

JAAPA: Journal of the American Academy of PAs Editor: Reamer L. Bushardt, PharmD, RPh, PA-C

www .JAAPA. com

October2016 • Volume29 • Number10

This award-winning journal supports the ongoing education and advancement of physician assistants (PAs) by publishing current research on clinical issues, professional issues, and health policy. d d Issues contain clinical review articles with AAPA-approved Category I CME, case reports, clinical departments, original health services research, and more d d Includes online access to all current and archived issues as well as JAAPA for the iPad ®

AAPACATEGORY ICMECREDIT CME Caring forbreast cancer survivors inprimary care CME Evaluatingpostoperative fever CASE REPORT Anurgent finding on an outpatient cervical spineMRI ORIGINAL RESEARCH TheGMENAC report and thePAprofession

Journalof theAmericanAcademyofPhysicianAssistants


Yearly Subscription (12 print issues) $146.00 ISSN: 1547-1896


Circulation An American Heart Association Journal Editor: Joseph Loscalzo, MD, PhD



Editor’sPage Vision for theNew Circulation JAHill Perspective Circulation :TheBeatGoesOn EBraunwald

Randomized,ControlledTrialofanAdvanceCare PlanningVideoDecisionsupportTool forPatients WithAdvancedHeart Failure A El-Jawahri ...AEVolandes TheRoleofProproteinConvertasesubtilisin/Kexin Type 9 inNephroticsyndrome-Associated Hypercholesterolemia MEHaas ...SBBiddinger inDepth Phenotype-specific Treatment ofHeart FailureWith PreservedEjection Fraction:AMultiorganRoadmap SJShah ...WJPaulus CORREsPONDENCE letterbyDizman etalRegardingArticle,“Periodontitis increases theRisk ofa FirstMyocardial infarction:AReport From thePAROKRANKstudy” NDizman ...AOguz e1 ResponsebyRydén to letterRegardingArticle, “Periodontitis increases theRisk ofa FirstMyocardial infarction:AReport From thePAROKRANKstudy” LRydén e2 73 52 61 sTATEOF THEART




Find the most important papers and authoritative articles from across the world every week. d d Topics include a combination of basic, translational, clinical, and population research d d Details implications of application in your daily practice to improve patient outcomes d d Includes online access to all current and archived issues as well as Circulation on the iPad ®

long-TermRiskofAtheroscleroticCardiovascular Disease inUsAdultsWith the Familial HypercholesterolemiaPhenotype AMPerak ...DM Lloyd-Jones


Editorial EnoughEvidence,Time toAct! FRodriguez and JWKnowles


impactofRenal Function onOutcomesWith Edoxaban in theENGAGEAF-TiMi48 Trial EABohula ...EBraunwald On-TreatmentOutcomes inPatientsWith WorseningRenal FunctionWithRivaroxaban ComparedWithWarfarin: insights FromROCKETAF CB Fordyce ...On behalf of theROCKETAFSteeringCommittee and Investigators



Editorial Renal Function inAtrial Fibrillation:AMultifaceted Dilemma ZHijazi and LWallentin 48

Visit the journal online at circ.ahajournals.org.

ISSN 0009-7322 http://circ.ahajournals.org

Volume 134.Number 1. July 5, 2016

Yearly Subscription (50 print issues) $657.00 ISSN: 0009-7322

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