2016_UK Textbook Catalogue


Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice, 3rd Edition B. Melnyk, E. Fineout-Overholt

This edition includes new features to help students see the difference they can make by using the EBP paradigm and process, including EBP Fast Facts that highlight important points from each chapter and Making EBP Real boxes at the end of each unit that present successful case stories in real world settings. The Third Edition also offers an expanded array of online resources, including, for students, the American Journal of Nursing EBP Step-by-Step Series, which provides a real-world example of the EBP process, and, for instructors, a suggested curriculum strategy involving that series, plus guided lecture notes and sample syllabi. 978-1-4698-5573-8 / 624 pp / 46 illus, 50 tables / 2014 / £47.00 €56.00

Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care, 8th Edition S. Escott-Stump

Nutrition and Diagnosis-Related Care, Eighth Editio n provides “need to know” condition-specific, evidence-based medical nutrition therapy information for more than 360 diseases and disorders. This best-selling book makes information easy to find through a unique, monograph-style format. Revised and updated throughout, the Eighth Edition features new information on the treatment of inflammation through nutrition therapy, and updated coverage of autism and neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders; timely information for the dietician working in a collaborative, interdisciplinary care setting; and much more.

978-1-4511-9532-3 / 1,064 pp / 176 illus, 346 tables / Jan 2015 / £72.00 €86.00


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