Faculty Flyer - Nursing
Nursing Catalogue 2017
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When it comes to providing students and teachers in medical and the health professions with the educational materials they need, our philosophy is simple: learning never ends. Everything we offer helps students bridge the gap between the classroom and clinical practice, while supporting healthcare professionals in their jobs.
Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology
Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body, 11th Edition Barbara J. Cohen
Based on Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease , this textbook is an excellent introduction that focuses on normal anatomy and physiology. With an accessible design and a robust multimedia electronic ancillary package, the 11th Edition is even more engaging and understandable for students with diverse learning styles. It builds on its solid foundation by seamlessly integrating the placement and relationship of the art and text. 978-1-4963-1772-8 / 512 pp / 290 illus, 50 tables / 2015 / £50.00 €59.00
Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, 13th Edition Barbara J. Cohen and Kerry Hull Innovative in its pedagogy and approach, Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease has helped hundreds of thousands of allied health students (including those with little or no background in science and/or weak language skills) to master anatomy and physiology. From its pioneering use of phonetic pronunciations to its pedagogically effective skin-to- bone transparencies of the human body, to this edition’s personalised chapter-by-chapter quizzes; this proven book continues to set the standard for the one-semester course. 978-1-4511-9280-3 / 464 pp / 436 illus / 2014 / £51.00 €60.00
Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 9th Edition Sheila Grossman and Carol M. Porth
Drawing on the expertise of new co-author Sheila Grossman, the 9th Edition maintains its comprehensive depth, while paring down content where appropriate and replacing descriptive content with striking art. Also new to this edition are advanced 3D narrated animations that address the most clinically relevant and difficult to understand disorders, engaging unit-opening case studies that reinforce critical thinking and set the tone for the content to come, and a wide range of built-in study tools. 978-1-4511-4599-1 / 1648 pp / 2013 / £57.00 €67.00
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4th Edition Sheila Grossman and Carol M. Porth
Clear, readable, and student-friendly, Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States , delivers “need to know” disease content. Approaching the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, the book relates normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur as a result of disease and provides concise yet complete coverage of how the body works. The 4th Edition builds on the book’s extremely successful art program and the “Understanding” feature and incorporates summary concept boxes after each section. In addition, an expanded, robust, and flexible suite of supplements, including a Study Guide, over 40 advanced 3-D narrated animations, prepU, and Lippincott’s CoursePoint, provide students with all the tools they need to succeed. 978-1-4511-9432-6 / 1280 pp / 2014 / £43.00 €51.00
Anatomy and Physiology Made Incredibly Visual! 2nd Edition Janyce G. Dyer
Anatomy & Physiology Made Incredibly Visual is an innovative new reference that brings clinical subjects to life using a vivid, graphic presentation. Like the Incredibly Easy series, the Incredibly Visual series takes difficult clinical topics and presents them in a clear, concise, easy-to-understand manner. The highly visual nature of this book makes anatomy and physiology fundamentals accessible to the reader in a unique and interesting way that enables quick review and comprehension as well as practical application. For each body system, the book logically first presents anatomic fundamentals necessary to understand the complex physiology of the body.
