2021 Textbook Catalogue





Stoklosa and Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Calculations 16h Edition Shelly J. Stockton 978-1-9751-2931-6 / 480pp / April 2021

Pharmacology Recall 3rd Edition Anand Ramachandran 978-1-9751-4094-6 / 608 pp / February 2019


This updated Third Edition combines a high-yield, quick reference text with downloadable audio files focused on the most crucial pharmacological facts medical students need to memorize for course and USMLE exam success. Ideal for study on the go, this accessible review of pharmacology features up-to date information on drugs, in a two-column Q&A print format, with over 400 rapid-fire questions and answers. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology 7th Edition Karen Whalen 978-1-9751-0670-6 / 576pp / October 2018 This text enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of information about medical microbiology. The book has the hallmark features for which Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews series’ are so popular: an outline format, 450 full-colour illustrations, end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, plus an entire section of clinical case studies with full-colour illustrations. 5 additional case studies have been included, bringing the total to 19. Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems 11th Edition Lloyd Allen 978-1-4963-7291-8 / 612 pp / November 2017 Master the intricacies of pharmaceutical design and production! Succeed in your course with Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems , the most comprehensive source on this subject available today! Reflecting the CAPE, APhA, and NAPLEX® competencies, this trusted resource explores the interrelationships between pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical principles, product design, formulation, manufacture, compounding, and the clinical application of the various dosage forms in patient care, as well as regulations and standards governing the manufacturing and compounding of pharmaceuticals.

The gold standard on pharmaceutical calculations, this widely acclaimed text covers the full range of calculations pharmacy students must learn for successful pharmacy practice, including dosing, compounding, metric conversions and more. Thoroughly reviewed by practitioners and educators and extensively revised and updated, this 16th edition maintains high standards for both academic and basic practice requirements while offering the most comprehensive and in-depth coverage of pharmacy calculations available. A consistent, step-by-step approach makes it easy to work through the problems and gain a greater understanding of the underlying concepts, and new online access to calculation problems makes this the most engaging edition yet. Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice 7th Edition Robert Beardsley, Carole Kimberlin and William Tindall 978-1-9751-0541-9 / 352 pp / March 2019 Newly focused on the practical communications skills student pharmacists need for effective practice, this updated Seventh Edition—now in full colour— reflects new ACPE standards, including up-to-date coverage of the PPCP model, co-curricular experiences, interprofessional interaction and collaboration, and professional development. Practical, easy-to-use, and packed with relevant case studies and coverage of the latest advances in the field, this edition is ideal for the foundational course and pre-experiential training.


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