2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials
N EUROSCIENCE : E XPLORING THE B RAIN , F OURTH E DITION Mark F. Bear; Michael A. Paradiso; Barry F. Connors 978-0-7817-7817-6 / March, 2015 Engage your students in the excitement of the dynamic, rapidly changing field of neuroscience with Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e . Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, this market-leading text takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience and the biological basis of behavrior. The authors’ passion for the dynamic field of neuroscience and their skill as classroom professors is evident on every page, engaging students and helping them master the material. The new Fourth Edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest research and advances in the field and is now even more student-friendly, featuring striking new illustrations, additional animations, and a full suite of ancillary resources designed to make instructors more efficient and students more successful. New and Unique Features: Substantial content updates and expansions bring this new edition up to date with the latest research and findings in the field. New material includes introductions to genetic engineering, optogenetics, connectomics, deep brain stimulation, molecular medicine, and neuroeconomics. More than 20 New Path of Discovery Boxes from leading neuroscience researchers, including Nobel Laureates Mario Capecchi, Robert Lefkowitz, Eric Kandel, and May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser. New and updated illustrations add to the student-centered approach. New animations accompanying the text make key topics more easily understood. A neuroanatomy atlas insert (Appendix to Chapter 7) provides large images that highlight the anatomy of the brain, along with a self-quiz that gives students an opportunity to check their understanding. “Of Special Interest” boxes provide interesting facts and topics that connect theory with real-life neuroscience applications. “Brain food” boxes provide additional information on key topics. For more information please visit thePoint.lww.com!
Student Resources: Student Quiz Bank allows students to assess their mastery of key concepts. Acland videos offer compelling dissection video clips of real human anatomical Animations bring concepts to life and enhance student comprehension. Answers to review questions reinforce main ideas from the text. Labeling exercises help students master key anatomical features. A full Glossary provides definitions for key terms and phrases. Instructor Resources: Path of Discovery Boxes from all editions, including almost 25 new contributions, are available to bring lectures and the science to life. A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation. Lecture outlines speed the lecture preparation process. Student Assignments and Activities engage students and help them master the material. PowerPoint Presentations make it easy for you to integrate the textbook with your students’ classroom experience, via either handouts or slide shows. A robust test generator helps you put together tests that assess your students’ understanding of the material.
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