2021 Textbook Catalogue
Sports & Exercise Science
Sports & Exercise Science
Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application 3rd Edition William Kraemer, Steven Fleck & Michael Deschenes 978-1-9751-5235-2 / 525 pp / September 2020
Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 5th Edition Joseph Hamill, Kathleen Knutzen & Tim Derrick 978-1-9751-6952-7 / January 2021
Master the core concepts of exercise physiology and learn how to apply them to the real-world challenges of exercise training with Exercise Physiology: Integrating Theory and Application , Third Edition. Designed to connect theory to practice, this engaging, accessible text gives students a thorough understanding of how the body adapts to exercise and environmental stresses and how basic physiology informs practical decisions. This new edition expands the coverage of practical applications, extends on our growing scientific knowledge of exercise physiology, explores the topic of “Exercise is Medicine”, and offers more guidance on finding reliable research- based answers to real-life questions. New content, as well as updated coverage of the endocrine system, applying research, nutritional support, and environmental effects make this the perfect resource to support the diverse case scenarios seen by personal trainers, strength coaches, fitness instructors, athletic trainers, and other exercise professionals. Essentials of Exercise Physiology 5th Edition William McArdle, Frank Katch and Victor Katch 978-1-4963-0909-9 / 790 pp / 360 illus / October 2015 Essentials of Exercise Physiology offers a compact version of the 8th Edition of the best-selling Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance, making it ideal for introductory undergraduate courses. As students progress through the text, they’ll develop a deep understanding of the interrelationships among energy intake, energy transfer during exercise, and the physiologic systems that support energy transfer. Moreover, they’ll discover how to apply what is learnt to enhance exercise training, athletic performance, and health.
Focusing on the quantitative nature of biomechanics, this exacting but approachable text applies laws of motion and mechanics to in-depth analysis of specific movements, integrating current literature, meaningful numerical examples, relevant applications, hands-on exercises and functional anatomy, physics, calculus and physiology. Content is organized into sections that build upon each other to offer a structured introduction to biomechanics as it relates to exercise science. The extensively updated Fifth Edition emphasizes clinical relevance with integrated examples and questions and offers an expansive suite of digital resources, including new artwork, animations, and multiple eBook options to make a mastery of biomechanics more accessible than ever. Motor Behavior 2nd Edition Jeffrey Ives 978-1-4963-8533-8 / 328 pp / January 2018 This updated 2nd Edition of this highly applied text goes beyond providing the basics of motor control (Unit 1) and motor learning (Unit 2) to helping students understand how these two distinct views interact and ultimately affect outcomes (Unit 3). Taking a functional approach, Motor Behavior , 2nd Edition reflects the most recent research and guidelines from the field and brings topics to life with unique photos and illustrations that show concepts in action. A final chapter offers insights on effective training and practice strategies that connect mind and body for optimal performance.
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