2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials
M EMMLER ’ S T HE H UMAN B ODY IN H EALTH & D ISEASE , T HIRTEENTH E DITION Barbara Cohen and Kerry Hull 978-1-4511-9280-3 / September 2014 Innovative in its pedagogy and approach, Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease has helped hundreds of thousands of allied health students (including those with little or no background in science and/or weak language skills) to master anatomy and physiology. From its pioneering use of phonetic pronunciations to its pedagogically effective skin-to-bone transparencies of the human body, to this edition’s personalized chapter-by-chapter quizzes powered by prepU; this proven book continues to set the standard for the one-semester course and will set your allied health students on the path toward success in their program. New and Unique Features: 3 NEW! Updated Process Diagrams ensure student mastery by calling out the steps of a complex process, such as negative feedback control or maintaining homeostasis and feedback mechanisms. 3 NEW! Revised and updated Disease in Context boxes open each chapter with a familiar scenario that integrates chapter content into a real-life setting, bringing the information to life for students. 3 NEW! Increased clinical content in the chapter case studies ask students to evaluate and analyze simple lab tests to help them develop their higher level thinking skills. 3 NEW! Greater emphasis on learning concepts , for example grouping diseases by common causes, provides students with a less encyclopedic and more conceptual approach to the content. 3 NEW! Updated Online Instructor Manual provides practical tips for using the book in a flipped classroom or for online learning, or for other novel learning environments. 3 Personalized, chapter-by-chapter quizzes powered by PrepU help students learn more and improve their pass rates on exams, while giving instructors a window into their students' progress by highlighting misconceptions - exactly what your students are consistantly misunderstanding - as well as content areas where they are strong and struggling. 3 Easy-to-understand phonetic pronunciations spelled out in the narrative directly after key terms will meet the needs of students of varying backgrounds and language skills–no need to understand dictionary-style diacritical marks. 3 A focus on mastery of medical terminology includes key medical terms covered in each chapter, as well as chapter-ending Word Anatomy sections that help students build and recognize new medical terminology based on previously encountered word parts. 3 A full-body transparency insert assists students in performing a virtual dissection of the human body from skin down to bone and allows them to test themselves on their understanding of skin, muscles, bones, veins/arteries, etc. 3 Full-color dissection photographs from Rohen’s Color Atlas of Anatomy, 6e, show
Student Resources: 3 Chapter pre-quizzes, audio glossary, supplemental images and tables, study and test taking tips, career information boxes, and answers to questions in the text. 3 Online animations make complex concepts and processes easier to understand. 3 Eleven different types of learning activities, including multiple-choice, true/false, key terms, fill-in-the-blank, look and label, audio flash cards, word anatomy, piece it together, zooming in, listen and label, and body building, help students study and review. 3 Maximize your study time, improve your performance on exams, and succeed in this course with the for-sale Study Guide. 3 eBook available for purchase Instructor Resources: 3 An improved online Instructor's Manual provides a wide range of resources to support your teaching, including tips for using the book in a flipped classroom or for online learning. 3 A robust test bank, a complete image bank, online animations, answers to Study Guide questions, lesson plans, pre-loaded PowerPoint presentations, WebCT and blackboard ready cartridges
students exactly what they would see in a dissection lab. For more information please visit thePoint.lww.com!
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