2021 Textbook Catalogue
Nursing: Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations
Nursing: Pharmacology and Dosage Calculations
Henke’s Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation, and Administration 9th Edition Susan Buchholz 978-1-9751-2702-2 / 560 pp / October 2019
Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology 11th Edition Susan Ford & Sally Roach 978-1-4963-8009-8 / 736 pp / October 2017 The unique feature of this book is drug therapy from a nursing perspective— it was developed by nurses for nurses who understand how to design and communicate learning in a way that will maximize your knowledge of pharmacology. The nursing process framework uses a step-by-step method to present nursing actions regarding drug information in the context of a nurse’s clinical practice. Elements of the process—assessment, analysis, planning, intervention, and evaluation—show you basic and practical nursing skills to help patients understand the treatment, to meet their health care needs, and to improve adherence to treatment. Introductory Clinical Pharmacology 12th Edition Susan Ford 978-1-9751-7282-4 / 736 pp / October 2021 NEW
This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to learning dosage calculation and principles of drug administration. With the step-by- step approach to solving problems and in-chapter exercises, provides the opportunity for students to gain ability and confidence in the material before proceeding to the next concept. Over 70 Calculations in Action Animations provide step-by-step demonstrations of how to solve equations presented in the text. Clinical Calculations Made Easy: Solving Problems Using Dimensional Analysis 7th Edition Gloria Craig 978-1-9751-2703-9 / 304 pp / October 2019 Safely and Effectively Calculate Medication Dosages. Dosage calculation and drug administration are easier than ever with this easy-to-use skill- building guide. Clinical Calculations Made Easy equips you to confidently calculate accurate medication dosages with a review of basic math skills and measurement systems, as well as a systematic approach to drug calculations/ preparations using the proven dimensional analysis method. Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy 12th Edition Geralyn Frandsen 978-1-9751-6017-3 / 1176 pp / September 2020 Highly praised for its clear organization and approachable presentation, Abrams’ Clinical Drug Therapy , Twelfth Edition continues a long tradition of guiding students and instructors through the practice of safe and effective medication administration. Expert pharmacology educators and clinicians explain the “why” behind each nursing action and emphasize individualized nursing care and drug therapy to promote optimal outcomes in every care setting. This updated edition is filled with case studies, concept maps, and other engaging features, and is complemented by robust online resources that reinforce understanding and establish a solid foundation for success from the classroom to the NCLEX® to clinical practice. NEW
Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 8th Edition Amy Karch 978-1-9751-1515-9 / 1072 pp / October 2019
Focus on Nursing Pharmacology , 8th Edition is what you need when don’t want to remediate material you’ve already learned in basic science classes. This book reviews and integrates previously learned knowledge into chapters focused on helping students conceptualize what is important to know about each group of drugs.
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