development C an be used standalone or coordinated with Langman’s Medical Embryology License this invaluable teaching and learning resource for use in your lectures and course materials today.
Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations 13th Edition Victor P. Eroschenko 978-1-4963-1023-1 / 617pp / March 2017 £56.00 / €65.00 Master histology with idealized and actual photomicrography! This Thirteenth Edition of Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations (formerly diFiore’s ) provides a rich understanding of the basic histology concepts that medical and allied health students need to know. Realistic, full-color illustrations as well as actual photomicrographs of histologic structures are complemented by concise discussions of their most important functional correlations. Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology, International Edition 8th Edition Leslie P. Gartner & Lisa M.J. Lee 978-1-9751-9203-7 / 608pp / April 2022 £45.00 / €51.00 Lippincott® Connect Featured Title* The go-to tool for mastering histology, Gartner & Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology , Eighth Edition, equips medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with a concise review of all of the major tissue classes and body systems in an engaging approach optimized for superior classroom and clinical success. A consistent presentation combines relevant text and detailed photomicrographs to facilitate understanding and provide valuable review for in-class and licensing examinations. Helpful explanatory text in each chapter details Histophysiology, Clinical Considerations, Summaries of Histologic Organization, and more, accompanied by more than 700 vivid, full-color, high-quality images. NEW!
* Purchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.
Histology From a Clinical Perspective 2nd Edition Dongmei Cui 978-1-9751-5244-4 / 464pp / June 2022 £58.99 / €67.00
Combining a complete histology atlas with a concise, clinically oriented text, Histology from a Clinical Perspective , Second Edition, integrates essential basic science information and related pathology to ensure mastery of fundamental histology topics and the confidence to apply concepts effectively in practice. Explanatory text in each chapter is paired with expanded figure legends in an innovative layout that presents light and electron micrographic images of a tissue, a diagrammatic representation of the same tissue, and an example of how the tissue may be modified by a pathologic process in abundant Clinical Correlations. Rich with clinical vignette-style review questions and additional self-assessment resources, this student-friendly approach reflects the most up- to-date clinical perspectives and instills the understanding and skills to excel in today’s clinical settings.
Histology: A Text and Atlas with Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology 8th Edition Pawlina Wojciech 978-1-9751-1536-4 / 928pp / January 2019 £56.00 / €65.00
Combining a reader-friendly textbook and a rich, full-color atlas, this bestselling resource equips medical, dental, health professions, and undergraduate biology and cell biology students with a comprehensive grasp of the clinical and functional correlates of histology and a vivid understanding of the structural and functional details of cells, tissues, and organs. Updated content throughout the text reflects the latest advances in cellular and molecular biology, accompanied by large, high-resolution illustrations and full-color photomicrographs that clarify microanatomy in vibrant detail. Ideal for integrated curriculums as well as standalone histology courses, this proven approach is accompanied by popular pedagogical features that distill complex information and help students save time.
High Yield Neuroanatomy 5th Edition Douglas J. Gould 978-1-4511-9343-5 / 208pp / September 2015 £33.99 / €40.00
Now significantly revised based on student feedback, this best-selling text provides a quick, authoritative review of the most important clinical aspects of neuroanatomy. A new, full-colour design highlights the essential information you need to know to excel on course exams and the USMLE Step 1. New objectives begin every chapter, contents have been reorganized and streamlined, and all information has been completely updated. Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context 10th Edition Duane E. Haines 978-1-9751-0668-3 / 384pp / September 2018 £47.99 / €56.00 Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context is unique in integrating clinical information, correlations, and terminology with neuroanatomical concepts. It provides everything students need to not only master the anatomy of the central nervous system, but also understand its clinical relevance – ensuring preparedness for exams and clinical rotations. This authoritative approach, combined with salutary features such as full-colour stained sections, extensive cranial nerve cross-referencing, and systems neurobiology coverage, sustains the legacy of this legendary teaching and learning tool.
Barr’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint 10th Edition John Kiernan & Raj Rajakumar 978-1-4511-7327-7 / 448pp / May 2013 £65.00 / €76.00
This classic well-illustrated textbook simplifies neuroscience content to focus coverage on the essentials and helps students learn important neuroanatomical facts and definitions. Among its many distinctions are its organization by region and then pathways into and out of the nervous system, which permits students an integrated view of the anatomy and physiology; level of treatment suited to increasingly shorter neuroanatomy course hours for medical and allied health students; and the author’s succinct writing style.
