Gartner_BRS Cell Biology & Histology, 9e

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Cell Biology & Histology


Leslie P. Gartner, PhD Professor of Anatomy (Retired)

Department of Biomedical Sciences Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Dental School, University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland Lisa M. J. Lee, PhD Associate Professor Department of Cell and Developmental Biology University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, School of Medicine Denver, Colorado

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Acquisitions Editor: Crystal Taylor Development Editor: Deborah Bordeaux Editorial Coordinator: Priyanka Alagar Marketing Manager: Kirsten Watrud Production Project Manager: Bridgett Dougherty Design Coordinator: Stephen Druding Manufacturing Coordinator: Margie Orzech Prepress Vendor: S4Carlisle Publishing Services

Ninth Edition

Copyright © 2025 Wolters Kluwer.

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer. Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health. Copyright © 2011, 2007, 2003, 1998, 1993, 1988 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business.

Korean translation, 2005, published by ShinHeung Medscience, Inc. Japanese translation, 2007, published by Medical Science International, LTD Greek translation, 2006, published by Parissianos Publishing Company

Spanish translation, 2015, published by Wolters Kluwer Turkish translation, 2016, published by Istanbul Tip Kitabevi

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISBN-13: 978-1-975219-72-7 ISBN-10: 1-975219-72-4 Cataloging in Publication data available on request from publisher.

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To my wife, Roseann, my daughter, Jen, and in memory of my parents.

Although it has been stated that writing is a lonely profession, I have been very fortunate in having my canine companion Robbie, an Irish Terrier, who kept me company as I was working on this book. L.P.G.

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To my students, past, present, and future. L.M.J.L.

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I am very pleased to introduce Dr Lisa M. J. Lee, my new coauthor of the ninth edition of BRS Cell Biology & Histology . Those readers who have used the eighth edition of Gartner and Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology have already had the pleasure of meeting her and noting the many improvements that her contribution made to that Atlas. I am sure that the reader will note that Dr Lee has made a similar valuable stamp on the current edition of this book. Both of us are delighted with the reception of the previous editions of this book as well as with the many favorable comments from students throughout the world who used it in its original English, or in the various translations into other languages, in preparation for USMLE Step 1 or as an outline and study guide for their histology and/or cell biology courses in professional schools or undergrad uate colleges. All of the chapters have been revised and updated to incorporate current information, and the content of the text was adjusted to present material emphasized on National Board Examinations as succinctly as possible while still retaining the emphasis on the relationship between cell structure and function through the vehicle of cell and molecular biology. A great amount of material has been compressed into a concise but highly comprehensive presentation, using many superb illustrations. The relevancy of cell biology and histology to clinical practice is illustrated by the presence of clin ical pearls within each chapter, as appropriate. Moreover, almost all of the chapter questions and Comprehensive Assessment questions have been revised to mirror the format of the questions in USMLE Step 1. We hope that these changes make this board review book more interesting and perti nent, and that the presentation of material in tables conserves time in the review process for medical students in their preparation for USMLE Step 1. As always, comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism of this book are welcome. Please address all comments to

Leslie P. Gartner Lisa M. J. Lee

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We are grateful to the following individuals for their help and support during the preparation of this book: Crystal Taylor, our ever wonderful acquisitions editor who shepherded this and many of my previous textbooks through the various publications committees; Priyanka Alagar, editorial coor dinator, who oversaw chapter by chapter the collection of the manuscript; Bridgett Dougherty, our production project manager; Stephen Druding, design coordinator, who expertly handled the design of the book; and especially Kelly Horvath, our always helpful freelance editor, who, with her good humor and attention to detail, managed to ensure that everything was consistent throughout the chapters and that the tables and figures, despite their occasional attempt at misbehavior, maintained their proper positions on the page. Finally, we would like to thank our families for encouraging us during the preparation of this work. Their support always makes the writing an achievement.

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Dedication iii Preface v Acknowledgments vii




I. The Cell 1 II. Overview—Cell Membrane 1 III. Fluid Mosaic Model of the Plasma Membrane 2 IV. Cell Membrane Transport Processes 5 V. Cell-to-Cell Communication 7 VI. Plasmalemma—Cytoskeleton Association 10 VII. Cytoplasmic Structural Components 12 VIII. Organelle Interactions 27 IX. Nucleus 35 X. Nuclear Envelope 35 XI. Nucleolus 37 XII. Nucleoplasm and Nuclear Particles 38 XIII. Chromatin 38 XIV. Chromosomes 39 XV. Deoxyribonucleic Acid 40 XVI. Ribonucleic Acid 41 XVII. Cell Cycle 44 XVIII. Meiosis 48 XIX. Apoptosis and Necrosis 50 Review Test 51




I. Overview—Extracellular Matrix 55 II. Ground Substance 56 III. Fibers 58 Review Test 66




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I. Overview—Epithelia 69 II. Lateral Epithelial Surfaces 72 III . Basal Epithelial Surfaces 76 IV. Apical Epithelial Surfaces 78 V. Glands 82 Review Test 85







