Draft 5 OT and Sports Faculty Flyer Q2 2019
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
When it comes to providing students and teachers in medical and the health professions with the educational materials they need, our philosophy is simple: learning never ends. Everything we offer helps students bridge the gap between the classroom and clinical practice, while supporting healthcare professionals in their jobs. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance 5th Edition Ben J. Atchison and Diane P. Dirette 978-1-4963-3221-9 / 584 pp / Sep 2016 £49.50 / €56.00 Now in its 5th Edition, Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance is now fully aligned with the DSM-5 and brings in 5 new chapters covering conditions your students will see in practice. Each chapter of the 5th Edition follows a consistent format—an opening case, followed by definition and descriptions, incidence and prevalence, signs and symptoms, course and prognosis, medical/surgical management, impact on occupational performance, and finally, two case illustrations. This format helps students to prepare for what they will see in practice.
Clinically-Oriented Theory for Occupational Therapy
1st Edition Christopher J. Alterio
Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy 13th Edition Barbara Schell & Glenn Gillen
Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy
4th Edition Paula Kramer
ACSM’s Clinical Exercise Physiology
1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
ACSM’s Nutrition for Exercise Science 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) & Dan Benardot
Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction 7th Edition Mary Vining Radomski and Catherine A. Trombly Latham 978-1-4511-8921-6 / 1456 pp / Dec 2013 £60.00 / €68.00 Covering the assessment and treatment of adult patients with physical dysfunction, this highly regarded text helps occupational therapy students develop the skills and knowledge they need to become reflective practitioners. The authors introduce the Occupation Functional Model (OFM) in the first section, setting the stage for subsequent discussions that guide students from initial evaluation to treatment to follow-up.
Exercise for Special Populations 2nd Edition Peggie WIliamson
Sports and Exercise Nutrition
5th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch
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