Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills


Name __________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Course _________________________________________________________ Year ____________________________________ Instructor/examiner _ ____________________________________________ Position _ _______________________________

SKILL 7-6 Shampooing a patient’s hair in bed

Refer to Dempsey, Hillege and Hill, Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery: A Person-Centred Approach to Care 2e, Chapter 37, Hygiene

 1. Identify the patient.  2. Check the medical order or clinical pathway/care plan. Review the chart for any limitations in physical activity or contraindications to the procedure.  3. Introduce yourself, explain the rationale for the procedure to the patient and family, and obtain consent.  4. Gather the necessary equipment. Equipment: shampoo, conditioner, comb or brush, several jugs filled with warm water (43°C to 46°C), towels, basin, protective pad or plastic sheet, hairwashing tray and drainage container, if available.  5. Undertake a risk assessment, if indicated.  6. Perform hand hygiene.  7. Put on personal protective equipment (PPE), if indicated.  8. Ensure that patient privacy is maintained.  9. Place the bed at an appropriate and comfortable working height. 10. Lower the head of the bed. Remove the pillow and place a protective pad under the patient’s head and shoulders. 11. Position the patient at the top of the bed, in a supine position. Have the patient lift their head and place a shampoo board or basin underneath it. If necessary, pad the edge of the board or basin with a towel. 12. If using a shampoo board, place a container underneath the drain of the board. 13. If the patient is able to, have them hold a folded washcloth on their forehead to keep the water away from their eyes. Pour a jug of warm water slowly over the patient’s head, making sure that all their hair is saturated. Refill the jug, if needed. 14. Apply a small amount of shampoo to the patient’s hair. Massage it deeply into the scalp, avoiding any cuts, lesions or sore spots. Goal: The patient’s hair is washed with minimal discomfort to the patient.




Needs practice

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Copyright © 2014 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills by Louise Sparkes, Jennifer Bassett and Elisabeth Jacob.

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