Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin
Eleventh Edition
David E. Elder MB, ChB
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
October 2014 / Hardcover
Approx. 1544 pp
Continuously in publication for more than 65 years,
Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin
remains your authoritative source
for comprehensive coverage of those skin diseases in which histopathology plays an important role in diagnosis. This edition
maintains the proven, clinicopathologic classification of cutaneous disease while incorporating a “primer” on pattern-
algorithm diagnosis. More than 1800 full-color illustrations, including photomicrographs and clinical photographs, help you
visualize and make the most of the clinical diagnostic process.
• New
Clinical Summaries for most disease entities provide a concise clinical review before presenting histologic features.
• New
Principles of Management section summarizes today’s complex treatment modalities in one convenient place.
• Ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and molecular techniques are discussed where they have value in identifying
particular diseases.
• Updated chapter dedicated to algorithmic classification of skin diseases according to histologic pattern features helps
you develop a differential diagnosis for unknown cases.