978-1-4511-9138-7 / 256 pp / 801 illus / 2013 / £28.95 €34.00
Anatomy and Physiology Made Incredibly Easy! 1st UK Edition William N. Scott
This book presents the vast, sometimes overwhelming details of anatomy and physiology in the enjoyable, user-friendly, award-winning Incredibly Easy! style. Featuring a full colour interior and using light-hearted humour throughout, the text reviews the core concepts of anatomy and physiology and offers detailed coverage of every major body system, along with nutrition, fluids and
electrolytes, reproduction and lactation, and genetics. 978-1-9018-3122-1 / 632 pp / 800 illus / 2011 / £26.95 €32.00
Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual , 3rd Edition Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Know the how and why of common conditions—and assess them accurately—with the newly updated Pathophysiology Made Incredibly Visual. Fully illustrated in the popular Made Incredibly Visual style, this essential guide offers easy-to-follow explanations for the causes and mechanisms of numerous common disorders, listing symptoms and indications for each. Use this as the perfect study guide for the NCLEX® or certification exam, to support class materials, and to absorb the pathophysiology principles every nurse needs to know. 978-1-4963-2167-1 / 296 pp / 919 illus / 2016 / £35.95 €42.00
Human Form, Human Function Thomas H. McConnell and Kerry Hull
Human Form, Human Function is the first essential level text that seamlessly weaves together form (anatomy) with function (physiology), an approach that caters to how instructors teach and students learn. Real-life case studies are incorporated for learning how form and function are linked. The authors have maintained a sharp focus on communication: between body organs and body systems, between artwork and student learning, between content and student comprehension. 978-1-4511-7670-4 / 736 pp / 879 illus / 2011 / £55.00 €65.00
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 12th Edition Lynn S. Bickley
The 12th edition of this well-known textbook contains introductory content to guide students’ approaches to history taking, interviewing and other core assessment concepts, as well as fully illustrated, step-by-step techniques that outline correct performance of physical examination. The comprehensive content is intended for high-level nursing education and practice courses, medical students and related health professions such as physician assistants. 978-1-4963-5029-9 / 1072 pp / 1400 illus, 40 tables / Sept 2016 / £55.00 €65.00
Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 8th Edition Lynn S. Bickley
This concise and trusted reference provides authoritative guidance on how to perform the patient interview, physical examination, and other core assessments as well as how to apply clinical reasoning and use shared decision-making in a quick-reference format. Bates’ Pocket Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking includes illustrated, step- by-step techniques that outline the correct performance of the physical examination in an easy-to-follow two-column format featuring examination techniques on the left and abnormalities with differential diagnoses on the right.
978-1-4963-5345-0 / 452 pp / 300 tables / Nov 2016 / £28.50 €34.00
Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking, 2nd Edition Beth Hogan-Quigley, Mary L. Palm and Lynn Bickley
Bates’ Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides the foundation for learning assessment. The book’s two-column format delivers assessment information in a comprehensive, straightforward approach. The 2nd edition maintains the important topics for real-word practice such as complete head-to-toe examination, normal vs. abnormal findings, electronic documentation, and considerations for assessment of older adults and children. 978-1-4963-0890-0 / 944 pp / 1162 illus / Oct 2016 / £51.00 €60.00
Health Assessment Made Incredibly Visual, 3rd Edition Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Ready to learn health assessment skills? The fully updated Health Assessment Made Incredibly Visual shows you how—with humor, great visuals, and real-life scenarios. Hundreds of colorful drawings, diagrams, and photos support easy-to-follow, expert nursing instruction on the many skills needed for physical exams and assessments of every body system, from head to toe. Fulfill the requirements of student nursing—and start your nursing practice with a high standard—with this top-level direction on performing solid, accurate health assessments! 978-1-4963-2514-3 / 280 pp / 838 illus / 2016 / £41.00 €48.00
Health Assessment in Nursing, 6th Edition Janet R. Weber
Now in its sixth edition Health Assessment in Nursing has already helped thousands of RN-seeking students develop the comprehensive knowledge base and expert nursing assessment skills necessary for accurate collection of client data. The text provides in-depth, accurate information, a compelling Continuing Case Study that covers every step in the assessment process, a focus on diversity and health assessment through the lifespan, a striking photo and illustration program that includes photos of practicing nurses performing assessments, dynamic online video clips and animations, and much more.
