BRS Neuroanatomy , seventh edition, is a concise review of human neuroanatomy intended for health professions students including medical and dental students preparing for their respective boards and other examinations. It presents the essentials of human neuroanatomy in a concise, tightly outlined, well-illustrated format. There are more than 650 questions with answers and explanations, some in cluded at the end of each chapter and some in a comprehensive examination at the end of the book. NEW TO THIS EDITION ■ 20 new clinical correlates and 44 new clinical vignette–based practice questions ■ Updated content and terminology referencing Terminologia Anatomica and UpToDate ■ Expanded section on referred pain ■ New section on the cranial nerve examination ■ Updated glossary and expanded answer explanations in the chapters and comprehensive examinations To the Student Although this book is usable as a reference tool, to make the most of this book, work your way up the neuroaxis by starting at the beginning with the anatomy and blood supply, embryology and histology, and then proceeding up the spinal cord to higher centers. The illustrations, figures and tables, as well as their legends contain much board-relevant information that complement and inform the extensive question bank.
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