Cornea (Wills Eye Institute Atlas Series)

104 4 Ectatic Conditions of the Cornea


FIGURE 4-1. Keratoconus corneal topography. A. Significant irregular inferior corneal steepening is apparent using computed corneal topographic analysis in an eye with moderate keratoconus. As seen on the color scale on the left, the red colors indicate corneal steepening, and blue colors indicate corneal flattening. The figure on the right shows the Placido rings; this image is important to verify the quality and centration of the study. B. A tomo graphic (Pentacam) map of the right eye of a patient with keratoconus. This display includes the anterior sagittal curvature, corneal thickness, and the anterior and posterior elevation maps. Note the irregular inferior steepening on the anterior curvature map, the abnormally thin and slightly inferiorly displaced area of thinnest cornea on the corneal thickness map, and the abnormal anterior and posterior elevations, all consistent with keratoconus.

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