APAC OT and Sports Faculty Flyer Online Q2 2019
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences CATALOGUE 2019
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
When it comes to providing students and teachers in medical and the health professions with the educational materials they need, our philosophy is simple: learning never ends. Everything we offer helps students bridge the gap between the classroom and clinical practice, while supporting healthcare professionals in their jobs. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance 5th Edition Ben J. Atchison and Diane P. Dirette 978-1-4963-3221-9 / 584 pp / Sep 2016
Clinically-Oriented Theory for Occupational Therapy
1st Edition Christopher J. Alterio
Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy 13th Edition Barbara Schell & Glenn Gillen
Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy
4th Edition Paula Kramer
Now in its 5th Edition, Conditions in Occupational Therapy: Effect on Occupational Performance is now fully aligned with the DSM-5 and brings in 5 new chapters covering conditions your students will see in practice. Each chapter of the 5th Edition follows a consistent format—an opening case, followed by definition and descriptions, incidence and prevalence, signs and symptoms, course and prognosis, medical/surgical management, impact on occupational performance, and finally, two case illustrations. This format helps students to prepare for what they will see in practice. Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction 7th Edition Mary Vining Radomski and Catherine A. Trombly Latham 978-1-4511-8921-6 / 1456 pp / Dec 2013 Covering the assessment and treatment of adult patients with physical dysfunction, this highly regarded text helps occupational therapy students develop the skills and knowledge they need to become reflective practitioners. The authors introduce the Occupation Functional Model (OFM) in the first section, setting the stage for subsequent discussions that guide students from initial evaluation to treatment to follow-up.
ACSM’s Clinical Exercise Physiology
1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
ACSM’s Nutrition for Exercise Science 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) & Dan Benardot
Exercise for Special Populations 2nd Edition Peggie WIliamson
Sports and Exercise Nutrition
5th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Willard and Spackman’s Occupational Therapy 13th Edition
Clinically-Oriented Theory for Occupational Therapy 1st Edition Christopher J. Alterio 978-1-4963-8953-4 / 304 pp / Sep 2018
Barbara Schell & Glenn Gillen 978-1-9751-0760-4 / 1264 pp / Oct 2018
Celebrating 100 years of the Occupational Therapy profession, this Centennial Edition of Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy continues to live up to its well-earned reputation as the foundational book that welcomes students into their newly chosen profession. Now fully updated to reflect current practice, the 13th Edition remains the must-have resource that students that will use throughout their entire OT program, from class to fieldwork and throughout their careers. One of the top texts informing the NBCOT certification exam, it is a must have for new practitioners. Packed with first-person narratives that offer a unique perspective on the lives of those living with disease, this edition offers much that is new as it continues to help students and clinicians develop the knowledge and skills they need to apply a client-centered, evidence-based and culturally relevant approach across the full spectrum of practice settings. Kielhofner’s A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application 5th Edition Renée R. Taylor 978-1-4511-9034-2 / 568 pp / 200 illus / Mar 2017 Throughout the book, readers will see a client-centered approach used to explore what motivates each individual, how they select occupations and establish everyday routines, and how environment influences occupational behavior. The 5th Edition continues to deliver the latest in MOHO theory, research, and application to practice and adds much that is new, including new case studies that show how MOHO can address the real-life issues depicted and expanded resources that enhance teaching and learning.
This exciting first edition uses a practice focus, with heavy emphasis on application, to help students understand the most common Occupational Therapy theories and select the best for each individual situation. Dr. Alterio takes a unique, holistic approach by providing both the clinical context for how the theories play out in the real world, as well as a methodology for evaluating and applying the most relevant theory to ensure the best possible intervention outcomes.
Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy 2nd Edition Barbara Schell 978-1-4963-3589-0 / 462 pp / Nov 2017
The second edition of Clinical and Professional Reasoning in Occupational Therapy will continue to provide theories and insights to ensure effective decision-making in OT practice. This text is the only scholarly work that skews the model of simply directing how clinicians should think but delves into why they think in such a way.Rational for this deep dive is to set the foundation for more effective decision-making in practice.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Kielhofner’s A Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application 5th Edition Renée R. Taylor 978-1-4963-1028-6 / 240 pp / 55 illus / Jan 2016
Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy 4th Edition Paula Kramer 978-1-4963-9506-1 / 608 pp / Jan 2019
Frames of Reference for Pediatric Occupational Therapy , Fourth Edition, uses frames of reference for diagnostic categories (neuro-development, social participation, etc.) as effective blueprints for applying theory to pediatric OT practice. Updated with new chapters, case examples, and a new focus on evidence-based practice. This proven approach helps students understand the “why” of each frame of reference before moving on to the “how” of creating effective treatment programs to help pediatric clients lead richer, fuller lives. The book first covers the foundations of frames reference for pediatric OT (Section I), and then covers commonly used frames of reference such as motor skill acquisition, biomechanical, and sensory integration (Section II). A final section discusses newer focused/specific frames of reference like handwriting skills and social participation. A standardized format within each frame of reference chapter covers the same elements (Theoretical Base, Supporting Evidence, the Function/Dysfunction Continuum, Guide to Evaluation, and Application to Practice) to help students build the knowledge and skills needed for effective practice.
This much-needed book provides a decision-making framework, the Case Development Protocol, to help students integrate treatment concepts and apply theory and sound clinical judgement to dozens of Occupational Therapy cases representing clients of all ages in a range of clinical setting. Scores and qualitative information from the book’s unique Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Survey helps instructors and students gauge where further training is required and provides guidance on cases from the book that will provide the maximum skill development for each student. Clinical Pathways: An Occupational Therapy Assessment for Range of Motion & Manual Muscle Strength 1st Edition Gail Dadio & Jerilyn Nolan 978-1-4963-8778-3 / 464 pp / Mar 2018 Clinical Pathways , an exciting first edition, helps students learn how to proficiently conduct range of motion (ROM) and manual muscle (MMT) assessment for the main joint structures of the body. Focusing heavily on clinical application, the text also provides a novel, OT-focused “Clinical Pathways of Assessment” model that connects physical assessment with a clinical decision-making process. This model helps students develop the skills to effectively evaluate a client through an occupational profile and performance.
Outcome-Based Massage: Putting Evidence into Practice 3rd Edition Carla-Krystin Andrade 978-1-4511-3033-1 / 560 pp / 291 illus / Feb 2013
Outcome-Based Massage goes beyond an update of the content of the second edition. In this book, Dr Andrade and a team of contributors who represent the fields of massage therapy, physical therapy, athletic training, education, psychology, medicine, and physiology take the student or practicing clinician to the next level of using Outcome-Based Massage in daily clinical practice.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Therapeutic Exercise: Moving Toward Function 4th Edition Lori Brody and Carrie Hall 978-1-4963-0234-2 / 976 pp / Apr 2017 This updated 4th Edition of Therapeutic Exercise does more than provide a listing of exercises—it builds practice preparedness and clinical reasoning skills by focusing on the rationale behind exercise selections and progressions. Now in striking full color and more accessible than ever, the text emphasizes return to function, aligns with the most recent ICF framework, and reflects the latest strategies in physical therapy. This edition continues to show readers how to use therapeutic exercise and related interventions to close the gap between current and desired performance, while incorporating new research and updated pedagogy. Musculoskeletal Assessment: Joint Motion and Muscle Testing 3rd Edition Hazel M. Clarkson 978-1-4511-7571-4 / 656 pp / Feb 2012 Completely revised and updated, the Third Edition offers a student-friendly approach to muscle assessment, presenting the principles and methodology of assessing both joint range of motion (ROM)/goniometry and manual muscle strength for the head, neck, trunk, and extremities. Each chapter is devoted to a separate anatomical region and provides knowledge of pertinent surface anatomy and deep anatomy. Excellent photography and illustrations enhance comprehension of techniques and serve as a self-learning tool.
Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain 5th Edition Florence P. Kendall, Elizabeth K. McCreary, Patricia G. Provance,
Mary Rodgers and William Romani 978-1-4511-0431-8 / 560 pp / Mar 2010
This renowned classic provides unparalleled coverage of manual muscle testing, plus evaluation and treatment of faulty and painful postural conditions. The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition is completely reorganized and has new, expanded treatment and exercise sections in each chapter. Other features include a new section on post-polio syndrome, additional case studies comparing Guillain-Barré to polio muscle tests, a new full-color design, and a first-of-its-kind chart of upper extremity articulations. Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System 4th Edition Margareta Nordin and Victor H. Frankel 978-1-4511-1709-7 / 472 pp / 450 illus, 25 tables / Jan 2012 Now in its Fourth Edition, Basic Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System uses a direct and comprehensive approach to present students with a working knowledge of biomechanical principles of use in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal dysfunction. The text opens with a chapter that introduces the basic terminology and concepts of biomechanics; the remainder of the book then focuses on the biomechanics of tissues and structures, the biomechanics of joints, and applied biomechanics.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement 3rd Edition Carol A. Oatis 978-1-4511-9156-1 / 1032 pp / Feb 2016 Equip your students with the knowledge they need to be effective physical therapists with the updated Third Edition of Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement . Now in vibrant full color, the Third Edition provides a clinical, applied look at anatomy and mechanics that reflects the latest research findings and the most current developments in the field. As your students move through the text, they don’t just learn the principles of motion; they learn how these principles apply to patient care. New Thought Problems with critical thinking exercises ask students to think through the types of decisions they will be making as physical therapy professionals. Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice 5th Edition Anne Shumway-Cook and Marjorie H. Woollacott 978-1-4963-4772-5 / 640 pp / Mar 2016 Motor Control remains the only book available that bridges the gap between current and emerging motor control research and its application to clinical practice. Written by leading experts in the field, this now classic resource prepares readers to effectively examine and treat patients with problems related to postural control, mobility, and upper extremity function using today’s evidence-based best practices.
Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy 3rd Edition Toby Long 978-1-4963-9503-0 / 288 pp / Jun 2018
This updated reference provides a contemporary perspective on pediatric Physical Therapy in a convenient outline format ideal for daily consultation. Consistent with APTA’s "Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 3.0", Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy , 3rd Edition helps both students and professionals quickly locate essential information necessary to effectively assess, diagnose, and plan interventions. This edition reflects the latest advances in the field as it presents each condition's etiology, assessment considerations, treatment, and all other information related to contemporary pediatric physical therapy practice.
Travell, Simons & Simons’ Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction 3rd Edition
Joseph Donnelly, Ed.D., FACSM 978-0-7817-5560-3 / 968 pp / Aug 2018
This new edition of Travell, Simons & Simons' groundbreaking work reflects the latest research and best practices associated with trigger points and updates the iconic pain point images that set the standard in the field. New lead editor Joseph M. Donnelly draws on his experience as both educator and physical therapy practitioner to integrate an evidence-based approach into this critical text. In addition, the new edition consolidates information to create a more intuitive user experience and features a completely new full color design to bring concepts to life.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
ACSM’s Clinical Exercise Physiology 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-8780-6 / 600 pp / March 2019
ACSM’S Certification Review 5th Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-3877-8 / 288 pp / May 2017
With ACSM’s Certification Review as your guide, you can be ready to successfully pass the exam to become a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Certified Exercise Physiologist (EP-C), or Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP). This text will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and then eliminate those areas of weakness with further study. Most importantly, this text will help you advance your career in fitness and exercise. Now aligned with the tenth edition of the ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, this text is reflective of the key changes and the only print resource for the current ACSM certification exams.
ACSM’s Clinical Exercise Physiology adapts and expands upon the disease- related content from ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 7th Edition, to create a true classroom textbook. This new resource offers research-based coverage of more than 35 conditions commonly seen in practice—from a host of cardiovascular disorders to immunological/hematological disorders. Condition chapters are organized by disease types and then divided into sections that cover specific conditions from a pathological and etiological perspective. To provide a complete view of clinical exercise physiology, the book also covers important considerations and foundational elements, such as screening, pharmacology, and electrocardiography.
ACSM’s Exercise for Older Adults 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-6091-3647-5 / 256 pp / 18 illus, 24 tables / Feb 2013
ACSM’s Nutrition for Exercise Science 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) & Dan Benardot 978-1-4963-4340-6 / 624 pp / Nov 2018
Throughout ACSM’s Exercise for Older Adults , world-renowned researchers and practitioners make a compelling case for older adults to engage in physical activity. Over the course of ten chapters, the text highlights the physiological, psychological, and social benefits of a physically active lifestyle. Students and professionals will benefit from implementation strategies including motivation to initiate and maintain exercise; options for healthy older adults; options for older adults with special needs; and assessing progress and performance. ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-3879-2 / 592 pp / Jan 2018 ACSM’s Exercise Testing and Prescription adapts and expands upon the assessment and exercise prescription-related content from ACSM’s Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 7th Edition, to create a true classroom resource. Fully aligned with the latest edition of ACSM’s flagship title, ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, this practical resource walks students through the process of selecting and administering fitness assessments, using Guidelines to interpret results, and drafting an exercise prescription that is in line with Guidelines parameters.