Essential Neuroscience 4th Edition Allan Siegel & Hreday N. Sapru 978-1-4963-8240-5 / 648pp / September 2018 £63.00 / €73.00
Essential Neuroscience integrates must-have neuroscience information with clinical and physiological considerations to help readers master the fundamentals of neuroscience and prepare for board and course exams. Acclaimed for its concise, clinically relevant coverage, this student-friendly book uses a stepwise approach that starts with the basic building blocks of neural anatomy and expands to cover structures and functions, the interaction of systems, and the science of clinical disorders. A well-balanced mix of anatomy, physiology, biology, and biochemistry helps students increase their conceptual understanding of the subject matter and prepare for practice.
Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy 8th Edition Ryan Splittgerber 978-1-4963-4675-9 / 560pp / November 2018 £51.00 / €59.00
Snell’s Clinical Neuroanatomy , Eighth Edition, equips medical and health professions students with a complete, clinically oriented understanding of neuroanatomy. Organized classically by system, this revised edition reflects the latest clinical approaches to neuroanatomy structures and reinforces concepts with enhanced, illustrations, diagnostic images, and surface anatomy photographs. Each chapter begins with clear objectives and a clinical case for a practical introduction to key concepts. Throughout the text, Clinical Notes highlight important clinical considerations. Chapters end with bulleted key concepts, along with clinical problem solving cases and review questions that test students’ comprehension and ensure preparation for clinical application.
Basic Clinical Neuroscience 3rd Edition Paul A. Young, Paul H. Young & Daniel L. Tolbert 978-1-4511-7329-1 / 464pp / February 2015 £61.00 / €71.00
Basic Clinical Neuroscience, Third Edition, provides clear, detailed coverage of clinically oriented aspects of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology to help medical and health professions students better understand neurological and neurosurgical disorders and prepare for board exams. Through concise descriptions of functional systems, the book helps students understand the anatomic and pathophysiologic basis for neurologic abnormalities. Students have consistently praised the book for its exceptionally clear explanations of concepts. The Third Edition is enhanced by full colour illustrations, additional case studies, clinical images, review questions, and clinical correlations.
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Lippincott ® Connect
Ebook and Beyond Developed specifically for students in medicine and healthcare, Lippincott® Connect textbooks offer interactive resources purposefully selected and designed to help students succeed in their courses and into practice. A full, searchable ebook allows students to highlight and take notes on key sentences, colour coding them for a more personal and efficient study experience. Carefully complied resources, including interactive diagrams, video tutorials, flashcards, organ sounds, and self-assessment, facilitate comprehension. Lippincott® Connect was designed based on intensive research work with students and faculty and reflects what today’s students need. It provides extra support to students who may be struggling with concepts or with a new learning environment giving them access to resources that help them master difficult subjects. Lifetime access to their personalised study center via connect.lww.com means they will have their materials wherever, whenever they need them.
An improved solution for better student outcomes
Lippincott® Connect helps faculty: Offer a compelling digital experience to ensure content mastery Improve student performance Provide support to students who may be struggling with content Set students up for success beyond the classroom
A personalised connection for courses, exams and beyond. Students can maximize study time with Lippincott® Connect: A digital learning experience that provides easy access to trusted content from anywhere. Notes and Highlights: Work more effectively with tools that identify what students need to know. Additional resources: Videos, self-assessment and other resources are available to enhance learning and reinforce concepts. Study Collections: Students can highlight important concepts and combine content and multimedia resources from across their titles into Study Collections, creating a truly personalised study experience.
Lippincott ® Connect
2022 available titles
Agur, Dalley: Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 15th Edition 9781975138783 (print) 9781975175047 (electronic only) Detton: Grant’s Dissector, 17th Edition 9781975134655 (print) 9781975175030 (electronic only) Dalley, Agur: Moore’s Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 9th Edition 9781975154066 (print) 9781975189624 (electronic only)
Rohen: Photographic Atlas of Anatomy, 9th Edition 9781975151560 (print) 9781975178109 (electronic only) Gartner: Gartner & Hiatt’s Color Atlas and Text of
Histology, 8th Edition 9781975192037 (print) 9781975189648 (electronic only)
What students are saying about Lippincott Connect: “Having all of my material in one study Collection makes me feel much more calm.”
Contact hlrp-emea-marketing@wolterskluwer.com to find out more
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