I. Overview—Connective Tissue 89 II. Connective Tissue Cells 89 III. Connective Tissue Classification 96 Review Test 102




I. Overview—Blood 105 II. Blood Constituents 105 III. Bone Marrow 114 IV. Hemopoietic Growth Factors (Colony-Stimulating Factors) 115

V. Prenatal Hemopoiesis 116 VI. Postnatal Hemopoiesis 116 Review Test 121




I. Overview—Cartilage 124 II. Overview—Bone 128 III. Joints 139 Review Test 140




I. Overview—Muscle 143 II. Skeletal Muscle Structure 143 III. Skeletal Muscle Contraction 149 IV. Skeletal Muscle Innervation 151 V. Cardiac Muscle 153 VI. Smooth Muscle 157 VII. Contractile Nonmuscle Cells 159 Review Test 160




I. Overview—Nervous System 163 II. Embryonic Development 164 III. Cells of the Nervous System 165 IV. Synapses 172 V. Axon Fibers 176

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VI. Nerves 178 VII. Ganglia 180 VIII. Organization of the Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems 180 IX. Central Nervous System 181 X. Neural Tissue Degeneration and Regeneration 184 Review Test 186






I. Overview—Circulatory System 189 II. Blood Vascular System 189 III. Lymphatic Vascular System 202 Review Test 203



I. Overview—Lymphoid (Immune) System 206 II. Immune System Cells 208 III. Antigen Presentation and the Role of Major Histocompatibility Molecules 217 IV. Antibodies (Immunoglobulins) 218 V. Diffuse Lymphoid Tissue 220 VI. Lymphoid Organs 221 Review Test 229



I. Overview—Endocrine System 232 II. Hormones 232 III. Pituitary Gland (Hypophysis) and Hypothalamus 233 IV. Thyroid Gland 240 V. Parathyroid Glands 245 VI. Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands 246 VII. Pineal Gland (Pineal Body, Epiphysis) 250 Review Test 252

12. SKIN


I. Overview—Skin 256 II. Epidermis 256 III. Dermis 263 IV . Glands in the Skin 264 V. Hair, Hair Follicle, and Arrector Pili Muscle 266 VI. Nails 269 Review Test 270



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I. Overview—Respiratory System 273 II. Conducting Portion 274 III. Respiratory Portion 281 IV. Lung Lobules 286 V. Pulmonary Vascular Supply 287 VI. Pulmonary Nerve Supply 287 Review Test 288





I. Overview—Digestive System 291 II. Oral Region 291 III. Alimentary Canal Divisions 298 IV. Digestion and Absorption 309 Review Test 312



I. Overview—Digestive System Extrinsic Glands 315 II. Major Salivary Glands 315 III. Pancreas 318 IV. Liver 322 V. Gallbladder 327 Review Test 329



I. Overview—Urinary System 332 II. Kidneys 332 III. Uriniferous Tubules 333 IV. Renal Blood Circulation 343 V. Regulation of Urine Concentration 345 VI. Excretory Passages 347 Review Test 350



I. Overview—Female Reproductive System 353 II. Ovaries 353 III. Oviducts (Uterine or Fallopian Tubes) 361

IV. Uterus 362 V. Cervix 364 VI. Fertilization and Implantation 365 VII. Placenta 367 VIII. Vagina 369 IX. External Genitalia (Vulva) 369 X. Mammary Glands 370 Review Test 373

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I. Overview—Male Reproductive System 376 II. Testes 376 III. Genital Ducts 384 IV. Accessory Genital Glands 386 V. Urethra 389 VI. Penis 389 Review Test 391



I. Overview—Special Sense Receptors 394 II. Specialized Diffuse Receptors 394 III. Sense of Sight—Eye 396 IV. Sense of Hearing and Balance—Ear (Vestibulocochlear Apparatus) 405 Review Test 413

Comprehensive Assessment 417 Index 433

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The skin, considered to be the heaviest organ (~16% of total body weight), is comprised of two layers: the superficial epidermis , which is composed of epithelium, and the underlying dermis , which con sists of connective tissues. A. The skin contains several epidermal derivatives (sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, nails as well as the mammary glands, which are discussed in Chapter 17). The skin along with its derivatives is called the integument . B. The skin protects the body against injury , desiccation, and infection; regulates body temperature; absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D; and contains receptors for touch, temperature, and pain stimuli from the external environment. In addition, the skin acts as an excretory organ via sebaceous, sweat, and apocrine glands. C. A deeper superficial fascial layer , the hypodermis , lies under the skin. This layer, which is not considered part of the skin, consists of loose connective tissue that binds the skin loosely to the subjacent tissue. A. Overview—Epidermis 1. The epidermis is the superficial layer of the skin, composed of stratified squamous kerati nized epithelium . This tissue is primarily derived from ectoderm and consists predominantly of keratinocytes and three other types of cells: melanocytes , epidermal dendritic cells ( Lang erhans cells ), and tactile epithelial cells ( Merkel cells ). 2. Regeneration of epidermis occurs continuously by the mitosis of the keratinocytes in the deeper layers. These cells normally divide only at night and are responsible for complete re placement of the epidermal tissue within 30 days on average. 3. Deep downward growths of the epidermis, called epidermal ridges , interdigitate with pro jections of the dermis ( dermal ridges, dermal papillae ), resulting in an undulating interface. Each dermal ridge is often further subdivided into two secondary dermal ridges by a narrow downgrowth of the epidermis, called an interpapillary peg . The epidermal surface forms el evations over the dermal ridges that are visible as fingerprints on the fingertips and whose pattern is genetically determined and thus unique to each individual. 4. Keratinocytes can manufacture and release various signaling molecules, such as interleukins (ILs), interferons, tumor necrosis factors, and colony-stimulating factors that stimulate the im mune system. II. EPIDERMIS

