(APAC-online) OCT 2019 Nursing Q3
NURSING Nursing Catalogue 2019
NURSING Nursing Catalogue 2019
Nurse’s Handbook of Health Assessment 9th Edition Janet R. Weber 978-1-4963-4586-8 / 800 pp / Dec 2017
Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing 8th Edition Elizabeth T. Anderson and Judith McFarlane 978-1-4963-8713-4 / 408 pp / Oct 2018
With step-by-step guidance that clearly demonstrates the “what,” “why,” and “how” of each phase of the assessment process, Nurses’ Handbook of Health Assessment is the perfect portable text for students and practicing nurses. Renowned for its holistic perspective and three-column format, this up to date reference and guide takes students through every stage of the nursing assessment for adults and special populations. Organized into four units that correlate with Health Assessment in Nursing, the handbook provides everything needed to perform a range of common assessment procedures with confidence.
Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 8th Edition offers a foundational overview of the concepts of epidemiology, environment, culture, ethics, empowerment, health policy, informatics, bioterrorism, and emerging infectious diseases as they relate to community health. Authors and theorists Dr. Anderson and Dr. McFarlane of the Community As Partner Model arm students with the “how to” knowledge they need to apply the nursing process to an entire community, and take readers through the entire nursing process with a real-life community as an example! Anderson offers a handbook with practical skills that ACHNE has outlined as essential for generalist nurses, including how to do a community assessment, how to analyse data, how to form a community nursing diagnosis, as well as how to plan, implement, and evaluate a community health program. Community As Partner analyses the relationship between globalization and health, and inspires students to contribute to the reduction of global health challenges and promoting health for all, including marginalized populations and health promotion in school communities, rural communities, and faith communities.
Advanced Practice Nursing: Exploring Roles and Opportunities 1st Edition Hart, Bell 978-1-9751-1172-4 / 640 pp / Feb 2020
Advanced Nursing Practice: Exploring Roles and Opportunities is a practical yet complete introduction to all aspects of the advanced practice nursing role including competencies, practice, reimbursement, and leadership. Because authors Dr. Hart and Dr. Bell realize that streamlined pathways continue to be developed that aid nurses in obtaining graduate degrees quickly, they have strived to create a text that is manageable within compressed time frames while also ensuring students master all of the critical knowledge expected of Advanced Practice Nurses through thoughtful aligned to AACN’s Essentials competencies and with core competencies in specialty areas. The authors have achieved a manageable text through concise writing and an unwavering focus on need-to-know content. Dr. Hart and Dr. Bell have created a one-stop text for practical application of all advanced practice roles. In addition to the commonly covered roles— including certified nurse anaesthetists (CRNAs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), clinical specialists (CNSs), and nurse practitioners (NPs and DNPs)—the authors will also address nursing education and nursing administration. Gone are the days of instructors supplementing additional information to cover these specialties! Dr. Hart and Dr. Bell provide nurses with an authoritative source for not only knowing what career choices are available, but to gain insight into and appreciation for the realities of the role.
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults 8th Edition Carol Miller 978-1-4963-9981-6 / 656 pp / Feb 2018
Confidently deliver wellness-oriented care for older adults across a changing healthcare environment with the latest evidence-based coverage of gerontological nursing. Comprehensively revised and updated, Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults , Eighth Edition fosters your understanding of both the physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as broader issues of cultural competence, legal matters, and ethical concerns. Organized around the author’s proven Functional Consequences Theory for Promoting Wellness in Older Adults, this trusted text focuses on equipping you to work pro- actively with older adults to promote high levels of functioning and quality of life, despite the limitations associated with aging, disease, and related conditions.
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