Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks on DVD: Lower Limbs, Version 2.0 Alain Delbos, MD Reduce guesswork when using nerve blocking techniques
One of the longstanding challenges to effective nerve blockade has been precise needle placement without visualization. The 2nd Edition of this best-selling and expertly authored multimedia tutorial offers dynamic, step- by-step instruction on all ultrasound-guided single injection and continuous infusion nerve blocking techniques in the lower limbs. • Detailed content for each procedure includes 3D animation, with voice-over narration and critical teaching points Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks on DVD: Upper Limbs, Version 2.0 Alain Delbos, MD Improve accuracy and effectiveness of nerve blocking techniques with this dynamic visual tool One of the longstanding challenges to effective nerve blockade has been precise needle placement without visualization. The 2nd Edition of this best-selling multimedia tutorial offers dynamic, step-by-step instruction on all ultrasound-guided single injection and continuous infusion nerve blocking techniques in the upper limbs. • Full color throughout • Detailed content for each procedure includes 3D animation, with voice-over narration and critical teaching points Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Blocks on DVD Version 2: Upper & Lower Limbs Package Alain Delbos, MD Two best-selling DVDs combined in one dynamic package This DVD combo offers step-by-step instruction on the latest ultrasound-guided nerve blocking techniques in both upper and lower extremities. • Systematic presentation covers relevant anatomy, indications, materials, patient positioning, puncture site, common techniques, alternative approaches, risks, and complications for each procedure • Detailed content for each procedure includes 3D animation with voice-over narration and critical teaching points Peripheral Nerve Blocks: A Color Atlas, 3rd Edition Jacques E. Chelly, MD, PhD, MBA A step-by-step guide to performing more than 60 peripheral nerve blocks, including those used in children Detailed information for each nerve block includes indications, patient positioning, needle size, drug selection, volume for infusion rate, anatomic landmarks, approach, and tips for maximizing effectiveness and minimizing complications. • Full-color clinical photographs and line art demonstrate anatomic landmarks, patient positioning, and techniques • New material covers ultrasound guidance and continuous catheter techniques • Includes access to the companion website with complete content that is fully searchable plus other ancillaries not found in the print edition
DVD for PC and Mac $211.99 PC ISBN: 9781451182613 Mac ISBN: 9781451192261
DVD for PC and Mac $211.99 PC ISBN: 9781451182606 Mac ISBN: 9781451192278
DVDs for PC and Mac $402.78 PC ISBN: 9781451137385 Mac ISBN: 9781451192247
496 pages $157.99 ISBN: 9780781768764
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