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Chapter 12 Skin


B. Layers of the epidermis ( Fig. 12.1 and Table 12.1 )

Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum

Stratum granulosum


Stratum spinosum Langerhans cell Melanocyte Merkel cell Stratum basale Basement membrane Blood vessel


FIGURE 12.1. Layers of epidermis. The stratum lucidum is present only in thick skin and is best observed in skin from the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Melanocytes lie between keratinocytes in the stratum basale. (Adapted with permission from Ham AH, Cormack DH. Histology . 8th ed. J.B. Lippincott; 1979:625.)

Table 12.1 Histologic Features of Skin

Divisions Layers Epidermis a Stratum corneum


The most superficial layer of the epidermis Many flattened dead “cells” called squames, packed with keratin filaments Surface cells are continuously sloughed. Indistinct homogeneous layer of dead keratinocytes; present only in thick skin Cells lack nuclei and organelles. Cytoplasm is packed with keratin filaments and eleidin. Flattened nucleated keratinocytes arranged in three to five Cells contain many coarse keratohyalin granules associated with tonofilaments. Membrane-coating (waterproofing) granules are occasionally present. Several layers of keratinocytes, called prickle cells because they appear spiny due to desmosomes between the cells (intercellular bridges) Keratinocytes in superficial region contain membrane-coating (waterproofing) granules. Keratinocytes are mitotically active, especially in deeper layers. Epidermal dendritic (Langerhans) cells are dispersed in this layer. Deepest layer of the epidermis, composed of a single layer of tall cuboidal keratinocytes Keratinocytes are mitotically active. Melanocytes and Merkel cells are dispersed in this layer. Superficial thin layer of connective tissue that interdigitates with epidermal ridges of the epidermis Forms dermal papillae where tactile (Meissner) corpuscles and capillary loops may be found Composed of loose connective tissue Extensive part of the dermis, deep to the papillary layer Composed of dense irregular connective tissue with thick bundles of

Stratum lucidum

Stratum granulosum

Stratum spinosum

Stratum basale (stratum germinativum)

Dermis b

Papillary layer

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Reticular layer

collagen (type I) fibers and elastic fibers Arteries, veins, and lymphatics are present.

Location of sweat glands and their ducts, lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles, and nerves In thin skin, contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and arrector pili muscles

a Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. b Connective tissue.

BRS Cell Biology and Histology


1. The stratum basale ( stratum germinativum ) is the deepest layer of the epidermis and is composed mostly of keratinocytes that are cuboidal to columnar in shape. These mitotically active cells are attached directly to the basal lamina of the basement membrane by hemides mosomes and to each other by desmosomes. Pigment-producing melanocytes and fine sen sory receptors, tactile epithelial cells ( Merkel cells ), are also dispersed throughout this layer. 2. The stratum spinosum consists of a few layers of polyhedral keratinocytes anchored to each other and to the cells in the layer above and below them via numerous desmosomes . The kera tin intermediate fibers that attach to and reinforce the desmosomes are collectively called tono filaments . Histologic processing often shrinks the keratinocytes away from each other, except at the sites of desmosomes, leaving an impression of cells with prickles; hence, keratinocytes in this layer cells are also known as prickle cells . Keratinocytes in the deeper aspects of the stratum spinosum are also mitotically active . Epidermal dendritic cells ( Langerhans cells ) derived from mononuclear phagocytic population of immune cells are also present in this layer. a. In the superficial regions of the stratum spinosum: (1) Keratinocytes contain membrane-coating granules ( Odland bodies , lamellar bodies ) filled with lipids, especially glycosphingolipids, ceramides, and phospholipids. Some of these materials are released into the intercellular spaces, creating lipid-rich sheets that are impermeable to water and many foreign substances . (2) They also form nonmembrane-bound keratohyalin granules , containing proteins filaggrin and trichohyalin . The keratohyalin granules envelop the thin bundles of to nofilaments, causing them to become cross-linked, thereby forming thick bundles of tonofibrils . b. The malpighian layer (stratum malpighii) consists of the stratum spinosum and stratum ba sale. Nearly all of the mitotic activity in the epidermis occurs in this region, and only at night. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and epidermal growth factor are thought to facilitate, whereas trans forming growth factor suppresses, the mitotic activity of these cells. PEARLS UV radiation is the leading cause of three types of skin cancers. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common type of skin cancer (80% of nonmelanoma skin cancers), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common type (20% of nonmelanoma skin cancers) arising from epidermal keratinocytes. Melanoma arises from melanocytes, and although its incidence is much less than that of BCC and SCC, it is the most aggressive cancer and is associated with a high mortality rate, especially if the cancer has spread. Of the two nonmelanoma cancers, SCC is more aggressive and is associated with a higher mortality rate than BCC. The sun’s UV rays reach the earth as a continuous wavelength, although, customarily, for the purposes of dermatologic studies, it is described as if it were composed of three discontinuous waves of differing lengths, in which UVA is the longest (320-400 nm), UVC is the shortest ( < 290 nm), and UVB occupies a band of intermediate length (290-320 nm). The major component of the sun’s rays (~95%) is the UVA band (320-400 nm), and this is the component believed to be most culpable in cancer, because not only does it have the ability to penetrate the deepest layer of the skin, but it is also the most constant component of the sun’s UV radiation, irrespective of the time of the year, and passes undiminished through clouds and glass. Although UVB radiation also penetrates all layers of the skin and causes all three types of skin cancer, it is unable to penetrate glass, and its intensity varies with the time of day (strongest between 10 am and 4 pm and only during late spring, summer, and early autumn). Most of the damage caused by UVB rays is restricted to the more superficial layers of skin. UVC radiation is unable to penetrate the ozone layer surrounding the earth and is not considered to have any biologic effect. In addition to the cancer-­ producing effects of UVA and UVB radiations, they also cause a condition known as “photoaging,” namely, acceleration in the wrinkling and loss of elasticity of skin. Clinical

Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of the content is prohibited. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) rating of 15 or higher may protect against UVB wavelengths, which cause sunburn, but offers no protection against the longer UVA wavelengths. For the best protec tion, using sunscreens approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (containing active ingre dients octocrylene, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide) that shield the skin from damage from both UVA and UVB is recommended.

3. The stratum granulosum is the most superficial layer of the epidermis in which the three to five layers of flattened keratinocytes are still alive. The cells contain bigger keratohyalin granules , tonofibrils , and membrane-coating granules .

Chapter 12 Skin


a. Keratohyalin granules stain intensely with basophilic stains; thus, this layer is readily appar ent in histologic sections. b. Keratinocytes in the superficial layers of the stratum granulosum form tight junctions with one another and with the cells of the epidermal layer above. The transmembrane proteins claudin and occludin that form tight junctions are abundant in this layer. c. The lipid contents of the membrane-coating granules are released into the extracellular space to form a water-impermeable barrier, preventing nutrients from reaching the most superficial layer of cells of the stratum granulosum and those of the strata lucidum and cor neum. The nutrient-starved keratinocytes undergo apoptosis and become keratohyalin-­ tonofibril–filled “hulls.” The impermeable layer prevents aqueous fluid from entering the epidermal layers from the external environment and also minimizes fluid loss from the body. 4. The stratum lucidum is a clear, homogeneous layer just superficial to the stratum granulosum; it is often difficult to distinguish in histologic sections. It is found only in the thick palmar and plantar skin . The dead keratinocytes in this layer have an abundance of tonofibrils embedded in keratohyalin, frequently referred to as eleidin . 5. The stratum corneum is the most superficial layer of the epidermis ( Fig. 12.2 ), composed of as many as 15 to 20 layers of flattened, dead keratinocytes filled with keratohyalin-keratin complex . These nonviable scale-like flat, polygonal structures called squames (or horny cells) are continuously sloughed off from the most superficial layer.







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FIGURE 12.2. A photomicrograph of thick skin from a human palm. Note the sweat gland duct (D) in the middle of the image as it courses in a spiral manner through the thick stratum corneum (SC). The thin stratum lucidum (SL) is situated between the SC and the stratum granulosum (SG). The thick stratum spinosum (SS) and the single-layered stratum basale (SB) constitute the remainder of the epidermis. The dermis is composed of two layers, the narrow papillary layer (PL) that interdigitates with the epidermis and the much thicker reticular layer (RL) whose entire ex tent is not shown in this photomicrograph ( × 270).

