2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials
P REVENTING M EDICAL E MERGENCIES : U SE OF THE M EDICAL H ISTORY IN D ENTAL P RACTICE , T HIRD E DITION Frieda Atherton Pickett and JoAnn R. Gurenlian 978-1-4511-9418-0 / July 2014
Prepare your students to identify risk factors and potential emergencies before they occur with Preventing Medical Emergencies, 3e . Organized to follow the most recent American Dental Association Health History form, the book includes easy-to-find follow-up questions for all conditions, along with clinically relevant treatment plan modifications and strategies for preventing and managing specific emergencies. Organized for effective use in a 15-week semester, the Third Edition features the latest professional guidelines, new information on clinical management of patients with special needs, all-new teaching resources, and more. New and Unique Features: 3 Most recent 2014 professional guidelines —including antibiotic prophylaxis for clients with joint replacements, American Heart Association guidelines on hypertension, and clinical guidelines on prevention of mucositis in cancer therapy— keep students current with the latest best practices in the field. 3 Most recent 2014 ADA/FDA radiographic guidelines on selecting patients to receive dental radiographs and using patient assessments when making the decision enhance student decision making and critical thinking skills. 3 Most recent 2014 coverage of pediatric blood pressure values provides guidance on when to refer for medical evaluation. 3 The most current ADA Health History form used throughout the book reflects current best practices. 3 New content on managing care for patients with special needs , including web resources for care of special needs patients, prepares students for specific risk assessment and management challenges. 3 New box on clinical management for patients with special needs, such as cystic fibrosis, intellectual disabilities, and traumatic brain injury, prepares readers for effective practice. 3 New boxes on condition-specific follow-up questions provide readers with additional tools they can use to obtain a more thorough patient history. 3 A new full color presentation of dental conditions and a new pedagogically effective design improve student understanding and make key information easier to locate. 3 The only text to focus on prevention of medical emergencies , the book shows readers how to use medical history review to identify clinical conditions and potential risks in patients with compromised health. 3 Real world case studies with accompanying questions bring concepts to life and demonstrate preventable emergencies in patients with a wide range of medical conditions, including diabetes, pregnancy, coronary artery disease, and more. 3 Unique, easy to find follow-up questions for all conditions on the most recent ADA Health History form help students obtain more detailed patient histories, identify potential risks, and make appropriate treatment plan modifications. Explanations of the questions are included on a comprehensive health history. 3 Step-by-step procedures for preventing medical emergencies, as well as for effectively managing those emergencies that do occur, prepare readers for safe patient practice.
Instructor Resources: 3 A NEW Electronic Test Bank saves you time by providing a wide range of pre-created, chapter- specific questions. 3 A NEW chapter-by-chapter PowerPoint Presentation speeds lecture preparation. Student Resources: 3 Summary Case Studies Online combine and summarize topics in chapters 1-4; 5-8; 9-10; and 11-13. Each summary case study presents patients with multiple conditions to give students additional practice in assessing and managing potential risks. 3 Image Bank gives students online access to the book’s images for study on the go. 3 eBook available for purchase
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