Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
Sixth Edition
Joel K. Greenson MD
University of Michigan Medical School; University of Michigan Health System
Stacey E Mills MD
University of Virginia Health System
Victor E. Reuter MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell
Jason L Hornick MD, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Harvard Medical School
Teri A. Longacre MD
Stanford Health Care
February 2015 / Hardcover
Approx. 2928 pp
Visually stunning and thoroughly up to date, the sixth edition of
Sternberg’s Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
continues to
set the standard for differential diagnosis of the surgical specimen. Offering the latest information on all currently known
diseases, this classic two-volume reference presents advanced diagnostic techniques from a virtual “who’s who” of experts
in the field – pathologists who provide authoritative guidance on the diagnostic evaluation of every type of specimen from
every anatomic site. No matter what your level of training or experience, keeping Sternberg’s near your microscope is the
next best thing to a personal consultation with a trusted colleague.
• Clearly visualize nearly every specimen you’re likely to see, thanks to more than 4,000 full-color illustrations, each color-
balanced to dramatically improve image quality.
• Get practical, real-world help on diagnostic problems and pitfalls from the text that has emphasized a hands-on focus
from the very first edition.
• Benefit from significant updates in key areas of the field, particularly in immunohistochemistry and molecular pathology.
• Stay up to date with new information on new molecular and immunohistochemical markers for diagnosis and prognosis
of neoplasia, improved classification systems for diagnosis and prognosis, the role of pathology in new diagnostic and
therapeutic techniques, and the recognition of new entities or variants of entities.
• Keep abreast of updated World Health Organization (WHO) terminology regarding tumor diagnosis.