Faculty Flyer - Nursing
Nursing Care Plans: Transitional Patient & Family Centered Care, 6th Edition Lynda J. Carpenito
Learn how to create nursing care plans, effectively document care, and succeed in the course with Nursing Care Plans. Easy-to-understand and packed with practical tools to prepare you for clinical practice, this proven book focuses on the nursing plans that are most important, ensuring that you learn what you need to know and that you can find the information you need easily, without being distracted by irrelevant information. This text helps students develop critical reasoning skills, presents the most likely nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems with step-by-step guidance on nursing actions and rationales for interventions.
978-1-4511-8787-8 / 752 pp / 2013 / £41.00 €49.00
Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 7th Edition Elizabeth T. Anderson and Judith McFarlane
Providing a practical framework for professional nursing practice in the community, Community as Partner helps students and practicing nurses develop the knowledge and skills they need to develop true partnerships with communities. User-friendly, well written, and clearly organised, this award- winning book focuses on the nursing process, community assessment, and the
development of community health programs. 978-1-4511-9093-9 / 408 pp / 2014 / £57.00 €68.00
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