978-1-4963-4587-5 / 944 pp / Oct 2017
Nurse’s Handbook of Health Assessment, 9th Edition Janet R. Weber
With step-by-step guidance that clearly demonstrates the “what,” “why,” and “how” of each phase of the assessment process, Nurses’ Handbook of Health Assessment is the perfect portable text for students and practicing nurses. Renowned for its holistic perspective and three-column format, this up to date reference and guide takes students through every stage of the nursing assessment for adults and special populations. Organized into four units that correlate
with Health Assessment in Nursing, the handbook provides everything needed to perform a range of common assessment procedures with confidence. The compact layout is easy to absorb, color is used functionally, and it is abundant with clinical photos and illustrations as well as photos and illustrations of examination techniques. 978-1-4963-4586-8 / 800 pp / Oct 2017
Care Planning & Documentation
Nursing Care Plans: Transitional Patient & Family Centered Care, 6th Edition Lynda J. Carpenito
Learn how to create nursing care plans, effectively document care, and succeed in the course with Nursing Care Plans . Easy-to-understand and packed with practical tools to prepare you for clinical practice, this proven book focuses on the nursing plans that are most important, ensuring that you learn what you need to know and that you can find the information you need easily, without being distracted by irrelevant information. This text helps students develop critical reasoning skills, presents the most likely nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems with step-by-step guidance on nursing actions and rationales for interventions.
978-1-4511-8787-8 / 752 pp / 2013 / £43.00 €51.00
Community & Public Health
Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 7th Edition Elizabeth T. Anderson and Judith McFarlane
Providing a practical framework for professional nursing practice in the community, Community as Partner helps students and practicing nurses develop the knowledge and skills they need to develop true partnerships with communities. User-friendly, well written, and clearly organised, this award- winning book focuses on the nursing process, community assessment, and the
development of community health programs. 978-1-4511-9093-9 / 408 pp / 2014 / £61.00 €72.00
Critial Care & Emergency
Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 1st UK Edition Lee Cutler and Judith Cutler
This handy reference is perfect for nurses entering or needing a refresher in critical care nursing. The book presents information on more than 100 critical care disorders in the award-winning Incredibly Easy! style, with light-hearted humour, memory joggers, recurring icons to emphasise key points and numerous quick-scan tables, illustrations and flow charts. The systems-based approach matches the UK nursing curriculum, and stresses the team-based approach to critical care. 978-1-9018-3111-5 / 640 pp / 1200 illus / 2010 / £30.95 €37.00
Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 1st UK Edition Mark Edwards and Pauline Griffiths
The book covers the basics of triage, evidence-based triage process and holistic care issues, such as cultural and psychological support considerations. Subsequent chapters focus on physiological systems, covering shock, trauma and musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynaecological and childbirth, maxillofacial and ophthalmic and general environmental emergencies. Essential reading for pre-registration nursing students. It will also be of interest to post-registration A&E nurses looking to refresh their skills and to paramedics. 978-1-9018-3112-2 / 528 pp / 1000 illus / 2011 / £29.95 €35.00
Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach Patricia G. Morton and Dorrie K. Fontaine
Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach focuses on the most common disorders and technologies encountered by a critical care nurse today. This new first edition includes enough depth to enhance the reader’s full understanding of important topics and fully prepares the student for practice. The clear, concise writing style and specially designed features assist students in understanding the pathophysiological basis for illness and the strategies the critical care nurse uses in assessing and managing patients. 978-1-6091-3693-2 / 536 pp / 246 illus, 136 tables / 2012 / £83.00 €98.00
Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach, 11th Edition Patricia G. Morton and Dorrie K. Fontaine
Now in its 11th edition, this classic text and reference maintains its popular holistic approach to the complexities of critical care nursing with ideal coverage, depth, and features to prepare student nurses to provide optimal care for critically ill patients and their families. The clear, concise writing style and specially designed features assist students understanding the key concepts. 978-1-4963-7516-2 / 1248 pp / 2017 / £70.00 €81.00
Nursing Diagnosis: Application to Clinical Practice, 15th Edition Lynda J. Carpenito
Now in its 15th edition, this respected resource offers definitive guidance on key elements of nursing diagnosis, its role in the nursing process, and its application to clinical practice. Section 1 thoroughly explains the role of nursing diagnosis in the nursing process and in care planning. Section 2 offers a comprehensive A-to-Z guide to current nursing diagnoses, including the most recent diagnoses approved by NANDA International for 2015-2017. Section 3 focuses on collaborative problems. 978-1-4963-4494-6 / 1070 pp / Jul 2016 / £44.00 €52.00
Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, 15th Edition Lynda J. Carpenito
The newly revised 15th edition of this best-selling handbook is an easy-to-carry, accessible quick reference to current NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. Organized for speedy reference, the book contains three sections: Nursing Diagnoses, Health Promotion/Wellness Nursing Diagnoses, and Diagnostic Clusters. 978-1-4963-5369-6 / 960 pp / Aug 2016 / £25.50 €30.00
Fundamentals, Procedures & Skills
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy! 6th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy! is a practical reference that uses a unique, conversational writing style to break down complex concepts. Each chapter features: a summary of key points; clear, simple explanations of problems; definitions of key terms; illustrations that clearly explain key concepts; bullets, ballot boxes, and checklists that make it easy to spot important points at a glance; sidebars that highlights key facts about ECG
interpretation; and quick quizzes to test knowledge. 978-1-4963-0690-6 / 392 pp / 662 illus / 2015 / £31.50 €37.00
Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! 6th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Get all the basics on fluids and electrolytes, with the newest edition of the one-and-only Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! Backed by plenty of real-world examples, this popular guide is full of clear definitions, practical patient care info, and on-the-job how-to. Humor, illustrations, and a fun and easygoing style make it the most enjoyable way to absorb the science, concepts and real-world patient care skills. Gain the fluids and electrolytes knowledge and skills you need—in an incredibly easy way! 978-1-4511-9396-1 / 392 pp / 463 illus / 2015 / £31.95 €38.00
Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy! 1st UK Edition Julie Vuolo
A wealth of essential wound care information for nurses. Written by recognised experts, it focuses on the needs of nurses who are new to wound care practice, covering all the fundamentals of wound care including wound healing, wound assessment, cleansing and dressing selection and adjunctive therapies. It also has dedicated chapters on diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers and vascular ulceration. 978-1-9018-3106-1 / 288 pp / 200 illus. / 2009 / £28.95 €34.00
Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th Edition Janice L. Hinkle and Kerry H. Cheever For over 50 years, Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing , has maintained a comprehensive yet accessible approach covers a broad range of medical conditions while focusing on the nursing process and the nurse’s role in caring for and educating patients and families within today’s complex health care delivery system. This edition focuses on physiologic, pathophysiologic, and psychosocial concepts as they relate to nursing care and integrates a variety of concepts from other disciplines such as nutrition, pharmacology, and gerontology. Coverage of the health care needs of people with disabilities, nursing research findings, ethical considerations, and evidence-based practice provides opportunities for readers to refine
their clinical decision-making skills. 978-1-4963-5513-3 / 2328 pp / Oct 2017
Mental Health
Lippincott’s Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans, 9th Edition Judith M. Schultz and Sheila L. Videbeck
An outstanding resource for students and practicing nurses, Lippincott’s Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans contains 52 nursing care plans that address the most commonly encountered behaviours in psychiatric–mental health nursing. An excellent tool to introduce students to clinical psychiatric experience, the Manual demonstrates use of the nursing process in psychiatric nursing and gives suggestions for specific interventions—with rationale—to address particular behaviours. 978-1-6091-3694-9 / 408 pp / 2012 / £51.00 €60.00
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing , 7th Edition Sheila L. Videbeck
Exploring the full psychiatric nursing curriculum, this student-friendly book focuses on the skills and concepts needed for successful practice. Short concise chapters, an engaging art program, and a direct and personal approach guides students in building therapeutic communication skills within the framework of the nursing process. Access to the online video series, Lippincott Theory to Practice Video Series, provides students with an even deeper understanding of patients experiencing mental health disorders. 978-1-4963-5703-8 / 552 pp / 2016 / £36.00 €43.00
The Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing, 7th Edition Joanne V. Hickey
The 7th Edition of the award-winning classic prepares its users to deliver expert care in this most challenging nursing specialty. It addresses neuroanatomy, assessment, diagnostic evaluation and management of the complete range of neurological disorders for which nurses provide patient care, including trauma, stoke, tumors, seizures, headache, aneurysms, infections, degenerative disorders and features new chapters on neurological critical care and peripheral neuropathies. This edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect standards of care based on evidence-based practice.
