Chung O T in Plastic Surgery
51 Pedicled and Free Groin Flap 2137 Mark Morris and Kevin C. Chung 52 Free Anterolateral Thigh Flap 2144 John R. Lien and Kevin C. Chung 53 Revascularization and Replantation of Digits 2147 Mark Morris and Kevin C. Chung 54 Digital Artery Sympathectomy 2156 John R. Lien and Kevin C. Chung 55 Ulnar Artery to Superficial Arch Bypass With a Vein Graft for Ulnar Artery Thrombosis 2160 Mark Morris and Kevin C. Chung 56 Second Toe to Thumb Transfer 2168 John R. Lien and Kevin C. Chung SECTION XII SPASTIC CONDITIONS 58 Elbow Extension Procedures 2186 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 59 Wrist Extension Procedures 2196 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 60 Finger Extension Procedures 2201 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 61 Lateral Key Pinch Reconstruction 2206 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 62 Grasp Improvement Procedures 2210 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung SECTION XIII CONGENITAL HAND DISORDERS 63 Release of Finger Syndactyly Using Dorsal Rectangular Flap 2216 Amir H. Taghinia 64 Hypoplastic Thumb Reconstruction 2225 Amir H. Taghinia 65 Reconstruction of Radial Polydactyly 2234 Amir H. Taghinia 66 Index Finger Pollicization for Hypoplastic Thumb 2243 Amir H. Taghinia, Brian I. Labow, and Joseph Upton 67 Second Toe-to-Thumb Transfer for Hypoplastic Thumb 2250 Amir H. Taghinia, Brian I. Labow, and Joseph Upton SECTION XI DUPUYTREN DISEASE 57 Dupuytren Contracture 2176 John R. Lien and Kevin C. Chung
68 Reconstruction of Amniotic Constriction Bands 2259 Amir H. Taghinia 69 Centralization for Radial Longitudinal Deficiency 2266
Amir H. Taghinia, Brian I. Labow, and Joseph Upton
70 Excision of Vascular Malformation of the Hand 2275 Amir H. Taghinia
SECTION XIV TUMORS 71 Lumps and Bumps of the Hand and Wrist 2280 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 72 Excision of Glomus Tumors 2287 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 73 Excision of Hemangioma of the Hand 2291 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 74 Excision of Metacarpal Enchondroma 2295 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 75 Excision of Peripheral Nerve Schwannoma 2299 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung 76 Excision of Malignant Skin Tumors 2303 Paymon Rahgozar and Kevin C. Chung Volume III PART 7 LOWER LIMB RECONSTRUCTION AND AMPUTATION SECTION I ANESTHESIA AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 1 Femoral and Adductor Canal Blocks 2310 Sarah Madison and Jean-Louis Horn 2 Popliteal Nerve Blocks 2315 Ming Zhuo-Stine and Sarah Madison 3 Ankle Block 2322 Andrew Lyons and Fred Mihm 4 Epidural Anesthesia 2326 Rachel C. Steckelberg, Jean-Louis Horn, and Sarah Madison SECTION II FOOT, ANKLE, AND LOWER LEG 5 Fasciotomy of the Thigh, Lower Leg, and Foot 2331 Graeme E. McFarland and Jason T. Lee 6 Drainage of Abscesses of Lower Leg and Foot 2335 Michael Holland and Scott L. Hansen
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