2021 Textbook Catalogue
Psychiatry & Behavioural Science
Radiology & Radiography
Radiology 101: The Basics & Fundamentals of Imaging 5th Edition Thomas A. Farrell, MD 978-1-4963-9298-5 / 400 pp / November 2019 With over 35,000 copies of the first 4 editions sold, Radiology 101 introduces diagnostic imaging to non-radiologists; medical students, individuals on a radiology rotation, as well as PA and nursing students. As in previous editions, there is coverage of normal anatomy, commonly encountered diseases and their radiological manifestations with up to date clinical content relevant to those studying for the USMLE. Each chapter includes an outline, highlighted important information and an end of chapter Question and Answer section. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on what exam to order with extensive referencing to the ACR Appropriateness Criteria© which will assume new importance as the basis for evidence based clinical decision support when ordering imaging in the near future. is a popular introduction to radiologic anatomy, the imaging manifestations of common disease processes, and what imaging studies to use when. The first section addresses basic principles of the various imaging modalities, while the second section deals with imaging of body regions plus, contains a chapter on nuclear imaging. Each chapter starts with a brief outline and ends with key points. Radiobiology for the Radiologist 8th Edition Eric J. Hall, Amato J. Giaccia 978-1-9751-1415-2 / 624 pp / May 2018 Considered the “gold standard” in the field for over 45 years, Radiobiology for the Radiologist combines traditional and molecular radiation biology principles and appeals to students, residents, and veteran clinical practitioners. This edition continues the two-part format of previous editions and features brand-new chapters, thoroughly updated content, and hundreds of figures that provide a visual context to the information in each chapter.
Kaplan and Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry 6th Edition Benjamin Sadock and Virginia Sadock 978-1-4963-8693-9 / 600 pp / January 2018 Completely revised to bring you up to date with current DSM5 classifications, new medications, and more, Kaplan & Sadock’s Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry , 6th Edition, is a concise, easy-to-use guide to diagnosing the full range of psychiatric disorders in both adults and children. Brief summaries of psychiatric disorders include key aspects of etiology, epidemiology, clinical features, and suggestions for treatment. It’s an ideal ready reference for psychiatrists and other physicians, medical students on psychiatric rotations, psychiatric residents, and mental health professionals in psychology, social work, and nursing.
Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences / Clinical Psychiatry 12th Edition Robert Bolan, Marcia Verduin and Pedro Ruiz 978-1-9751-7312-8 / 1173 pp / April 2021
Accurate, reliable, objective, and comprehensive, Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry has long been the leading clinical psychiatric resource for clinicians, residents, students, and other health care professionals both in the US and worldwide. Now led by a new editorial team of Drs. Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, it continues to offer a trusted overview of the entire field of psychiatry while bringing you up to date with current information on key topics and developments in this complex specialty. The twelfth edition has been completely reorganized to make it more useful and easier to navigate in today’s busy clinical settings.
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