2021 Textbook Catalogue
Nursing: Leadership & Management, Issues & Trends
Nursing: Leadership & Management, Issues & Trends
Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care 8th Edition Margaret Andrews, Joyceen Boyle & John Collins 978-1-9751-2543-1 / 476 pp / October 2019 When you are preparing today’s students to become tomorrow’s nurses, Wolters Kluwer knows that you need a Transcultural Nursing textbook that you can trust. Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care , 8th Edition is a comprehensive text that provides nurses with the theoretical foundations for transcultural nursing. The text features transcultural theories, models, and research studies. Transcultural Nursing Scholars Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle, and John W. Collins emphasize the need for effective and efficient communication, client- and patient-centered teamwork, and collaboration among members of the inter-professional health care team. Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing 9th Edition Lucy Hood 978-1-4963-8683-0 / 640 pp / October 2017
Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities 5th Edition Carol Huston 978-1-9751-2540-0 / 416 pp / February 2019
Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities has an undiluted focus on professional issues that are relevant in nursing practice today. The text includes thought-provoking coverage of many timely workplace issues, workforce issues, legal and ethical issues, and issues related to professional power and furthering the nursing profession. New or updated content has been added throughout the book to reflect cutting-edge trends in health care and nursing education, including a new chapter on Health Care Reform and a new chapter on ethical issues associated with emerging technologies in health care. Healthy Workplace Environments and Civility is a new issue covered for the first time. This edition also features a contemporary and colourful design while our instructor resources are enhanced by an improved test bank. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application 10th Edition Bessie Marquis & Carol Huston 978-1-9751-3924-7 / 776 pp / February 2020 Employing an experiential, active learning approach to leadership and management, the 10th Edition of this best-selling text equips students for success in the ever-changing, increasingly challenging professional nursing workforce. Current, comprehensive coverage details the responsibilities of high-performing middle- and top-level nursing managers — from managing conflict and working collaboratively to organizing patient care and staffing. Hundreds of engaging, hands-on learning exercises enhance students’ critical- thinking and problem-solving skills and provide them with essential practice in making leadership and management decisions before they enter high-stakes, real-world clinical settings. NEW
Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing 10th Edition Lucy Hood 978-1-9751-7265-7 / 640 pp / October 2021
Easy to read, visually engaging, and updated with the latest practices and considerations in clinical nursing practice, Leddy & Pepper’s Professional Nursing , 10th Edition provides a practical overview of the contemporary nursing profession and addresses the philosophical, developmental, sociocultural, environmental, political, health care delivery, and leadership issues essential to career enhancement in clinical practice. This enhanced 10th Edition is accompanied by a robust package of interactive resources that engage today’s learners and help you instill the understanding and confidence for clinical nursing success.
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