BRS Cell Biology and Histology


a. The keratohyalin-keratin complex lines the plasma membrane of the stratum corneum cell and is further fortified by three proteins: involucrin , small proline-rich protein , and loric rin , thereby establishing a thickened cornified cell envelope . b. The lipid-rich substance released from the membrane-coating granules in the strata spino sum and granulosum persists and forms a lipid coat around each horny cell. c. The cornified envelope and the lipid coat constitute the compound-cornified cell envelope . 6. The squames in the most superficial layer are continuously shed in the process known as des quamation . The rate of shedding matches the rate of cell renewal in the strata basale and the spinosum, thereby maintaining the thickness of the epidermis as well as the structural stability of the compound-cornified cell envelope. PEARLS Psoriasis vulgaris ( plaque psoriasis ) is a chronic inflammatory condition involving hyperproliferation of the epidermal keratinocytes that manifest as reddened, inflamed patches of skin with whitish, flaky crusts that form almost anywhere on the body. In addition to the increased mitotic activity, the keratinocytes have decreased duration of the cell cycle of the cells in the malpighian layer, resulting in the renewal of epider mis in only days rather than in about a month. The fast-growing epidermis promotes increased blood flow, and inflammation ensues (both causing erythema). Psoriasis is a complex, multifactorial condition whose pathogenesis is still poorly understood, but both genetic and immune-mediated influences have been noted. Once the condition is triggered, there is a substantial leukocyte recruitment, especially the acti vated T cells, and subsequent increase in cytokines, such as IL-12, IL-23, interferon- γ , and tumor necrosis factor- α , in both epidermis and dermis of the skin. Clinical C. Nonkeratinocytes in the epidermis: melanocytes, epidermal dendritic cells, and tactile epithelial cells ( Table 12.2 ) 1. Melanocytes (see Fig. 12.1) are neural crest cell derivatives that migrate into and integrate with the stratum basale and differentiate first into melanoblasts , then premelanocytes that form hemidesmosomes with the basal lamina but do not form adhesive junctions with the keratino cytes. Under the influence of stem cell factor, some premelanocytes may permanently differenti ate into melanocytes and extend cellular processes known as dendrites among the keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum. A single melanocyte contacts a certain number of keratinocytes and supplies them with pigments; this group of cells is known as an epidermal-melanin unit . a. Melanocytes possess melanosomes , lysosome-related organelles in which the pigment melanin is synthesized under the influence of the pituitary hormone melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) . MSH binds to transmembrane melanocortin 1 receptors (MC1Rs) , which activate microphthalmia-associated transcription factor that induces melanin syn thesis by the UV-sensitive enzyme, tyrosinase . MC1R also induces melanocytes to enter the cell cycle and activates DNA repair pathways and stimulates antioxidant formation. The two types of melanin produced by melanocytes are eumelanin and pheomelanin. (1) Eumelanin (or just melanin in this textbook) has two major varieties, brown and black, both imparting a dark coloration to the skin. With age, only the black form of melanin is produced. Melanin is photoprotective (ie, it absorbs UV radiation and protects the DNA of epidermal cells from damage).

Table 12.2 Nonkeratinocytes of the Epidermis

Percentage of Epidermal Cells Function




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Stratum basale Neural crest cells

2-3 2-4

Synthesis of melanin Phagocytosis Antigen presentation

Epidermal dendritic (Langerhans) cell

Stratum spinosum

Bone marrow

Tactile epithelial (Merkel) cell

Stratum basale Neural crest or



nonneural ectoderm

Chapter 12 Skin


(2) Pheomelanin is reddish to yellow in color, and this form of melanin gives skin a slightly pinkish coloration. Pheomelanin does not offer the same protection against DNA dam age as does melanin. (3) Mature melanin-containing melanosomes are transported into the dendrites along microtubules, and once at the distal end, they are transferred to F-actin pathways for delivery into the extracellular space. (4) Melanosome transfer from melanocytes to keratinocytes is believed to occur via phago cytosis of the melanin released from melanosomes via exocytosis. b. Once inside the keratinocytes ( Fig. 12.3 ), melanin migrates to the supranuclear region and forms a physical barrier between the keratinocyte’s nucleus and the impinging UV rays, thus preventing possible DNA damage from the UV radiation.









(1) The melanocytes per unit area of skin in people appear to be the same, regardless of skin color, and account for approximately 3% of the entire epidermal cell population. (2) Pigmentation differences are due to the rate of melanin synthesis, melanosome size, content, rate of transfer, and degradation patterns. PEARLS Melanoma is a form of skin cancer originating in melanocytes in the stratum basale. The early signs of melanoma include alterations of an existing mole that may be accompanied by painful, itching, or burn ing sensations. The color of the lesion varies from black to brown to blue to occasionally even pink. Any pigmented lesion that has changed color; is asymmetric with irregular borders; and has increased in size, especially becoming greater than 6 mm in diameter, should raise suspicion. Melanomas can occur almost anywhere on the body but occur most commonly in areas that are exposed to sunlight. Melanoma can also arise from the melanocytes in the uvea of the eye. Approximately 86% of melanomas are believed to be caused by exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Although malignant melanoma accounts for less than 1% of skin cancer cases, it is responsible for the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. FIGURE 12.3. Electron micrograph of keratinocytes in the stratum basale of skin. Melanin pigment granules (MPG) are abundant in the cytoplasm, having been transferred to the cells from melanocyte processes. A few keratin fila ments (K), mitochondria, and portions of nuclei (N) are observed. The base of keratinocytes in this layer attaches to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes (H), and they attach to neighboring cells by way of desmosomes ( × 9 500). Clinical

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BRS Cell Biology and Histology


