2016_UK Textbook Catalogue



Measurement and the Measurement of Change D. Polit

Ideal for health professionals who develop new instruments, adapt existing ones, select instruments for use in clinical trials or in clinical practice, interpret information from measurements and changes in scores, or undertake a systematic review on instruments, Measurement and the Measurement of Change: A Primer for the Health Professions provides a “gentle” introduction to and overview of complex measurement content that helps ensure high- quality science and excellence in clinical practice. While the book assumes a basic understanding of statistics and statistical inference, the statistical content serves to enhance conceptual understanding

rather than to guide computations. This highly practical book draws on measurement theory and approaches from a variety of fields and includes recent advances from psychometrics, clinimetrics, and other fields not offered in other health measurement books. 978-1-4511-9449-4 / 352 pp / 39 illus / Feb 2015 / £36.95 €44.00

Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice, 8th Edition D. Polit, C. Beck

Essentials of Nursing Research is designed to teach students how to read, understand, analyse, and evaluate research reports in nursing practice. The Eighth Edition has been updated with stronger coverage of evidence-based practice, including content on how to read, interpret, and critique systematic reviews, which are considered by many to be a cornerstone of evidence- based practice. 978-1-4511-7680-3 / 512 pp / 30 full colour illus, 38 tables / 2013 / £30.50 €37.00


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