New from the American College of Sports Medicine! This clear and highly applied overview of exercise nutrition illustrates difficult concepts using real-world examples and case studies that allow students to put learning into practice. Well-known author Dan Benardot draws on his vast experience as an instructor, scientist, and practitioner to craft an engaging and factual resource that makes the nutrition of exercise science accessible. Written at a level appropriate for both exercise science majors and non-majors, this practical book is packed with helpful in-text learning aids and stunning visuals that bring concepts to life.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 10th Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-3906-5 / 480 pp / Feb 2017
ACSM’s Research Methods 1st Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4511-9174-5 / 462 pp / 82 illus / Oct 2015
Wolters Kluwer and the ACSM are excited to introduce ACSM’s Research Methods , a vital first edition. This applied approach provides students with a sophisticated look at research methods aimed at building engagement with the text. Written by leading experts in the field, this title offers a fresh approach that better integrates traditional methods with some of the newer approaches to research, such as qualitative and mixed methods, and uses published journal articles and real-life examples to make the material interesting and relevant.
978-1-4963-3907-2 / 480 pp / Feb 2017
The tenth edition reflects some crucial and exciting changes, making the content necessary for effective study and practice. New pre-exercise health screening recommendations are critical to helping more of the population begin a safe, healthy physical activity program without consulting a physician. New and expanded information on the risks of sedentary behavior, clinical exercise testing and interpretation, high intensity interval training, musculoskeletal injury risk, fitness testing protocols and norms, and an expansion of the principles of health behavior change are included. Additionally, significant reorganization of content will help you reach the information you need quickly.
ACSM’s Introduction to Exercise Science 3rd Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-3961-4 / 480 pp / Nov 2017
ACSM’s Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual 5th Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-3880-8 / 208 pp / Oct 2017
The only book to focus specifically on exercise science and the range of career paths in the field, ACSM’s Introduction to Exercise Science , 3rd Edition provides an engaging overview of exercise science and related concepts. Updated throughout to reflect the most current trends and theories in the field, this edition offers a new chapter on research and new online videos. ACSM’s Resource for the Exercise Physiologist 2nd Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-2286-9 / 472 pp / Jun 2017 As the official preparation book for the ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist examination, the title will guide those seeking certification as they prepare to sit for the exam. For those already practicing, this evidence-based resource will aid in providing the most current, competent guidance to clients. Now fully aligned with the tenth edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, this second edition is reflective of the most current standards in the field.
The goal of the 5th Edition of ACSM’s Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual is to provide a comprehensive overview of why and how to perform assessments of the five health-related components of physical fitness, namely body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and cardiorespiratory fitness.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer 5th Edition American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) 978-1-4963-2289-0 / 592 pp / Sep 2017 This 5th Edition of ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer is the critical content for those seeking to gain ACSM’s Certified Personal Trainer certification, and those currently practicing. This title is now fully aligned to the tenth edition of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, and includes the new pre-participation guidelines, which will be critical for those in the personal trainer field. ACSM’s Resources for the Personal Trainer is the official preparation book for the ACSM Certified Personal TrainerSM examination.
Motor Behavior 2nd Edition Jeffrey Ives 978-1-4963-8533-8 / 328 pp / Jan 2018
This updated 2nd Edition of this highly applied text goes beyond providing the basics of motor control (Unit 1) and motor learning (Unit 2) to helping students understand how these two distinct views interact and ultimately affect outcomes (Unit 3). Taking a functional approach, Motor Behavior , 2nd Edition reflects the most recent research and guidelines from the field and brings topics to life with unique photos and illustrations that show concepts in action. A final chapter offers insights on effective training and practice strategies that connect mind and body for optimal performance. Research Methods in Kinesiology and the Health Sciences 1st Edition Susan Hall and Nancy Getchell 978-0-7817-9774-0 / 385 pp / 155 illus, 25 tables / Feb 2014 Designed for introductory research methods courses at graduate and undergraduate levels, Research Methods in Kinesiology includes all major topics conventionally addressed in introductory research methods texts. With unique chapters on research writing style and matching statistical tools with research protocols, readers will find this book written in a conversational tone intended to make the topic more readily understood by today’s student. Problem-based learning activities help students apply the skills they’ve learned and prepare for actual research.
