Chung O T in Plastic Surgery
23 Lowering the Overelevated Brow 89
38 Indications and Technique for Fat Grafting for Periorbital Rejuvenation 178 Dino Elyassnia and Timothy Marten 39 Indications and Techniques for Bridge of Bone Canthopexy 185 Dev Vibhakar, Erez Dayan, and Michael J. Yaremchuk 40 Indications and Techniques for Palatal Spacer Grafts 190 Dev Vibhakar, Erez Dayan, and Michael J. Yaremchuk SECTION X FACELIFTING AND NECKLIFTING 41 Indication and Technique for Skin-Only Face and Neck Lifting 196 James Zins and Gehan D’Souza 42 Indications and Techniques for Face-Lifting and Neck Lifting 201 David A. Hidalgo and Sammy Sinno 43 Indications and Technique for Extended SMAS Facelift and Necklift 211 James M. Stuzin and Sammy Sinno 44 Lamellar High SMAS Face-Lift 215 Dino Elyassnia and Timothy Marten 45 SMASectomy Face-Lift 228 Steven M. Levine and Daniel C. Baker 46 Indications and Technique for Deep Plane Face-Lift 231 Thomas A. Mustoe 47 Isolated Neck Lift 238 Alan Matarasso and Sammy Sinno 48 Subplatysmal Neck Lifting 242 Dino Elyassnia and Timothy Marten 49 Indications and Techniques for Short-Scar Face-Lift 251 Steven M. Levine and Daniel C. Baker 50 Indications and Techniques for Buccal Fat Pad Excision 254 Alan Matarasso and Sammy Sinno 51 Nonsurgical Neck Contouring using Deoxycholic Acid or Microfocused Ultrasound 257 Lawrence S. Bass
Michael J. Yaremchuk, Erez Dayan, and Dev Vibhakar 24 Indications and Techniques for Transpalpebral Corrugator Resection 93 Ximena A. Pinell-White and Foad Nahai 25 Indications and Techniques for Hairline Lowering 97 Warwick J. S. Nettle and Yumiko Kadota SECTION VIII UPPER BLEPHAROPLASTY 26 Techniques for Upper Blepharoplasty 106 Steven M. Levine 27 Transpalpebral Corrugator Resection 109 Ji H. Son, Ali Totonchi, and Bahman Guyuron 28 Technique for Ptosis Correction 114 Ashley A. Campbell, Christopher C. Lo, and Richard D. Lisman 29 Technique for Ptosis Correction 120 Nuri A. Celik 30 Asian Blepharoplasty (“Double Eyelid” Surgery) 127 Clyde H. Ishii SECTION IX LOWER BLEPHAROPLASTY 31 Transconjunctival Approach to Resection and/or Repositioning of Lower Eyelid Herniated Orbital Fat 132 Allen Putterman 32 Indications and Technique for Skin Pinch Skin Excision in the Lower Eyelids 138 Charles H. Thorne and Sammy Sinno 33 Indications and Technique for Transconjunctival Fat Removal and Redraping in the Lower Eyelids 140 Francisco G. Bravo 34 Indications and Technique for Lower Blepharoplasty via Subciliary Incision 148 Francisco G. Bravo 35 Lateral Canthal Manipulation With Canthopexy or Canthoplasty 157 George N. Kamel, Glenn W. Jelks and Oren M. Tepper 36 Indications and Techniques for Fat Grafting for Periorbital Rejuvenation 162 Oren M. Tepper, Jillian Schreiber, Elizabeth B. Jelks, and Glenn W. Jelks 37 Indications and Techniques for Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Microfat Injections 169 Nuri A. Celik
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SECTION XI RHINOPLASTY 52 Indications and Technique for Closed
Rhinoplasty in Patients With Dorsal Hump and Wide Tip 263 Barı ş Çakır and Ali Teoman Tellio ğ lu
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