The incidence of malignant melanoma is rapidly increasing in the United States. According to the Ameri can Cancer Society, 97 610 new cases of invasive cutaneous melanoma are estimated to be diagnosed and to result in 7 990 deaths in the United States in 2023. A single-nucleotide polymorphism in the gene coding for the MC1R is responsible for the formation of loss-of-function MSH receptors, which results in the synthesis of pheomelanin and the lack of induction of DNA repair and antioxidant-forming pathways. Mutations in a number of tumor suppressor genes such as CDKN2A (p16), CDK4, RB1, CDKN2A (p19), PTEN/MMAC1 , and ras are also implicated in sporadic and hereditary melanoma. 2. Epidermal dendritic cells ( Langerhans cells ) originate in the bone marrow as monocytes that circulate the bloodstream. The monocytes that enter the dermis and then migrate into the epi dermis to take residence primarily in the stratum spinosum differentiate into epidermal den dritic cells. These independent cells make no adhesive junctions with keratinocytes. a. Epidermal dendritic cells express various immune-related transmembrane proteins, such as CD1a, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I and MHC II, C3b receptors, and immuno globulin G (IgG) receptors that, once bound to ligands, initiate immune responses. b. These cells also function as antigen-presenting cells in immune responses to contact an tigens ( contact allergies ) and some skin grafts. They phagocytose antigens and travel to a lymph node where they present the epitope to T cells and thereby initiate a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction . 3. Tactile epithelial cells ( Merkel cells ) are present in small numbers in the stratum basale , near areas of well-vascularized, richly innervated connective tissue. a. They are believed to be of neural crest origin but, because they possess desmosomes and keratin filaments, a nonneural ectodermal origin has also been suggested. b. Their pale cytoplasm contains small dense-core granules that are consistent with those in some cells of the diffuse neuroendocrine system and are presumed to house neurosecretory products. c. They synapse with axon terminals of myelinated sensory neurons that form Merkel cell-­ neurite complexes that probably function as mechanoreceptors . These mechanoreceptors appear to be more abundant in areas that require more acute sensory perception, as at the tips of fingers. D. Thick and thin skin are distinguished on the basis of the epidermal thickness . 1. Thick skin has an epidermis that is 400 to 600 μ m thick with a prominent stratum corneum, a well-developed stratum granulosum, and often a distinct stratum lucidum. It lines the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. It lacks hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and arrector pili muscles. 2. Thin skin has an epidermis that is 75 to 150 μ m thick with a much less prominent stratum cor neum. Thin skin lacks stratum lucidum and sometimes also stratum granulosum, although it contains individual cells that are similar to the cells of these layers. Thin skin covers most of the body and contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and arrector pili muscles. PEARLS Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a group of hereditary diseases of the skin characterized by blister formation following minor trauma to the skin. These conditions are associated with weakening of the hemidesmosomes, resulting in fragile attachment between the epidermis and the dermis. The four major types of EB are EB simplex, junctional EB, dystrophic EB, and EB acquisita. They vary in the degree of severity and the locus of the genetic defect. More than 90% of EB is of the EB simplex type, in which the genetic defect occurs in the genes for keratin 5 and keratin 14, resulting in the formation of defective intermediate filaments that anchor and stabilize hemidesmosomes. In this condition, blistering occurs in the region of trauma, namely, on the hands and feet. The second most prevalent form is dystrophic EB (about 5% of the cases) in which the genetic defect involves type VII collagen that forms the anchoring fibrils. The number of anchoring fibrils is greatly reduced and results in numerous blisters throughout, not only in the skin but also in the epithelial lining of the esophagus. The skin and esophagus of affected individuals display severe scarring resulting from infections and lack of adequate healing. Many patients with dystrophic EB develop SCC, which is one of the principal causes of death in these individuals before they reach age 30 years. Clinical

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Chapter 12 Skin



The dermis is the mesoderm-derived connective tissue layer of the skin that underlies the epidermis. Dermis consists of two ill-defined sublayers, the thin, superficial papillary layer and the deeper , more extensive reticular layer (see Table 12.1). A. The superficial papillary dermis is thin , uneven (see Fig. 12.2), and forms dermal ridges ( dermal papillae ), which interdigitate with the epidermal downgrowths ( epidermal ridges ), forming the epidermal-dermal junction. The papillary layer is composed of loose connective tissue containing fibroblasts, type III collagen fibers, fine elastic fibers, and capillary loops. Fine touch receptors, tactile corpuscles ( Meissner corpuscles ), are present in this layer and provide discriminatory sensations between two touch points on the skin. Fine, unmyelinated nerve fibers course through the papillary layer and extend into the extracellular spaces of the epidermis, where they function as pain receptors. B. The deeper reticular dermis is much thicker and constitutes the majority of the dermis. It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue rich with type I collagen fibers and thick elastic fibers . In its deeper aspects, it may contain lamellar corpuscles ( Pacinian corpuscles ) ( Fig. 12.4 ), which are pressure receptors, as well as bulboid corpuscles ( Krause end bulbs ), which were formerly thought to be cold receptors, but their actual function is uncertain. Specialized diffuse receptors are discussed in Chapter 19. C. Skin appendages are present in various locations and depths of the dermis, including the two types of sweat glands (eccrine and apocrine), sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and nails.








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FIGURE 12.4. Light micrograph of eccrine sweat glands and a lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscle in the dermis of the skin. Sweat glands are also present in the hypodermis among adipose cells (arrowhead). The secretory units (S) of the sweat glands are wrapped by fingerlike processes of myoepithelial cells and stain more lightly than the ducts (D) that are lined by a stratified cuboidal epithelium. This Pacinian corpuscle (P) lies deep in the dermis and is com posed of a centrally located nerve (n) surrounded by concentric layers of connective tissue. The nuclei of fibroblasts are seen, and so is a capillary (arrow), which helps to nourish the structure. Pacinian corpuscles are mechanorecep tors that respond to deep pressure ( × 150).

