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Southern Medical Journal A Publication Committed to Interdisciplinary Disease Management: Official Journal of the Southern Medical Association Editor: G. Richard Holt, MD, MSE, MPH, MABE, D, Bioethics Find the latest clinical information relevant to internists, family practitioners, and other healthcare professionals worldwide. d d For over 100 years, has provided the latest clinical information in areas that affect patients' daily lives d d Issues cover a range of topics including obesity, depression, influenza, diabetes, osteoporosis, and alcoholism d d Includes online access to all archived issues
SOUTHERNMEDICAL JOURNAL Vol.109,No.8,Pages 441–492
VOL.109 x NO. 8 x AUGUST 2016
For the IntegratedMultidisciplinaryApproach to PatientCare
BIOETHICS&MEDICAL EDUCATION 466 DoesTiming of InternalMedicineResidency InterviewAffectLikelihood ofMatching? 471 FosteringClinicalExcellenceAcross anAcademic HealthSystem MEDICINE&MEDICAL SPECIALTIES 477 PatientPerceptionsofOseltamivir for the Treatmentof Influenza 481 ClinicalFeaturesofRespiratoryViral Infections Among Inpatients at aMajorUSTertiary CareHospital 487 DeterminantsofElevatedAlkalinePhosphatase inPatients InfectedwithHIV
441 Special Series onMentalHealth
442 One-VisitBehavioral Intervention forOlder PrimaryCarePatientswithMild toModerate DepressiveSymptoms
448 Commentaryon“One-VisitBehavioral
Intervention forOlderPrimaryCarePatients withMild toModerateDepressiveSymptoms’’
450 ConversionDisorder inanAppalachianCommunity
454 Impact of Nutrition on Neurocognition
456 Commentary on “Impact of Nutrition on Neurocognition”
458 MentalHealth ImpactofHosting DisasterRefugees:Analyses from a
RandomSampleSurveyAmongHaitians Living inMiami
465 Homelessness and Emergency Psychiatric Evaluations
492 How IsZikaTransmitted?
Journal of the
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August 25, 2016
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forTheRed,White andBlue ofPrescribingControlled Substances:Rules,Wisdom andBalance.
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Yearly Subscription (12 online issues) ISSN: 0038-4348
Personal subscriptions are only available through membership in the SMA. For details on SMA membership, visit www.SMA.org.
Advances in Skin and Wound Care® International Journal for Prevention and Healing Editors: Richard “Sal” Salcidio, MD; R. Gary Sibbald, BSc, MD, Med, FRNCP; and Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ETN, FA This respected journal covers the latest information on skin and wound care. d d Issues include clinical information, research, information on the latest skin and wound care products, and insightful editorial features d d Includes online access to all current and archived issues as well as Advances in Skin & Wound Care for the iPad ®
OpenAccess! Authors have the option to set their articles for free access.See the author guidelines on ourwebsite:www.woundcarejournal.com.
Advances in
The International Journal forPreventionandHealing SKIN& WOUND CARE CARE ® CLINICALMANAGEMENT EXTRA Developmentof aNutritionScreeningTool for anOutpatientWoundCenter JudithFulton,PhD;BradEvans,BS;StephannieMiller,MPH;KimberlyN.Blasiole,MSN,RN,CWOCN; NancyBeinlich,MSN,RN,CWON;AnitaMeehan,MSN,RN-BC,ONC,FNGNA; Claire Loose,MA,RD,LD; andRaymond Leone,DO ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS Negative-PressureTherapy toReduce theRiskofWound InfectionFollowing DivertingLoop IleostomyReversal:An InitialStudy RamonCantero,MD,PhD; InesRubio-Perez,MD,PhD;Miguel Leon,MD;MarioAlvarez,MD; BeatrizDiaz,MD;AnaHerrera,MD; JoaquinDiaz-Dominguez,MD,PhD; and JoseAntonioRodriguez-Montes,MD,PhD Tissue-EngineeredSkinSubstituteEnhancesWoundHealing after RadiationTherapy Mohd Fauzi binMhBusra,BSc; ShipluRoyChowdhury,PhD; Fuad bin Ismail,MD; Aminuddin bin Saim,MD; andRuszymahBtHj Idrus,MD,PhD AssessmentofChicken-EggMembrane as aDressing forWoundHealing FernandoGuarderas,MD;Yaowaree Leavell,MD;Trisha Sengupta,BBA;MariyaZhukova,BS; andTimothy L.Megraw,PhD PLUS PaymentStrategies•PracticePoints•Letter to theEditor www.woundcarejournal.com Volume29Number3March 2016
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Yearly Subscription (12 print issues) $139.00 ISSN: 1527-7941
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