Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Goodheart’s Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders
Fourth Edition
Herbert Goodheart MD
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mercedes Gonzales MD
Specialty: Family & General Practice
August 2015 / Hardcover
Approx. 688 pp
An accessible reference for the general practitioner and dermatologists alike, this product focuses on diagnosis and
management of common problems that account for the vast majority of dermatologic complaints. This product describes
specific distinguishing features of diseases to enable the reader to make a diagnosis, and juxtaposes photos of similar or
“look-alike” conditions for ready comparison where appropriate. Formatted approach to each disease (basics, description
and distribution of lesions, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and management). Accepted treatment
options and alternatives are presented with a minimum of complexity.
Improving Medication Adherence
How to Talk With Patients About Their Medications
Second Edition
Shawn Christopher Shea MD
Specialty: Family & General Practice
August 2015 / Paperback
Approx. 128 pp
Written for physicians, nurses, physician assistants, case managers, and clinical pharmacists, this pioneering book is the first
of its kind devoted to the delicate interface between clinical interviewing and medication adherence. Shawn Christopher
Shea, MD takes the reader on a compelling and eminently practical exploration of how our words powerfully impact on
whether or not patients are interested in taking medications and staying on them.