Chapter 13 Diencephalon: Thalamus and Hypothalamus


22. Which of the following is a hypothalamic structure?

Questions 14 to 18 The response options for items 14 to 18 are the same. Select one answer for each item in the set. (A) Anterior nucleus (B) Medial geniculate (nucleus) body

(A) Alveus (B) Arcuate (C) Column (D) Crus (E) Fimbria

(C) VPL nucleus (D) VPM nucleus (E) Ventral lateral nucleus

23. Spring fever is a seasonal change in mood and behavior, coinciding with longer days and more sunshine. One possible anatomical substrate for this phenomenon involves the in creased sunlight projecting posteriorly from the retina to which hypothalamic nucleus?

Match each pathway with the appropriate nu cleus to which it gives input. 14. Brachium of the inferior colliculus

(A) Anterior (B) Arcuate

15. Thalamic fasciculus (H 1 )

(C) Paraventricular (D) Suprachiasmatic (E) Ventromedial

16. Mammillothalamic tract

17. Dentatorubrothalamic tract

24. A 30-year-old woman presents to her pri mary care physician with a series of concerns, including chronic headaches, visual alterations, irritability, inconsistent menstrual periods, and a recently developed insatiable appetite. Neuroimaging is ordered and a pituitary gland tumor is revealed. Compression of which of the following hypothalamic nuclei may be causing the lack of appetite? (A) Anterior (B) Dorsomedial (C) Mammillary bodies (D) Supraoptic (E) Ventromedial The response options for items 25 to 31 are the same. Select one answer for each item in the set. (F) Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus (G) Fornix (H) Medial forebrain bundle (I) Mammillary peduncle (J) Stria terminalis Match each description below with the struc ture it best describes. 25. Extends from the posterior hypothalamic nucleus to the caudal medulla Questions 25 to 31

18. Gustatory (taste) pathway

19. The sexually dimorphic nucleus is located in the:

(A) anterior nucleus. (B) arcuate nucleus. (C) medial preoptic nucleus. (D) posterior nucleus. (E) ventromedial nucleus.

20. A 40-year-old woman who has taken birth control pills has a 4-month history of amenor rhea and a bitemporal hemianopia that began as a bitemporal quadrantanopia. What is the most likely cause of these deficits? (A) Aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery (B) Cavernous sinus meningioma (C) Optic glioma (D) Pituitary adenoma (E) Sella turcica meningioma 21. Which of the following statements concern ing the hypothalamus is correct? (A) It is a division of the subthalamus. (B) It contains the tuberculum cinereum. (C) Its suprachiasmatic nucleus receives input from the retina. (D) It is not related to the limbic system. (E) Its dorsomedial and the ventromedial nu clei are separated by the striae medullares.

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26. Interconnects the hypothalamus and the amygdaloid nuclear complex

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