LWW Faculty Catalogue 2021_Sports & Exercise Science
Titles available for Spring 2021 Lippincott ® Connect Titles available for Spring 2021 Lippincott ® Connect Lippincott ® Connect Ebook and Beyond
Lippincott ® Connect
Ebook and Beyond
solution for better student outcomes An improved ter t t tc es
solution for better student outcomes
Developed specifically for students in medicine and healthcare, Lippincott® Connect textbooks offer interactive resources purposefully selected and designed to help students succeed in their courses and into practice. A full, searchable ebook allows students to highlight and take notes on key sentences, colour coding them for a more personal and efficient study experience. Carefully compiled resources, including interactive diagrams, video tutorials, flashcards, organ sounds, and self- assessment, facilitate comprehension. Lippincott® Connect was designed based on intensive research work with students and faculty, and reflects what today’s students need. It provides extra support to students who may be struggling with concepts or with a new learning environment, giving them access to resources that help them master difficult subjects. Lifetime access to their personalised study center via connect.lww.com means they will have their materials wherever, whenever they need them.
Coming Soon
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 15th Edition (print) • 9781975175047 (electronic only: coming soon) Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, print) • 9781975175061 (electronic only: coming soon) Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History (print) • 9781975175085 (electronic only: coming soon) Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 15th Edition (print) • 9781975175047 (electronic only: co ing soon) Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, print) • 9781975175061 (electronic only: coming soon) Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History (print) • 9781975175085 (electronic only: coming soon) Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and (print) • 9781975112431 (electronic only: coming soon) Grant’s Dissector, 17th Edition (print) • 978975175030 (electronic only: coming soon) Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 8th Editio (print) • 9781975175023 (electronic only: coming soon) Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, 6th Editio ( rint) • 9781975175092 (electronic only: coming soon) Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, (print) • 9781975112431 (electronic only: coming soon) Grant’s Dissector, 17th Edition (print) • 978975175030 (electronic only: coming soon) Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 8th Editio (print) • 9781975175023 (electronic only: coming soon) Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, 6th Editio ( rint) • 9781975175092 (electronic only: coming soon) Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application, (print) 9781975175016 (electronic only: coming soon)
13th Edition
Taking, 9th Edition 13th Edition
Muscle Testing, 4th Edition Taking, 9th Edition
Muscle Testing, 4th Edition
3rd Edition
Lippincott ® Connect helps faculty: • Offer a compelling digital experience to ensure content mastery • Improve student performance • Provide support to students who may be struggling with content • Set students up for success beyond the classroom
West’s Respiratory Physiology: Lippincott ® Connect helps faculty: • Offer a compelling digital experience to ensure content mastery • Improve student performance • Provide support to students who may be struggling with content • Set students up for success beyond the classroom West’s Respiratory Physiology:
A personali ed connection for courses, exams an beyond. Students can maximize study time with Lippincott Connect : • A digital learning experience that provides easy access to trusted content from anywher • Notes and Highlights: Work more effectively with tools that identify what students need to know. • Additional resources: Videos, self-assessment and other resources are available to enhance learning and reinforce concepts. • Study Collections: Students can highlight important concepts and combine content and multimedia resources from across their titles into Study Collections, creating a truly personali d study experience.
A personali ed connection for courses, exams an beyond. Students can maximize study time with Lippincott Connect : • A digital learning experience that provides easy access to trusted content from anywher • Notes and Highlights: Work more effectively with tools that identify what students need to know. • Additional resources: Videos, self-assessment and other resources are available to enhance learning and reinforce concepts. • Study Collections: Students can highlight important concepts and combine content and multimedia resources from across their titles into Study Collections, creating a truly personali d study experience.
3rd Edition
(print) 9781975175016 (electronic only: coming soon)
What saying about Lippincott Connect : “Having all of my material in one Study Collection makes me feel much more calm.” saying about Lippincott Connect : “Having all of my material in one Study Collection makes me feel much more calm.” What
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