Exercise for Special Populations 2nd Edition Peggie WIliamson 978-1-4963-8901-5 / 448 pp / Sep 2018
This updated 2nd Edition of Williamson’s highly applied Exercise for Special Populations provides just enough background for practicing and future personal trainers, exercise physiologists, and other health and fitness professionals to develop and implement exercise programs for special populations. For each condition, the book provides a general description, anatomy and physiology variances, precautions, recommendations for exercise testing and prescription, instructions and images of various exercises, and nutritional considerations. Reflecting the latest best practices in the field, the 2nd Edition features new chapters and pedagogy and a powerful suite of online resources. Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management 6th Edition Marcia Anderson 978-1-4963-3087-1 / 1072 pp / 1029 illus, 289 tables / Jul 2016 Foundations of Athletic Training integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to provide a strong foundation of general athletic training practices. Using a problem-solving approach to prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases, this text provides athletic trainers and athletic training students with the most extensive, challenging content in a user-friendly format.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & Exercise Sciences
Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 4th Edition Joseph Hamill, Kathleen Knutzen and Timothy Derrick 978-1-4511-9404-3 / 528 pp / 425 illus / Sept 2014 Focusing on the quantitative nature of biomechanics, Biomechanical Basis of Movement , the 4th edition integrates current literature, meaningful numerical examples, relevant applications, hands-on exercises, and functional anatomy, physics, calculus, and physiology to help students— regardless of their mathematical background— understand the full continuum of human movement potential. This 4th Edition features a new problem generator for instructors, which randomly generates an unlimited number of numerical problems for student practice, and free MaxTRAQ motion analysis software that shows biomechanics in action and allows students to track data and analyze motion in a dynamic, video-enriched online environment.
Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance 8th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch 978-1-4511-9383-1 / 1136 pp / 900 illus, 208 tables / Feb 2014 Setting the standard for more than 30 years, Exercise Physiology has helped more than 350,000 students build a solid foundation in the scientific principles underlying modern exercise physiology. This Eighth Edition is updated with the latest research in the field to give students easy-to- understand, up-to-date coverage of how nutrition, energy transfer, and exercise training affect human performance. Throughout the text, the authors apply exercise physiology principles to practical skills, illustrate how theory comes to life through research, and clarify complex issues and problems.
Sports and Exercise Nutrition 5th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch 978-1-9751-0673-7 / 722 pp / Jan 2019
Essentials of Exercise Physiology 5th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch 978-1-4963-0909-9 / 790 pp / 360 illus / Oct 2015
This edition of McArdle, Katch, and Katch’s respected text reflects the most recent, evidence-based information on how nutrition affects exercise and sports performance. Using high quality research to illustrate teaching points, the authors provide detailed yet accessible coverage of the science of exercise nutrition and bioenergetics, along with valuable insights into how the principles work in the real world of physical activity and sports medicine. New content, new research citations, and new case studies throughout help prepare students for a successful career in exercise science.
Essentials of Exercise Physiology offers a compact version of the 8th Edition of the bestselling Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance, making it ideal for introductory undergraduate courses. As students progress through the text, they’ll develop a deep understanding of the interrelationships among energy intake, energy transfer during exercise, and the physiologic systems that support energy transfer. Moreover, they’ll discover how to apply what is learnt to enhance exercise training, athletic performance, and health.
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy and Sports & exercise sciences
LWW Representatives
Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance 5th Edition Sharon Plowman and Denise Smith 978-1-4963-2318-7 / 760 pp / Feb 2017
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SPAIN Pablo Blanco
T: +34 91 602 00 00 M: +34 676 709 286 Pablo.Blanco@wolterskluwer.com DENMARK, FINLAND, ICELAND, NORWAY AND SWEDEN Ben Greig, Colin Flint Ltd
This engaging and beautifully designed text integrates theoretical and research based basic exercise physiology with real-world application to prepare students for exciting positions in exercise science, fitness, physical education, athletic training, rehabilitation, coaching and/or allied health professions. The 5th Edition offers coverage of foundational science and critical exercise physiology topics. Organized by independent units (Metabolic, Cardiovascular-respiratory, Neuromuscular-skeletal, and Neuroendocrine-immune) this text offers maximum teaching flexibility for faculty and consistent presentation of material for the student.
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