Baron. Manual de procedimientos gastroenterologicos, 5ed
Colaboradores xi
Sergey V. Kantsevoy, MD, PhD Faculty Physician Director, The Center for Therapeutic Endoscopy Mercy Hospital Baltimore, Maryland Rajesh Keswani, MD, MS Associate Professor of Medicine Mouen A. Khashab, MD Associate Professor Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG, FASGE, AGAF, FACP Faculty Physician Executive Director, Digestive Disease Institute Virginia Mason Medical Center Seattle, Washington Richard S. Kwon, MD, MS Associate Professor Division of Gastroenterology Digestive Health Center Northwestern Medicine Chicago, Illinois
Tadd K. Hiatt, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Gastroenterology
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan
Amy Hosmer, MD Assistant Professor Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Donovan Inniss, BS Medical Student University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan Shayan Irani, MD Faculty Physician Digestive Disease Institute Virginia Mason Medical Center Seattle, Washington Theodore W. James, MD Fellow Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina Salmaan A. Jawaid, MD Advanced Endoscopy Fellow Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition
University of Florida Gainesville, Florida University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan SAMPLE Allon Kahn, MD Associate Consultant Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Arizona University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Ryan Law, DO Assistant Professor Division of Gastroenterology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Allen A. Lee, MD Clinical Lecturer Division of Gastroenterology
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