Kaplan and Sadocks Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 11e


Chapter 19. Factitious Disorder

Further Readings Asher R. Munchausen’s syndrome. Lancet . 1951;1:339. *Bass C, Halligan P. Factitious disorders and malingering: challenges for clinical assess ment and management. Lancet . 2014;383:1422–1432. Bass C, Jones D. Psychopathology of perpetrators of fabricated or induced illness in children: case series. Br J Psychiatry . 2011;199:113–118. Bass C, Taylor M. Recovery from chronic factitious disorder (Munchausen’s syndrome): a personal account. Personal Ment Health . 2013;7:80–83. Bools CN, Neale BA, Meadow SR. Follow up of victims of fabricated illness (Munchau sen syndrome by proxy). Arch Dis Child . 1993;69:625–630. Burton MC, Warren MB, Lapid MI, Bostwick JM. Munchausen syndrome by adult proxy: a review of the literature. J Hosp Med . 2015;10(1):32–35. *Davis P, McClure RJ, Rolfe K, et al. Procedures, placement and risks of further abuse after Munchausen syndrome by proxy, non-accidental poisoning, and non-accidental suffocation. Arch Dis Child . 1998;78:217–221. Eisendrath SJ. Factitious physical disorders: treatment without confrontation. Psycho somatics . 1989;30:383. Eisendrath SJ, McNiel DE. Factitious disorders in civil litigation: twenty cases illustrat ing the spectrum of abnormal illness-affirming behavior. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law . 2002;30:391. *Flaherty EG, MacMillan HL; Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. Caregiver fabricated illness in a child: a manifestation of child maltreatment. Pediatrics . 2013; 132:590. Fliege H, Lee JR, Grimm A, Fydrich T, Klapp BF. Axis I comorbidity and psychopatho logic correlates of autodestructive syndromes. Compr Psychiatry . 2009;50:327–334. Gelenberg AJ. Munchausen’s syndrome with a psychiatric presentation. Dis Nerv Syst . 1977;38:378. Gregory RJ, Jindal S. Factitious disorder on an inpatient psychiatry ward. Am J Ortho psychiatry . 2006;76(1):31–36. *Kenedi CA, Shirey KG, Hoffa M, et al. Laboratory diagnosis of factitious disorder: a systematic review of tools useful in the diagnosis of Munchausen’s syndrome. N Z Med J . 2011;124(1342):66–81.

Kinns H, Housley D, Freedman DB. Munchausen syndrome and factitious disorder: the role of the laboratory in its detection and diagnosis. Ann Clin Biochem . 2013;50:194. Krahn LE, Li H, O’Connor MK. Patients who strive to be ill: factitious disorder with physical symptoms. Am J Psychiatry . 2003;160:1163–1168. Lawrie SM, Goodwin G, Masterton G. Munchausen’s syndrome and organic brain disor der. Br J Psychiatry . 1993;162:545–549. McClure RJ, Davis PM, Meadow SR, Silbert JR. Epidemiology of Munchausen syn drome by proxy, non-accidental poisoning, and non-accidental suffocation. Arch Dis Child . 1996;75:57–61. McCullumsmith CB, Ford CV. Simulated illness: the factitious disorders and malinger ing. Psychiatr Clin North Am . 2011;34:621–641. Meadow R. Management of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Arch Dis Child . 1985; 60:385. Meadow R. Unnatural sudden infant death syndrome. Arch Dis Child . 1999;80:7. Olry R, Haines DE. Historical and literary roots of Münchhausen syndromes: as intrigu ing as the syndromes themselves. Prog Brain Res . 2013;206:123–141. Pankratz L, Lezak MD. Cerebral dysfunction in the Munchausen syndrome. Hillside J Clin Psychiatry . 1987;9(2):195–206. Poole CJM. Illness deception and work: incidence, manifestations and detection. Occup Med (Lond) . 2010;60:127–132. Reich P, Gottfried LA. Factitious disorders in a teaching hospital. Ann Intern Med . 1983;99:240. Rosenberg DA. Web of deceit: a literature review of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Child Abuse Neglect . 1987;11:547. *Spence SA, Kaylor-Hughes CJ. Looking for truth and finding lies: the prospects for a nascent neuroimaging of deception. Neurocase . 2008;14:68–81. Sutherland AJ, Rodin GM. Factitious disorders in a general hospital setting: clinical fea tures and a review of the literature. Psychosomatics . 1990;31:392. Wallach J. Laboratory diagnosis of factitious disorders. Arch Intern Med . 1994;154:1690. Yates GP, Bass C. The perpetrators of medical child abuse (Munchausen syndrome by proxy)—a systematic review of 796 cases. Child Abuse Negl . 2017;72:45–53. Yates GP, Feldman MD. Factitious disorder: a systematic review of 455 cases in the professional literature. Gen Hosp Psychiatry . 2016;41:20–28.

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