Kaplan and Sadocks Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 11e
Chapter 19. Factitious Disorder
Table 19–2. Methods of Factitious Symptom Production, Suggestive Signs, and Confirmatory Tests by Systems ( Continued )
Method of Factitious Symptom Manufacture Spitting into urine sample (salivary amylase) Injection of blood from transfusions Ingestion of NSAIDs/salicylates Ingestion of loperamide
Signs Suggestive of Factitiousness
Test for Factitious Method Obtain monitored sample
Hyperamylasuria with normal serum amylase Nasogastric tube shows blood despite normal endoscopy Single-stripe sign-on colonoscopy
GI bleeding
Radiolabeling transfusions
HPLC of serum/stool for motility slowing agent
Renal Diuresis
Diuretic abuse
High urine potassium concentration
Detection of diuretics by chromatography
Bartter syndrome
Loop diuretic abuse
Hypokalemia, urine chloride low or variable
Renal biopsy for juxtaglomerular hyperplasia Screen urine for diuretics
Self-induced vomiting
Metabolic Hypervitaminosis A Vitamin A abuse
Increased gamma-glutamyltransferase
Increased serum/tissue levels vitamin A, retinoic acid derivatives
Increased bilirubin
Hypokalemia Hyperkalemia
Laxative abuse
See above
Injection of urine into blood sample
Potassium level incompatible with life
Monitoring sample gathering yields normal result
Salt load
Fractional excretion of sodium high Gastric aspirate salt concentration > 200 mmol/L
Urologic Hematuria
Adding blood from another wound/meat Traumatizing urethra Inserting foreign bodies into the bladder Ingestion of anticoagulants Addition of coloring to urine Injection of egg protein in bladder
Lack of red blood cell/hemoglobin casts
“3-tube” urinalysis (more blood in first tube if urethral trauma)
Lack of distorted red blood cells
Physical examination
Large day-to-day variations in urine protein concentration Serum albumin concentration remains in normal range
Electrophoresis of urine protein/pure albumin Large albumin band on UPEP without transferrin increase Antibody confirmation of human albumin
Lack of other signs of nephrotic syndrome
Injecting bacteria into bladder or urine specimens Adding pepper grains to urine Inserting stones into bladder Submitting quartz, feldspar as samples
Urinary calculi
Infrared spectrophotometry
Chemical analysis X-ray diffraction X-ray crystallography
Hematologic Anemia
Decreased serum iron, ferritin, iron binding capacity Decreased bone marrow iron concentration
Iron 59 elimination studies
Urine/stool iron levels
No evidence of bleeding
Blood typing
Sickle cell crisis
Serum protein electrophoresis normal
Genetic testing Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Pancytopenia Ingestion of chemotherapy Hemorrhage/purpura Ingestion of anticoagulant (rodenticide/coumadin)
Prolonged prothrombin time (PT)
Warfarin/brodifacoum/heparin assay
Heparin injection
Prolonged partial thromboplastin time (PTT) with normal PT
PTT measured every 2 hours under observation Reversal with protamine sulfate Normal reptilase time Failure of PTT to correct in 1:1 mixture with normal plasma Correction of PTT with heparin removal measures Detection of quinidine-dependent antiplatelet antibodies
Ingestion of quinidine
Purpura with thrombocytopenia
Endocrine Hypoglycemia
Serum insulin concentration > 100 mU/L Normal proinsulin levels (increased in insulinoma)
Injection of insulin
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