Atlas of Pathos Chapter 6
• Abdominal ultrasound can detect and monitor the progres- sion of AAA. Treatment A dissecting aortic aneurysm is an emergency that requires prompt surgery and stabilizing measures. Treatment includes: • antihypertensives such as nitroprusside
• negative inotropic agents to decrease force of contractility • beta-adrenergic blockers • oxygen for respiratory distress • opioids for pain • I.V. fluids • possibly, whole blood transfusions. Treatment of stable AAA focuses on surveillance and tight BP control to prevent enlargement.
C a r d i o v a s c u l a r D i s o r d e r s
Dissecting aneurysm
Tear in aortic wall
Ascending aorta
Descending aorta
Fusiform aneurysm
False aneurysm
Saccular aneurysm
Chapter 6 • Cardiovascular Disorders 49
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