978-1-4511-7267-6 / 816 pp / 178 illus / 2013 / £94.00 €111.00
Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, 1st UK Edition Amy M. Karch
Fully adapted for the UK, this text presents essential pharmacology concepts in a streamlined, user-friendly fashion. Organised by body system, the book explains the rationale for each drug class’s therapeutic actions, contraindications, and adverse effects, using the British National Formulary as its reference guide. Each chapter opens with learning objectives and ends with questions to reinforce learning. Illustrations, tables, side bars, and boxes summarise concepts and focus attention on critical thinking, patient safety, evidence-based practice, lifespan issues, patient teaching, and case study- based critical thinking exercises.
978-1-9018-3101-6 / 1088 pp / 2010 / £45.00 €53.00
Dosage Calculations Made Incredibly Easy! 5th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Dosage Calculations Made Incredibly Easy! contains everything health care practitioners need to review and students need to learn about calculating drug dosages. This entertaining and informative reference reviews the basic math needed to perform dosage calculation, including fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, and proportions. It walks the nurse through the interpretation of hundreds of examples of drug orders and the performance of hundreds of complex dosage calculations, and provides information on deciphering difficult abbreviations, dealing with unclear handwriting, reading medication labels, selecting administration equipment, and more.
978-1-4963-0837-5 / 392 pp / 473 illus / 2015 / £41.00 €48.00
Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy! 4th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition. Written in the enjoyable, award-winning Incredibly Easy style, this easy-to-follow, fully illustrated guide offers step-by-step direction on the medication process, from assessing patient needs, to planning care, to implementation and positive outcomes. Strengthen your understanding of your class materials, get ready for the NCLEX® or certification exam, and administer drug therapies—safely and effectively! 978-1-4963-2632-4 / 784 pp / 712 illus / July 2016 / £41.00 €48.00
Nursing Theory
Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9th Edition Carol J. Huston
Develop the skills you’ll need on the job—from organizing patient care and motivating staff to managing conflict and working collaboratively—with this new edition of the #1 best-selling Leadership & Management book. This text covers the symbiotic elements of leadership and management, with an emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking. This edition balances strong coverage of leadership and management concepts with a variety of real-world scenarios in the experiential learning exercises throughout the book, which is critical when learners often have limited first-hand opportunity to observe high performing middle- and top-level managers in nursing practice.
978-1-4963-6140-0 / 768 pp / Feb 2017 / £40.00 €46.00
An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing, 4th Edition Betty M. Johnson and Pamela B. Webber
An Introduction to Theory and Reasoning in Nursing demonstrates the interconnections between theory, research, and practice. The text helps students understand theory; what it is, how it supports nurses and their practice and how they can use it to answer clinical questions and care for patients more effectively. This updated 4th Edition features new summaries of individual support theories and nursing theories, new Nursing Study boxes, a new research-validated reasoning model, the Clinical Reasoning Plan (CRP) that uses actual nursing case studies, and expanded online instructor’s resources. 978-1-4511-9035-9 / 384 pp / 35 illus / 2014 / £35.95 €42.00
Theoretical Basis for Nursing, 4th Edition Melanie McEwen and Evelyn M. Wills
Easy to read without diluting the complexity of the content, this book focuses on the application of theory, while helping them build skills they will use in developing, analysing, and evaluating theory in their future career. The book covers “shared” theories (from other disciplines in the sociologic, behavioral, and biomedical sciences); organises grand theories based on human needs, the interactive process, and the unitary process; and demonstrates applications of theory in nursing practice, nursing research, nursing administration and management, and nursing education. 978-1-4511-9031-1 / 592 pp / 33 illus, 75 tables / 2014 / £61.00 €72.00
Theoretical Nursing: Development and Progress, 6th Edition Afaf I. Meleis Focused on cultivating the next generation of scholars, this highly
respected classic demystifies theory, charts strategies to use in developing and advancing theory, and provides tools and best practices in evaluating progress in the discipline. Based on the feedback of nursing students, this edition was updated to be more accessible without losing the necessary rigor to foster critical thinking. Meleis provides a developmental and historical review of theoretical nursing and helps readers develop analytic skills and integrate knowledge into a coherent whole. By embarking on the journey of nursing theory, practicing nurses will find ways to improve everyday practice, as well as develop theories that capture their expertise.