BRS Cell Biology and Histology


Clinical PEARLS Keloids are abnormal proliferation of scar tissues that form at the site of skin injury. Instead of regressing as they should, the scar tissue grows beyond the margins of the original injury. The incidence of keloids is 15 times higher in persons with higher pigmented skin than in persons with less pigmentation, and the typical age at onset is 10 to 30 years. Keloids are benign and have no malignant potential but can cause some dis comfort, such as itching and pain. Further, if the keloid forms across a joint, then the patient’s mobility across that joint may become impaired. There is no single most effective therapeutic measure for keloids; therefore, prevention should be the number one consideration. Treatments for keloids can be as extensive as surgical removal, injection of steroids into the keloid, and cryotherapy (using liquid nitrogen) as well as laser therapy. PEARLS Burn injuries , lesions caused by contact with heat, friction, caustic agents, electricity, or exposure to radi ation, are classified into three categories depending on the number of cell layers that are damaged. 1. Superficial (first-degree) burns are lesions in which the damage is limited to the superficial layers of the epithelium (usually the epidermis of the skin or the epithelial lining of the mouth). There is pain, swelling, and redness, but no blisters form. Mitotically active cells remain viable in the deeper layers of the epidermis, which divide and replace the damaged or destroyed cells. 2. Partial-thickness (second-degree) burns are of two types: superficial partial thickness and deep partial thickness . a. Superficial partial-thickness burns affect not only the superficial layers but also deeper layers of the epithelium and the papillary layer of the dermis (superficial connective tissue layer of the skin). It is very painful, there is swelling and redness, and blisters form. b. Deep partial-thickness burns affect the entire thickness of the epithelium and partial thickness of the reticular layer (deep layer) of the dermis. Instead of pain, there is pressure, blisters may or may not form, and the lesion is white to yellowish in color. 3. Full-thickness (third-degree) burns affect the entire thickness of both the epidermis and the dermis. Because the nerves of the skin are destroyed, there is minimal pain. The lesion is white to light brown in color. Clinical During development, epidermal cells in certain regions proliferate and grow down into the dermis. The cells in the deeper regions of the downgrowth differentiate into the secretory cells, and the super ficial regions that maintain continuity with the epidermis differentiate into the ducts. A. The 3 to 4 million eccrine sweat glands (see Fig. 12.4) are simple coiled tubular glands consisting of a secretory unit and a single duct. These glands are present in the skin throughout most of the body, but not in the lips and not in certain regions of the external genitalia. Eccrine sweat glands function in controlling body temperature, conserving electrolytes, and excreting watery sweat containing a low concentration of urea and lactic acid. They are stimulated by sympathetic innervation as a result of elevated body temperature. 1. The secretory unit of eccrine sweat glands is approximately 0.4 mm in diameter and is em bedded in the dermis; it is composed of three cell types. IV. GLANDS IN THE SKIN (Fig. 12.5)

Copyright © 2024 Wolters Kluwer, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of the content is prohibited. a. Dark cells line the lumen of the gland and contain many mucinogen-rich secretory granules. b. Clear cells underlie the dark cells and contain abundant mitochondria and glycogen. They possess intercellular canaliculi that extend to the lumen of the gland. These cells secrete a watery, electrolyte-rich material.

c. Myoepithelial cells lie scattered in an incomplete layer beneath the clear cells. They stain well with acidophilic dyes and are easily identified in histologic sections due to the rich content of contractile proteins in their cytoplasm. Their contractions aid in expressing the gland’s secretions into the duct. 2. The ducts (see Fig. 12.4) of eccrine sweat glands are long, narrow, and lined by a stratified cuboidal epithelium , which contains many keratin filaments and has a prominent terminal web. a. The duct leads from the secretory unit through the superficial portions of the dermis to pen etrate an interpapillary peg of the epidermis, where the duct cells end. From this point, the

Chapter 12 Skin


Meissner corpuscle

Stratum corneum Epidermis

Hair shaft

Sebaceous (oil) gland

Stratum spinosum

Arrector pili muscle

Reticular layer Papillary layer Dermis Stratum basale

Eccrine sweat gland

Apocrine sweat gland

Eccrine sweat gland

Hair follicle

Apocrine sweat gland

Hair root

Root hair plexus

Pacinian corpuscle Artery Vein

Hypodermis (superficial fascia)

