APAC Anatomy Faculty Flyer Online
Anatomy Textbook Catalogue 2019
Anatomy Textbook Catalogue 2019
Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 10th Edition Lawrence E. Wineski 978-1-4963-4564-6 / 824 pp / Dec 2018
Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition T. W. Sadler 978-1-9751-1484-8 / 456 pp / Oct 2018
Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions pairs expert perspectives with a user- friendly approach to deliver a proven learning and teaching resource on the practical application of anatomy. Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and nursing programs, this trusted text guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explaining the how and why behind each structure and offering readers the hands-on guidance they need to make sound clinical choices. This edition has been completely reorganized to help students confidently navigate body regions from surface to deep structures, integrating basic anatomy, clinical information, surface and radiographic anatomy, as well as embryology.
Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langman’s Medical Embryology , Fourteenth Edition helps medical, nursing, and health professions students confidently develop a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance. Concise chapter summaries, captivating clinical correlates boxes, clinical problems, and a clear, concise writing style make the subject matter accessible and engaging to students throughout their courses.
Medical Embryology Animations T. W. Sadler 978-1-4963-8736-3 / Aug 2018
Essential Ultrasound Anatomy 1st Edition Marios Loukas 978-1-4963-8353-2 / 320 pp / April 2019
Institutional Subscription only. Please refer to your representative for a quote Visualizing the stages of human development and understanding the corresponding anatomical relationships can be a challenge. Medical Embryology Animations offers you and your students an unsurpassed resource for learning and reviewing this difficult topic. This new essential resource: • Includes 9 high-resolution 3D animations, averaging five minutes each, with narration and on-screen labeling • Contains complete coverage of key areas of development • Can be used standalone or coordinated with Langman’s Medical Embryology License this invaluable teaching and learning resource for use in your lectures and course materials today.
Presenting sonography in the context of anatomy and clinical practice, Essential Ultrasound Anatom y offers practical, comprehensive coverage of the ultrasound images and important structures that are most frequently encountered in daily practice. Using concise text, ultrasound images with corresponding cadaver photographs, full-color anatomical and technique illustrations, and videos, it provides today’s students with a solid foundation in regional ultrasound anatomy.
BRS Gross Anatomy 2nd Edition Halliday, Chung 978-1-9751-2014-6 / 544 pp /December 2018
This powerful, easy-to-use resource presents the essentials of human anatomy in the popular Board Review Series outline formant and includes concise descriptions, clinical correlations, radiographs, full-color illustrations, and tables. Considered the best review book for gross anatomy by medical student reviewers, this updated and streamlined ninth edition includes more than 550 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, organized into chapter review tests and an end-of-book comprehensive exam, to help students master key information.
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