Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills
Name __________________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Course _________________________________________________________ Year ____________________________________ Instructor/examiner _ ____________________________________________ Position _ _______________________________
SKILL 7-5 Removing contact lenses
Refer to Dempsey, Hillege and Hill, Fundamentals of Nursing and Midwifery: A Person-Centred Approach to Care 2e, Chapter 37, Hygiene
1. Identify the patient. 2. Check the medical order or clinical pathway/care plan. Review the chart for any limitations in physical activity or contraindications to the procedure. 3. Introduce yourself, explain the rationale for the procedure to the patient and family, and obtain consent. 4. Gather the necessary equipment. Equipment: two storage cases marked ‘left’ and ‘right’, normal saline, syringe. 5. Undertake a risk assessment, if indicated. 6. Perform hand hygiene. 7. Put on personal protective equipment (PPE), if indicated. 8. Ensure that patient privacy is maintained. 9. Place the bed at an appropriate and comfortable working height. 10. Assist the patient to a supine position. 11. Lower the bed side rail closest to you. 12. If containers are not already labelled ‘left’ and ‘right’, do so now and place 5 mL of normal saline in each container. 13. To remove a soft contact lens: (a) Have the patient look forwards. Retract the lower lid of one eye with one hand. Using the pad of the index finger of your other hand, move the lens down to the sclera. (b) Using the pads of your thumb and index finger, grasp the lens with a gentle pinching motion and remove. 14. Place the first lens in its designated cup in the storage case before removing the second lens. 15. Remove used gloves and put on clean gloves, then repeat step 13 to remove the other contact lens and place it in its designated cup. 16. If the patient is awake and has glasses at the bedside, offer the patient their glasses. Goal: The patient’s contact lenses are removed without trauma to the eye and are stored safely.
Needs practice
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Copyright © 2014 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Checklists for Clinical Nursing Skills by Louise Sparkes, Jennifer Bassett and Elisabeth Jacob.
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