Adipose tissue of hypodermis

ductal lumen spirals through the epidermis, is lined by the keratinocytes, and directly opens to the skin surface to form a sweat pore (see Fig. 12.2). b. The ductal cells in the dermis can modify the content of the sweat by reabsorbing some elec trolytes and excrete other substances (such as urea, lactic acid, ions, and certain drugs). PEARLS Hyperhidrosis is an excessive production of sweat by eccrine sweat glands, most commonly of the palms, soles, and axilla, beyond the thermoregulatory requirements. Hyperhidrosis may result from autonomic dysregulation or secondary to other conditions. The FDA approved an anticholinergic agent, glycopyr ronium tosylate, impregnated in a topical cloth in 2018 for primary axillary hyperhidrosis. Anticholinergic medications, sedatives, and calcium blockers can also be used for systemic treatment of hyperhidrosis. However, adverse side effects should be considered, such as xerostomia, dry eyes, and constipation. Botox injections are also anticholinergic and more effective at treating localized areas by directly intro ducing the neurotoxin into the skin on the palms, soles, or axillae. The toxin blocks sympathetic nerve impulses to the cells of the eccrine sweat glands and decreases their ability to secrete. A single injection of Botox may provide months of relief, and the injections can be repeated when excessive sweating resumes. Clinical Skin and its appendages, hair , sweat glands (both eccrine and apocrine ), sebaceous glands , and nails , are known as the integument . Skin may be thick or thin , depending on the thickness of its epidermis. Thick skin epidermis is composed of five distinct layers of keratinocytes (strata basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum, and corneum) interspersed with three additional cell types, melanocytes , Merkel cells , and Langerhans cells . Thin skin epidermis lacks strata granulosum and lucidum, although individual cells that constitute the absent layers are present. FIGURE 12.5. Diagram illustrating skin and its derivatives. (Reprinted with permission from Gartner LP, Lee LMJ. Gartner and Hiatt’s Atlas and Text of Histology . 8th ed. Wolters Kluwer; 2023:300.)

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BRS Cell Biology and Histology


B. Apocrine sweat glands (see Fig. 12.5) are larger simple coiled, specialized sweat glands approximately 3 mm in diameter, located in various areas of the body (eg, axilla, areola of the nipple, perianal region) and the ceruminous (wax) glands of the external auditory canal. Apocrine glands are stimulated by sympathetic innervation, usually in response to stressful conditions. 1. These glands begin to function at the onset of puberty and are responsive to hormonal influ ences ; their large coiled secretory units are positioned in the dermis and hypodermis and are enveloped by scattered myoepithelial cells. Unlike in eccrine glands, the secretory units are composed of a single cell type that secretes viscous, odorless fluids into hair follicles instead of sweat pores. Bacteria on the skin surface metabolize these secretions and produce odors that are somewhat specific to each individual. 2. These sweat glands use merocrine secretion (exocytosis) as the mode of secretion, not by re leasing a portion of the cytoplasm, as the term apocrine in the name of the gland may imply. PEARLS Axillary osmidrosis ( axillary body odor ) results from the bacterial metabolism of the fatty acid andro stenone and androstenol-containing secretions of the apocrine glands . Each individual has a distinctive odor that is so characteristic that parents can recognize their biologic children and that babies can recog nize their mothers by these olfactory cues. A particular gene, ABCC11 , originally recognized to code for multidrug-resistance protein 8, is now known to transport small molecules into and out of cells. People who present with a single nonsynonymous nucleotide polymorphism of this gene from both parents (namely, the AA allele ), that is, a point mutation in which a single guanine nucleotide is changed to an adenine, have no body odor and have dry earwax. Individuals with all other alleles, GA and GG, have wet earwax and body odor. The AA allele is widespread among Koreans and many nationalities in East Asia but is totally absent in Africans, African Americans, and most Caucasians. C. Sebaceous glands (see Fig. 12.5) are branched acinar glands that employ the holocrine mode of secretion. Clustered acini of one sebaceous gland empty into a single short duct that drains into the neck of the hair follicle. These glands are modified as the tarsal glands ( Meibomian glands ) in the eyelid. 1. Sebaceous glands are embedded in the dermis and associated with hair follicles over most of the body’s surface; they are absent from the palms and soles. They are most abundant on the face, forehead, and scalp, and they release sebum (composed of an oily secretion and degen erating epithelial cells). 2. Sebum has a number of functions, including maintaining the skin’s barrier to aqueous fluids, guarding skin from oxidative stress, shielding skin from microorganisms, and maintaining the suppleness of skin and the luster of hair. Clinical A. Hairs (hair shafts) are keratinized, thin, threadlike structures that extend for various lengths above the surface of the epidermis. Hair in mammals functions in thermal protection and, in some instances, as camouflage and sensory organs. In humans, its function is more of a tactile sensory organ because when a hair shaft is disturbed, it relays that sensory information to the nervous system. There are three types of human hairs: lanugo, present in the perinatal period only, and vellus and terminal hairs, both present throughout postnatal life. 1. Lanugo is an exceptionally fine, somewhat longish hair that covers most of the body during fetal development and falls out shortly after birth. 2. Vellus hairs are short, fine, pale, “peach fuzz”-like hairs covering most of the body. 3. Terminal hairs are the coarse, long, highly keratinized, dark hairs present on the head, eye brows, eyelashes, axilla, groin, and other areas of the body. Most of the primate body is covered by terminal hair. V. HAIR, HAIR FOLLICLE, AND ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLE (Fig. 12.6; also see Fig. 12.5)

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