2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials

Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States


·Updated, reorganized, revised, and condensed, the book provides the most critical and current “need to know” pathophysiology content. ·The Third Edition’s Chapter 8 has been split into two chapters: “Disorders of Fluid” and “Electrolyte Balance and Disorders of Acid-Base Balance.” ·A new series of advanced 3D narrated animations help students master difficult pathophysiological concepts. ·Tables and Charts present complex information in a memorable and easy-to-understand manner. ·Special considerations icons highlight content relevant to infants and children, pregnant women, and older adults. ·A striking art program with over 400 illustrations and 90 photographs builds on the successful art program of the Third Edition. ·An expanded number of Clinical Features illustrations depict patients with disorders to help students visualize manifestations of disease states. ·An easy-to-understand presentation helps students succeed in the course. Concepts build upon one another, words are defined as content is presented, and concepts from physiology, biochemistry, physics, and other sciences are reviewed along the way. ·“Understanding” Diagrams that depict physiologic processes and phenomena are presented in sequential chunks for easier learning. ·Review Exercises present situational or case studies to encourage thinking and conceptualization, thus helping students to integrate and synthesize information. ·Summary Concepts boxes focus on conceptualization rather than memorization, while presenting each section’s material in bulleted lists. ·An organization by body systems features an initial introductory chapter on Structure and Function of the particular body system with subsequent chapters focusing on clinically relevant disorders. Ancillary Assets: Master “need to know” disease content and develop the foundation in science you need to succeed in your future career with Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 4/e. Clear, readable, and student-friendly, the book approaches the topic as an exploration of pathophysiology, relating normal body functioning to the physiologic changes that occur ·Special considerations icons highlight content relevant to infants and children, pregnant women, and older adults. ·A striking art program with over 400 illustrations and 90 photographs builds on the successful art program of the Third Edition. ·An expanded number of Clinical Features illustrations depict patients with disorders to help you visualize manifestations of disease states. ·An easy-to-understand presentation helps you succeed. Concepts build upon one another, words are defined as content is presented, and concepts from physiology, biochemistry, physics, and other sciences are reviewed along the way. ·“Understanding” Diagrams that depict physiologic processes and phenomena are presented in sequential chunks for easier learning. ·Review Exercises present situational or case studies to encourage thinking and conceptualization, helping you to integrate and synthesize information. ·Summary Concepts boxes focus on conceptualization rather than memorization, while presenting each section’s material in bulleted lists. ·An organization by body systems features an initial introductory chapter on the Structure and Function of the particular body system with subsequent chapters focusing on clinically relevant disorders. as a result of disease and providing concise yet complete coverage of how the body works. ·Tables and Charts present complex information in a memorable and easy-to-understand format.

Discovery Questions:


Understanding Pathophysiology Huether and McCance / 978-0-323-07891-7 $0.00 / 10/1/12 / / 1,184pp. /


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Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered States

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