978-0-0600-0042-4 / 688 pp / Jan 2017 / £72.00 €85.00
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 3rd Edition Bernadette M. Melnyk and Ellen Fineout-Overholt
Develop the skills and knowledge you need to make evidence-based practice an integral part of your clinical decision making and everyday nursing practice with this text. Written in a friendly, conversational style, this Third Edition of the authors’ gold standard textbook covers all the information you need to use evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. Real world examples and meaningful strategies in every chapter show you how to take a clinical issue from inquiry to a sustainable solution that drives a preferred standard of care. 978-1-4698-5573-8 / 624 pp / 46 illus, 50 tables / 2014 / £51.00 €60.00
Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition Denise F. Polit and Cheryl T. Beck
Give your students everything they need to actively learn how to apply research to nursing practice. Updated to reflect the latest innovations in research methods, this worldwide bestseller helps students learn how to read and critique research reports, speak the language of nursing research, and develop an appreciation of research to enhance nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck present research essentials, dig into the research steps, and explore quantitative and qualitative research, igniting student curiosity and encouraging them to pursue a professional pathway that incorporates thoughtful appraisals of evidence.
978-1-4963-5835-6 / 512 pp / Feb 2017 / £33.00 €38.00
Nursing Research: Generating & Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice, 10th Edition Denise F. Polit and Cheryl T. Beck
This text has been thoroughly updated and revised to emphasize the link between research and evidence-based practice, the Tenth Edition of this classic textbook presents state-of-the-art methods for conducting high- quality studies. The for-purchase Resource Manual includes application exercises, models of comprehensive research critiques, and a Toolkit (which appears on thePoint), that contains exemplary research tools such as consent forms, a demographic questionnaire, and statistical table templates—all in easily adapted Word documents. 978-1-4963-0892-4 / 814 pp / 40 illus / Feb 2016 / £50.00 €59.00
Understanding Nursing Research: Using Research in Evidence- Based Practice, 4th Edition Cherie R. Rebar and Carolyn J. Gersch
Develop the knowledge and skills you need to become a research-literate, evidence-based practitioner with this user-friendly book. Mirroring the way practicing nurses read research reports, the book begins with a research article’s conclusion—the section that most directly addresses the clinical meaning of a research study—and works “backward” through each section in the research article. Organized around user-centred questions, such as how conclusions were reached, which patients the conclusions apply to, and how the study was done, each chapter begins with a clinical case that identifies the clinical question the nurse is seeking to answer and one or two published research articles that directly relate to the clinical case.
978-1-4511-9107-3 / 384 pp / 49 illus / 2014 / £65.00 €77.00
Qualitative Research in Nursing: Advancing the Humanistic Imperative, 5th Edition Helen J. Streubert and Dona R. Carpenter
Qualitative Research in Nursing is a user-friendly text that systematically provides a sound foundation for understanding a wide range of qualitative research methodologies, including triangulation. It approaches nursing education, administration, and practice and gives step-by-step details to instruct students on how to implement each approach. Features include emphasis on ethical considerations and methodological triangulation, instrument development and software usage; critiquing guidelines and questions to ask when evaluating aspects of published research; and tables of published research that offer resources for further reading. 978-0-7817-9600-2 / 496 pp / 2010 / £60.00 €71.00
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