2021 Textbook Catalogue
Nursing: Diagnosis
Nursing: Fundamentals, Procedures & Skills
Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests 11th Edition Mary Williamson & Michael Snyder 978-1-9751-0558-7 / 1448 pp / January 2020 An excellent resource for appropriate test ordering and interpretation, Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests , 11th Edition, helps you save time, avoid errors, and arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Organized into two easy- to-reference sections, this fully revised manual provides comprehensive, practical information on common and uncommon disease states and their diagnosis by laboratory test. The eleventh edition has been revised and reorganized based on reader feedback, helping primary care physicians, subspecialists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and medical and nursing students keep pace with a rapidly changing health care environment. NEW
Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy! 7th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-9751-2506-6 / 412 pp / November 2019
For expert, confidence-building guidance on handling fluids and electrolytes, turn to the irreplaceable quick-reference guide Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!® , 7th Edition. Written in the enjoyable Incredibly Easy!® style, it offers step-by-step direction on balancing fluids and electrolytes, understanding fluid imbalances and the disorders that cause them, treating imbalances and more. This real-world guide supports students and new nurses in class, on the unit and with NCLEX® preparation, while also serving as a solid refresher for experienced nurses. Lippincott Visual Nursing 3rd edition Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 978-1-4963-8178-1 / 524 pp / February 2018 Designed to help visual learners’ master important clinical nursing concepts and techniques, through illustrations, photographs, waveforms, diagrams, and creative visual learning methods to demonstrate hands-on treatments and explain disease pathophysiology. Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy! 2nd Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-4963-9789-8 / 416 pp / September 2018 Time to master the complexities of respiratory care. The newly updated Respiratory Care Made Incredibly Easy!® , 3rd Edition, explains the essentials with humor, expert guidance, and numerous colourful images. Offering the essential terms, skills, and equipment how-to’s you need to successfully treat the most common respiratory disorders, this down-to- earth guide helps you grasp respiratory physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology in clear and simple language. Prepare for success in the classroom and on the job, with this enjoyable guide to creating positive respiratory outcomes.
Nursing: Fundamentals, Procedures & Skills
Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Practice 9th Edition Ruth Craven, Constance Himle & Christine Henshaw 978-1-9751-5697-8 / 1560 pp / January 2020
Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function , 9th Edition, helps you efficiently foster the critical thinking and clinical communication skills students need to succeed throughout the nursing curriculum and today’s challenging clinical settings. This big-picture approach immerses students in a proven nursing framework that clarifies key capabilities, with an emphasis on the growing importance of clinical safety and research-based practice that helps students ensure patient safety and effect the best possible clinical outcomes.
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